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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Nash Bata JohnBy John NashBata Jan Antonin

The man who supplied Czechoslovakia with strategic defense materials and industries prior to WWII remains unknown

It is just incredible that one of the most important Czechs, responsible for the acquisition of a tremendous supply of raw materials as well as the development of key defense industries in Czechoslovakia is unknown to Czechs. This article discovers a lost piece of Czech history that shows how one man and his nationwide organization of more than 40,000 Czechs and Slovaks was preparing enough raw materials to sustain the Czech Army for at least two years. This effort involved the development of specialized industries to convert the raw materials into necessary defense items like tires, gas masks, and other strategic materials to support the Czech Army and defend the nation. This article traces the acquisition of the raw materials until the events of Munich. After Munich, these raw materials and specialized industries were disassembled in Zlin and transported to areas of the world that were still free. And finally, how these industries were reassembled and repurposed to support the Allied Cause. Readers will discover importance of the Czech businessman who was the mastermind and financier of this effort. Incredibly, this story is completely unknown to the Czech people.

Nash Bata JohnBy John NashJAB Wartime Cable from Batanagar to Dr. Jan A. Bata

It has come to light how the men, materials, and equipment sent out of Czechoslovakia by Jan A. Bata were used after the Munich crisis. It turns out that after the Munich decision of Sept. 1938, Jan Bata ordered the disassembly of an enormous amount of machinery and equipment from Zlin. This machinery was a part of defense industries that Bata has created for at the request of the Czech general staff. As soon as it became apparent that Czechoslovakia would not defend itself, Bata decided to ship everything possible out of the country. As a part of this effort, one container ship packed with Zlin machinery was sent to India.

Cekota AntoninBy Anthony CekotaBata Jan Antonin

"On Mach 15, 1939, Hitler scrapped the piece of paper signed in Munich by the representatives of the French and British governments, and occupied the remaining Czech lands of Bohemia and Moravia.”

“As I watched the panzer columns of the Nazi army stream past the Bata factories into the city of Zlin.”

“Behind the army moved the Gestapo, tall men in high boots and black Mercedes with mounted megaphones, steel filing cabinets and sub-machine guns.”

Watch and listen carefully and start thinking. J.Š.17.4.2015

Russian spy-watcher Andrei Soldatov on Snowden’s strange behavior in Russia, the Nemtsov assassination, and signs of a power struggle in Putin’s inner circle.

Andrei Soldatov’s beat is Russian spies, which is a hot topic for a new cold war. As editor of agentura.ru, an online “watchdog” of Putin’s clandestine intelligence agencies, he has spent the last decade reporting on and anatomizing the resurrection of the Russian security state, from KGB-style crackdowns on dissent at home to adroit or haphazard assassinations abroad.

Our citizens clearly showed where they stand, with our allies, guarantors of our freedom. On the other hand, our politicians are totally clueless and impotent in this case, and as far as our highest representative is concerned, even expression shame doesn't describe his  embarrassing behavior.

US Army kolonaRed Army did not liberate anybody. The liberation was just by-product of its imperialUS Army logo conquest. All Honors belongs to the fallen soldiers –from the view of sub aeternitatis - facing majesty of (death) immortality – not as liberators.” Jaroslav Vokoun, Velke Popovice, LN, March 27th 2015

Defense Minister Mr. Martin Stropnicky gave an excellent speech today – except one specific part, quote: “We already calculated the exact value of all charges for the lodging and provision, exactly 175.780 Kc that will be paid back to the Czech Army.” In view of all stolen billions that disappeared in our country, I myself consider such a charge of the Defense Minister as a strike to the face to all honorable citizens of our country. For that reason, I am initiating a public collection to cover such shameful charge. I want to believe, that such miniscule amount will be collected in no time. In the case more money will be collected, that could help to cover any damage that American transportation machinery will suffer on our catastrophic highways. All money collected will be passed to the US Embassy in Prague. Variablesymbol is 19452015 – (write like a note). Thank you all.

Since only 520 American soldiers are traveling through our country, the expense for one of them is 350 Kc. I myself already "paid off" this "astronomical" ammount. THANKS AMERICA!

Raiffeisenbank - 195389/5500
IBAN CZ 6555 0000000000000 195389

VS: 19452015

Excerpt from the last public speech of gen. Jan Roman Irving:

“… Hold to yourselves all those honors, medals and empty speeches, they don’t mean anything. We did not fight for anything like that! What we wanted was freedom for everybody – maybe we now have something like that; equality – well, where is it? - and the brotherhood – maybe we can still find it at least among us, pilots. (…) Our fighting battle-call was – LOYAL FOREVER – and I really do wish that our people and whole nation never looses yearning for freedom, and for the coming liberation celebrations, to be reminder of our combat hardship we suffered for our present semi-democracy, and not to forget bloodletting of our fighters whose desire was better lives for all of us.” 


Jan Šinágl, 28.3.2015

Zeman a Hrad... To the coming crossing of the formation of the US Army through the Czech Republic, I Pavel Petrwould like to ask you if you consider as proper for the US Army to pay for gas, lodging, provisions, and God help, maybe even a highway toll?! You, as a Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces should step in and prevent something shameful like this from happening, which for sure would cause to us another international dishonor to occur. Is it really possible that Czechs, and you, the highest representative of our country and Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces too, would commit something like this and still consider us as a reliable, trustworthy allies of NATO and civilized nation with high culture?...