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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Zeman a Hrad... To the coming crossing of the formation of the US Army through the Czech Republic, I Pavel Petrwould like to ask you if you consider as proper for the US Army to pay for gas, lodging, provisions, and God help, maybe even a highway toll?! You, as a Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces should step in and prevent something shameful like this from happening, which for sure would cause to us another international dishonor to occur. Is it really possible that Czechs, and you, the highest representative of our country and Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces too, would commit something like this and still consider us as a reliable, trustworthy allies of NATO and civilized nation with high culture?...



Jan Šinágl

Nejedlých 335

267 53 Žebrák



Prezident of the Czech Republic

Miloš Zeman

11908 Praha 1 – Hrad


E-Mail: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.


Matter: Russia’s visit to celebrate the „end“ of WWII


Zebrak, March 23rd 2015



Dear Mr. President.


You as the President took an oath to be the President of all of us. Now, you are announcing your Russia’s visit at Moscow as a celebration of the Victory Day, the dayof the end of World War Two.

To celebrate the end of the WWII on May 2015 is an insult to all US and British soldiers who lost their lives in Pacific during the fights against Japaneese imperialism. The Second World War ended after a long and brutal combat on September 2nd 1945 when the Instrument of Surender of the defeated Axis Berlin-Rome-Tokio was signed by the Japaneese representatives on the deck of the battleship Missouri, the act witnessed by the representatives of all four victorious powers France, USSR, USA, and Great Britain.

I am sure that you also know that Allies fought on four world fronts: USSR on Eastern Front, 3.000 km long, Great Britain and USA on the West-European Front, Great Britain and USA on North-African Front, and USA with the Great Britain on the Pacific Front, over 10.000 km long front, going on from Alaska to Australia.

So, please do celebrate, with due reverence, the real end of the WWII on the correct date, on September 2nd 1945, and do not forget to remind everyone, that present May celebration in Moscow concerns only the Victory Day in Europe!

During the Pacific combat, hundreds of thousands soldiers from many countries of the world fell. They all fought just like did soldiers in Europe and Africa - against Italian Fashism, German Nazism, and Japanese militarism - for us to live in freedom. These facts should be constantly reminded to the Russian people.

The reality, that in Russia this final and real date of the end of WWII is not officially acknowledged is not very surprising, but that you are able to accept this, surprising for sure is!! You are the President of the country who is a member of European Union. To honor the memory of fallen Soviet soldiers you can do any day of the year in all over the places of the Czech lands. It’s the Russians who constantly spread the false date of the end of the WWII. Their main aim is to forget the thousands of fallen Americans, martyred Brits in Japanese concentration camps, and soldiers of Commonwealth who fought for our freedom on Pacific Front against the third member of the Axis.    

To the coming crossing of the formation of the US Army through the Czech Republic, I would like to ask you if you consider as proper for the US Army to pay for gas, lodging, provisions, and God help, maybe even a highway toll?! You, as a Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces should step in and prevent something shameful like this from happening, which for sure would cause to us another international dishonor to occur. Is it really possible that Czechs, and you, the highest representative of our country and Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces too, could commit something like this and still consider us as reliable, trustworthy allies of NATO and civilized nation with high culture?

From the consideration of all what during the WWII for world and for us USA did, it should be proper to honorably welcome formations of US Army and American soldiers on our Czech lands, not only for you, but for all our decent citizens who did not forget crimes against humanity committed by Nazism and Communism all over the world. I want to believe that you shall personally welcome US soldiers in Prague, and also, just like we plan to do, will come in May to Plzen to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the liberation of Western Czech land by US 3rd Army under Gen. George S. Patton, the celebration called THANKS AMERICA. We are looking forward to see you there, and we sure do hope to welcome you on the celebration of the end of the WWII on September 2nd in Prague.

I personally very appreciate USA for all the values that they brought to the mankind in the past and still are bringing, values that we have to constantly defend. USA is country that serves to all citizens, to freedom and democracy. That’s why Americans are so proud of their country. The President of the USA will not attend the Victory Day in Moscow – for the respect of American soldiers fallen in WWII – and for the respect of Russian soldiers, too.    

With respect to your sworn responsibilities,


Jan Šinágl v.r.


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