Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Belgian police have used tear gas and water cannon against violent anti-austerity protesters in central Brussels after a largely peaceful march by about 100,000 workers.

Patton bookThe article is about a new book on the famous American General George Patton. According to the journalist who wrote the book, Patton possibly poisoned by the Russian Secret Service.  Now this is interesting because it is another individual, not unlike Jan Masaryk who died at a key point in time. Patton's army liberated Czechoslovakia 3-weeks before the Russians. Then the American army was ordered to leave.  Of course, Patton did not want to leave.  He wanted to take his army all the way to Moscow. With the current danger for Czech and Slovakia coming from the Russian sphere, the opinion in the book would be interesting to many people.

Jan Šinágl, 24.11.2014

Klarov LEVThe 17 November 2014 was the 25th anniversary of the ‘Velvet Revolution’ when Czechoslovakia was liberated from its Communist regime after 41 years. However, this date now also has another significance as well, as on this day, at 18:30 the first Czech ceremony at the Winged Lion Monument at Klárov, Prague was held.

The Winged Lion Monument was the result of a British initiative which secured generous donations from the British ex-pat community in the Czech Republic who wished to say ‘Thank-you’ to the Czechoslovak airmen and women who who escaped from their homeland and came to Britain’s aid during WW2. The Winged Lion is the only Monument in the world where all these 2,500 Czechoslovak men and women who served in the RAF are remembered. On completion, the Monument was donated to Prague 1 District by the Winged Lion Project team. …

Rudolfine Hall of Prague Castle

Project Concept for the 70th anniversary of World War II

The 70th anniversary project is focused on the Czechoslovak soldiers from both fronts, East and West, fighting in the anti-Hitler coalition. The theme to be considered will not be the Second World War itself, but the fate of these soldiers after 1945 and 1948 in Czechoslovakia. It's not just about the soldiers, but the entire Nazi opposition resistance, that was persecuted after 1945 by the communist totalitarian regime for their patriotic efforts during the fascist dictatorship, which was then substituted by the criminal communist dictatorship.

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Bata Jan AntoninOne of the most renowned brands associated with Canada is Bata Shoes, which was transformed into a global retail leader during the period when the headquarters of Bata was in Canada (between 1945-2004). However, very few Canadians are aware that one of the co-owners of Bata Shoes, and the man behind the early success of this company, Jan Antonin Bata, was labelled until recently a convicted fascist collaborator in his own homeland, Czechoslovakia - nowadays Czech Republic and Slovakia.  This has been overturned in 2007, but Slovakia is reluctant to correct the legal consequences of the original decision. 

Jan Bata was convicted in 1947 in absentia despite the fact that during WWII he covertly saved most of his Jewish employees in Bata subsidiaries outside of German occupied territories, as well as his substantial financial support for the anti-fascist Czechoslovak government during in exile (in London).