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Skromach ZemanZdenek Skromach, 58, from the Czech Social Democratic Party, was spotted on live TV with his phone camera out

A politician has caused outrage after being caught taking a selfie at a former Nazi concentration camp during a Holocaust memorial tribute.

Zdenek Skromach, 58, from the Czech Social Democratic Party, was spotted on live television pulling out his phone and smiling for the camera at the Terezin death camp in Czech Republic. Eagle-eyed viewers rang up to complain about his actions during a ceremony to remember Auschwitz victims. Some immediately took to social media, slamming the politician as callous and insensitive. Shocked viewer Jitka Petrova tweeted: "I can’t believe this. Disgusted" while outraged Dana Jonasova posted: "Skromach has zero respect for those who died."

"His behaviour is just sickening."

Michal Blaha who shared a screen grab of the TV broadcast tweeted: "He is an even bigger idiot than we thought."

Controversy: In July 2014 Zdenek Skromach (left) took smiley selfie with his colleagues in front of another WWII memorial Skromach who caused similar outrage last year when he took a smiley selfie with colleagues in front of a memorial to victims of the Nazis later denied he had done anything wrong. He told Czech media: "I did not take a selfie."I took pictures to document the event as I usually do. "Everybody takes pictures. "But I can see that it’s me who got the attention."

Political pal Jan Hamacek, Head of the Chamber of Deputies said: "The parade through the parkway was not part of the memorial ceremony. "We first went to the monument and then we walked to the tent where the memorial ceremony started. "I think that the picture was made during the walk from one place to the other one. "I really don’t think that something wrong happened."

Terezin concentration camp was set up by the SS in 1941. Tens of thousands of people died from being shot or from malnutrition and disease while over 150,000 were held there for months or years before being sent by rail transports to their deaths at Treblinka and Auschwitz extermination camps in occupied Poland.


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