Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Fiala v piskuMr. Prime Minister, what would you say about the STAN scandals?


Prime Minister Petr Fiala is not a strong personality, he is just playing one - without emotion, supporting ideas with undignified hand gestures. He is not a charismatic leader who would appeal to the majority. It is symptomatic that in his speech "to the nation" he did not mention the STAN affair at all, nor the Czech EU presidency. Czech "Potemkin democracy" cannot surprise anyone. The West does not expect it.

Political scientist Daniel Kroupa is right: "The Czech Republic should get rid of provincialism". Of course, this is impossible, there are no people. Political analyst Daniel Kroupa warned against Czech provincialism, petty bourgeoisie and plebeianism - as K. H. Borovsky, F. Palacký, TGM or A. Švehla. We are paying for the generational loss of nobility, elites and traditions. It is symbolic that today in Brussels, the Czech Presidency was opened with a relay run by Emil Zátopek, a great athlete but an unpleasant character who collaborated with the communists. The famous Věra Čáslavská, who proved her solid character and suffered under the Communists, was not "suitable" enough. Hope can for Czech Republic only be strengthened by unquestionable personalities who have proved their qualities with their lives. Therefore, it is not surprising that on the day of the assumption of the Presidency (1 July 2022), the public broadcaster, the German ARD, did not mention the Czech Republic at all in its main evening newscast, Tagesschau (even those who do not speak German will appreciate the quality, 15-minute, sophisticated coverage, incomparable to 60 in. ČT events, which only reflect the above-mentioned negative characteristics of the Czech ethnicity).  

I don't like Jana Bobošíková, but what she says about the new Minister of Education Vladimír Balaz should make the whole country smile - another "moscovitch" and a mockery of democratic voters.

I recommend a short interview with Petr Krogman, chairman of the Czech-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (CRoPlus 24.6.2022) and owner of Agro Mia, on how cowardly, stupidly even suicidal, we are behaving towards Russia instead of taking full advantage of our military and economic strength and clear superiority. The EU pays Russia 10 times more than it pays Ukraine! We pay Russia half a billion a day for oil and gas, Ukraine 15 times less! Ukraine is fighting and dying for us - we are supporting more of it and our enemy! Only countries that have completely lost their instinct for self-preservation can behave like this.

Putin Kupi govnoPraha VN Putin 15.3.2022

Chechnya The Final Solution…


He is not a man, but the embodiment of the most primitive evil and violence, a representative of modern Nazism - Putinism, which in many ways surpasses Nazism. It is pure state terrorism - no military targets, the murder of children, defenceless civilians, the theft of grain, you cannot go any lower.

Europe is more war-weary than Ukraine. It shows us how uncontrolled prosperity leads to a decline in morals. When will the West realise that it is dealing with a mentally ill man who literally does not give a damn about its rules! He understands and acknowledges only brute, primitive force. Russian self-centredness is once again trying to show who is the master of the world - this is how the Russian rich behave in the West. Let us hope that the opposition will still find strength in Russia and that Alexei Navalny will be able to complete his mission.

Putin nos bombaRussian journalist Dmitry Muratov auctioned his Nobel Prize for $103.5 million. He is donating the money from the sale of the medal to help child refugees from Ukraine who fled the Russian invasion. The auction took place in New York.


"A six-year-old girl was killed by the Russians as she slept in her bed in Mykolayiv, Ukraine. Whoever fired the missile must have read Dostoyevsky and watched Mikhailov's films. While some convince us that culture is not to blame for the murders, we bury our children. Enjoy Russian "culture".

Yevhen Perebyinis, Ambassador of Ukraine to the Czech Republic

As expected, YouTube removed the video, although the first check found nothing wrong. This is freedom of speech and expression according to YouTube:

"Your channel now has one sanction. For one week you will not be able to use various features such as uploading videos to your channel, publishing posts or live streaming. With the second sanction, you will not be able to publish content for two weeks. With three sanctions within the same 90-day period, your channel will be permanently removed from YouTube."- You can watch the video HERE.

Clovek a strach“I just pointed out that if this happens with the first series of vaccinations, maybe if they take these guys and have data on people that were semen donors and they had boosted them, when they followed them after the booster, you’d see another round of depression, and maybe it would be depressed—who knows—would it be depressed more? Would it be depressed, less? Would the effect last longer? We just don’t have any data on that,” Bostom said. “So that was the only other thing I put into my tweet—that we just don’t know what the effect of boosters is going to be. I don’t know why any of that was such a big deal.”

“Indiscriminate use instead of targeted, risk-stratified EUA rollout has led to a myriad of concerns. Never broadly apply a brand new experimental biologic agent on a large population without assessment of risk stratification,” McCullough wrote. “Over-used and now uninvited concerns in young men.”  Read more>

Natural Imunity followA new study published by the New England Journal of Medicine on June 9 found that protection from COVID-19 via natural immunity was superior to that of two doses of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine after the same amount of time elapsed among uninfected people.

“Natural immunity wins again,” Martin Adel Makary, M.D., M.P.H., a public policy researcher at Johns Hopkins University, wrote on Twitter, referring to the new study. Natural immunity “protection was higher than that conferred after the same time had elapsed since receipt of a second dose of vaccine among previously uninfected persons,” concludes the study. Full Article>

REFLEX Gaba titulek II 21.10.2021Mgr. Straka: "Even if perhaps the court still thought that the defendant had actually done something to the victim, it could not be battery within the meaning of the Criminal Code. At most, it might be a misdemeanor of some sort, but not one that could be resolved in a criminal court. ..."


Today was the 14th main hearing in my criminal case of "bodily harm". Mr. Jan Šinágl was again not allowed into the courtroom.

For an act I did not commit, I was sentenced today after 4 years and 8 days to a total of 15 months' imprisonment suspended for a probationary period of 30 months.

Full story>  https://www.deepl.com/translator

Stropnicky HornakovaLorenc ViktorAfter the appointment of the characterless former Secretary of State Miroslav Stasek as the new Czech Ambassador to the USA, the moral failure of the Czech Ambassador to Israel Martin Stropnický is another disgrace.

Even diplomats are only human, but after such a fatal moral failure, they should resign immediately or be immediately dismissed by the Foreign Minister (they even drive drunk - Jana Hybášková became the Foreign Minister's Commissioner for Supporting Czechs to EU Institutions!).

They have no moral order, no self-reflection, they put their own person above the interests of the country. How many such diplomats and politicians "represent" our country, which the informed consider to be just a provincial Czech Kocourkov. We are a laughing stock to the whole world. It is also a disgrace for citizens who privately criticise, scold - and fail to act.  The games around the appointment of the new Czech ambassador to Ukraine are just another example of the qualities of the Czech Foreign Ministry, which is more like a family business at the expense of the state, where for not a few employees, service to the country is not the first priority.

Heydrich ReinhardMy dad was a good footballer. During an attack down the wing in 1942, his knee was badly injured by a vicious foul from the flank. It happened in a game of Žebrák versus Hořovice. He was hospitalized at the Bulovka Hospital in Prague, where Acting Reich Protector Reinhard Heydrich was at the time, after his assassination.

My father was at risk of sepsis and leg amputation, which surgeons recommended so as not to endanger his life. His older brother was against amputation. The Nazis then got the best medicine to save the life of the Protector, whose life was also threatened by sepsis. After his death, the remaining sepsis medication was successfully administered by Czech doctors to my father. This saved not only his knee but also his life. His knee gradually became immobilized over time, but he was able to move around without crutches for the rest of his life.

Pivecka JanHynek avers 2021"I don't have any flashy bank account, I don't have any glittering jewels, I don't have any show buildings, I don't have any big assets. But I have friends and people to whom I can give my favour. That's what's important - people you can help to become better. Then you become better too."

From Bohuslav Hynek's book Diplomat in African Switzerland.


He introduced himself by phone from the hotel and immediately invited me to lunch. I was not used to accepting such invitations. I stood to receive the Czech shoe expert, as he first said about himself at the embassy, to learn who I was dealing with and what was going on. I offered to send a car to the hotel to pick him up.

Entered a gray-haired gentleman of tall stature and neat manners, at first sight a retired worldling, but most of all a Wallachian. He had flown to Zimbabwe to help select applicants to study at "The International School oí Modern Shoemaking, in Zlín, which he co-founded after November.

BATA Inspirace avers 2022BATA 99 postrehu avers 2022"Unfreedom is not only a hideous injury to the will, but to the dignity. Unfreedom is not discipline, it is humiliation." Karel Čapek


We need to learn to truly live, not just exist and consume idly, to be content in abundance, not excess. Abundance threatens sufficiency and there will inevitably be no sufficiency unless we change the ways of our lives. We cannot live forever in debt and at the expense of future generations. If we cannot do it, nature will do it for us, and the losses will be much greater.

Let us stop being obedient, fearful and become free citizens

Let's speak out and actively oppose any form of injustice, law-breaking, bad behaviour, from pointing out a discarded cigarette to the frauds and crimes of Putin's castle-keepers, politicians, policemen, judges and prosecutors.