Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


  • 29.06.2024 13:14
    ČLK Seminář info: Moje vystoupení se obešlo s prezentací sotva ...


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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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"Inspiration Baťa"

  • Of abundance, sufficiency, scarcity, poverty, our nature, a meaningful and fulfilled life

    BATA Inspirace avers 2022BATA 99 postrehu avers 2022"Unfreedom is not only a hideous injury to the will, but to the dignity. Unfreedom is not discipline, it is humiliation." Karel Čapek


    We need to learn to truly live, not just exist and consume idly, to be content in abundance, not excess. Abundance threatens sufficiency and there will inevitably be no sufficiency unless we change the ways of our lives. We cannot live forever in debt and at the expense of future generations. If we cannot do it, nature will do it for us, and the losses will be much greater.

    Let us stop being obedient, fearful and become free citizens

    Let's speak out and actively oppose any form of injustice, law-breaking, bad behaviour, from pointing out a discarded cigarette to the frauds and crimes of Putin's castle-keepers, politicians, policemen, judges and prosecutors.

  • Sudetendeutscher Tag 2022: Kurzbericht des Bezirksobmanns, Johann Slezak und andere Erkenntnisse, die die Medien vorenthalten haben

    Hof 1 Witiko 5.6.2022Hof 2 Witiko 5.6.2022

    Aktualiziert 28.7.2022:Dr. Wolf-Dieter Hamperl die kritische Frage gestellt, ob der„Sudetendeutsche Tag“ in dieser Form überhaupt eine Zukunft hat.


    Grüß Gott, liebe Landsleute,

    es war der merkwürdigste Sudetendeutsche Tag der je stattgefunden hat und der zeigt, dass sich die Posselt-SL, von einem Kultur- und Rechtsverband auf direktem Weg, zu einem staatlich subventionierten Trachtenverein befindet, der alles tut, um politische Bekundungen und Meinungsbildungen zu verhindern – und das dieses Mal unter dem Dach der Freiheitshalle in Hof, mit dem Motto:

    „Dialog überwindet Grenzen,“

     Hof 3 Witiko 5.6.2022Hof 4 Witiko 5.6.2022das durch die Zensur ins Gegenteil verkehrt und so zum Monolog wurde. Dieser Monolog, duldet nur die offizielle, politisch honorierte, Meinung der SL-Spitze, und erlaubte Ausdrücke, wie Benes-Dekrete, Recht auf die Heimat, Völkermord oder gar geraubtes Eigentum, Wiedergutmachung, und ethnische Säuberung, die den Tschechen gelungen ist, und durch die Zweckänderung sanktioniert wurde, nicht.

    Monolog statt Dialog, Beweise - Ganzer Artikel>


    Nachfolgend die Berichterstattung über den Sudetendeutschen Landestag 2022, die alles aussagt und die in diesem Umfang von keinem anderen Medium angeboten wurde. Der öffentlich-rechtliche Sender ČT hat nichts angeboten; er war diesmal nicht vor Ort. Die 18 kurzen Videos, die das Wesentliche des Sudetendeutschen Tages 2022 in Hof, Bayern, einfangen, können Sie genießen und einiges lernen.

  • The world is threatened with climatic, social, economic and moral collapse. Will he use the proven solution of Tomáš Baťa?!

    BATA 99 postrehu avers 2022BATA Inspirace avers 2022

    "A happy soul is everything to a man. It is the strong engine of the physical body, it is the inspiration of the mind." Tomáš Baťa


    The perfect guide to a meaningful life and a prosperous, healthy society invented.

    Everybody's responsibility for everything is nobody's responsibility for nothing - Let's do the most insignificant thing, but let's do it the best in the world - Don't look for the easy way. So many people are already looking for them that you can't get anywhere by taking them - Relationships are never to blame for anything. It's always the people who are to blame - We can give knowledge to others, but we must redeem our experience with our own sweat, our own calluses - It's a long road through the rules. Short and hearty through examples - Finding the right balance between caution and courage is the highest art - No business will grow to greatness unless it invents a way to turn hopefuls into directors - Our experience so far teaches us, that it's harder to teach people to think for themselves than it is to teach them to listen - No one will be hired on principle who wants to work only in an office, but no one who wants to remain a worker and has no higher goals - Do you want to be the leader of the work of many co-workers? If you want to build a plant with them, build yourself first - Danger? Most people die in bed when they stop moving. If you stop moving, you're dead. And if you slow down, you're half dead. The world was, is and always will be dangerous. Life is movement. Immobility is death.   

    There are men who have been overcome neither by failure nor by enemies, but who have succumbed to success. Only constant self-control builds character. Let us not fear men, but ourselves.

  • Tomas Bata: I am not referring to future generations of machines, but to our system

    Klimaticka konference

    Updated 6.3.2024: "Fate fears the brave, crushes the cowardly." Seneca - "Education is the social prosperity of a nation." Entrepreneur Johann Schicht - "A man does not fight to win, but not to surrender!" Jan Werich


    "If you want more from people, you have to give them more." - "There is no better way to inspire than by personal example." - "Working overtime is a poorly planned day." - "Live every day." - "Never give up. He who has developed the character to endure, who can not only invent good ideas but also carry them out, will win."


    The attitudes he espouses are appropriate for about 30% of people. Those 30% are people who want to work on themselves and grow themselves - The Bata's never had a person in a leadership position who didn't fit that character - The only thing the Bata's envied others was their youth - so they could do it again - The Bata philosophy was first and foremost about building yourself - About being responsible to yourself - People don't invent great things when they have to, they invent them when they want to! - Bata awakened this in his employees so that they didn't have to, but wanted to – Baťoviny (Newspaper) are very liberating - Tomáš Bata had a great gift - to approach things with common sense - Bata is not about shoes at all, it is about building yourself - Bata was very relational and formed this relationship with his co-workers - By the way, Bata donated the Zlín Chateau to the city for a crown!



    The story of Bata continues to surprise and inspire. Meet him in Orlice Park


    Zeme lecebnaWhat power comes from the speeches of Tomáš Bata and Jan Antonín Bata - and what nothing from the speeches of Czech politicians! The Czechs are delusional again - the Bata principle inevitably claims the floor again! Economist Lukáš Kovanda descri1bes on ČRoPlus (30.1.2024 13:04) the problems of companies that did not exist at Bata - bad relations between employee and owner, better performance versus stunting. Too bad he didn't speak more positively and cite the Bata principle as a solving example!

    Let's rely on ourselves, our abilities, not on formal paragraphs that do nothing for us, prosperity and personal initiative only hinders or destroys! Prosperity of the individual and the country is built only by the capable, not by politicians corrupted by power and money. Every country should have a standard of living that it creates by honest work, by its own abilities - not by subsidies from the work of others that deny common sense and promote unnaturalness with its legal consequences! JŠ


    1930: Such a letter would be written by Tomas Bata to the Prime Minister even today !