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  • 29.06.2024 13:14
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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Are the world's governments using covid-19 to see how far they can push their people before they revolt and before forceful crackdowns are needed? Yesterday's decision by Health Min. Adam Vojtěch to require face masks in the interiors of most buildings as of Sept. 1 will be a nuisance for nearly everyone and even more of a problem for operators of cinemas, theaters, hair salons and brick & mortar stores. They must brace for another drop in sales as people seek less-inconvenient alternatives. Statistically speaking, virtually no one is confirmed sick with the virus (0.048% of the Czech population), and only 0.00024% are seriously ill, but the government is imposing restrictions that affect 100% of the population and a rather high percentages of businesses. Other governments are doing the same. It's when governments exaggerate their fraud on the public that people take notice and take to the streets. It happened in Belarus; don't think it can't happen in the "civilized West" too.

Lorenc ViktorInformation about what is happening at the Czech Embassy in Rabat last year brings back memories of recent scandals of a similar type, especially in the Asian region. The question arises - does the Czech Republic really protect its borders and citizens? And then the borders of Schengen, ie the EU? Or is it more inclined to trade in visas, and if so, where does this money go?

There is talk in insider circles that visa buying affairs sometimes occur everywhere, almost everywhere. Certainly not among the Scandinavians, they are known for their correctness and rigor, sometimes even meticulously following regulations and laws. But sometimes it happens with the French, Spaniards, Italians, and very often with diplomats from the former socialist states. These tend to be somewhat corrupt in order to make money. Salaries in ex-communist states are lower than in the West, and finances tend to motivate many to pursue diplomacy.They earn significantly more at embassies than in the Czech Republic, at the same time a career can be built. Even the title of an ordinary attaché sounds somehow dignified, and it immediately comes to mind. In addition, the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs is known abroad for easily issuing diplomatic passports to administrative staff such as consular assistants, secretaries and landlords. The classical powers are based on distinguishing diplomats from other personnel, and they certainly do not lend diplomatic passports to these persons. However, the fact of granting a passport can already have some motivation, for example, to facilitate the movement of a person across borders and ensure the transfer of something that should not be carried properly. This can be finances, but also other matters.

Wonka Pavel mrtevMost recently, he represented the family of Pavel Wonka, believed to be the last Czech political prisoner to have died in prison under Communism, under suspicious circumstances. Wonka’sWonka Pavel family was awarded 2,473 crowns in compensation – the equivalent of less than 95 euros today – for the salary he lost during three weeks in prison, and the costs incurred during his detention and criminal proceedings.

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In the early summer of 1899, just as the infamous Dreyfus Affair was reaching its climax in France, another case now emblematic of anti-Semitism and injustice enveloped the Czech lands and wider Austrian Empire. Leopold Hilsner, a simple-minded Jewish peddler and vagrant in his early twenties, stood accused of killing a teenage seamstress in an implied act of “blood libel”, the ritual murder of a Christian. Now, more than 120 years later, a Czech lawyer specialising in defending and “rehabilitating” unjustly persecuted people is pushing to reopen the case.

A COMMEMORATION to recognise the 80th anniversary of the founding of 311 (Czechoslovak) Squadron was held at RAF Honington today, 29 July 2020.

The Ceremony was held in the presence of His Excellency Mr Opatrný, the Deputy Ambassador of the Czech Republic to London, and Defence Attachés from the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic to London and a contingent of personnel from the Czech Air Force were also in attendance, as were families of Czechoslovak veterans. 

HON OFFICIAL 20200729 0129 0183The Service was opened by Colonel General Staff Straka Commander of the 22 Helicopter Base, Namest, now home to the 311 (Czechoslovak) Squadron ‘Biscay’ Standard who said: “The permanent mission of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic is to take care of military traditions, preserve and disseminate existing veteran links. Our base is the successor of the traditions that are based on great work of predecessors, following the 311th RAF (Czechoslovak) Bomber Squadron. In 1990 the base was awarded the historic honour name ‘Biscay’ by the President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel. It represents the symbolic historical link between the 311 Bomber Squadron and our base.”  He added: “We wanted to commemorate and to pay tribute to all the brave people who brought enormous personal sacrifice fighting against evil during the Second World War as a part of RAF.”

Prelovsek Damjan IILeft Damjan Prelovšek, right Opening ceremony of photo exhibition The Castles of Czech Presidents - Morocco 16 April 2019Maroko vystava fotografii Sidla ceskych prezidentu 160419

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Dear Mr. Sinagl,

I am sending my sincere greetings from Ljubljana. I noticed on your website videos from my exhibition "Pearls of Architecture of Visegrad Group” which took place in December 2019 in the Gallery of the Ministry of Culture of Morocco. It's a nice memory. I organized this exhibition with the embassies of the Visegrad states in Rabat under the Czech presidency and I tried to select some nice representative images of traditional, older and modern architecture, for example in the Czech Republic I chose Villa Tugendhat, which is also inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, Františkovy lázně as a symbol of Czech spas, castles Blatná and Červená Lhota representing popular tourist destinations - castles and chateaux, places used for wedding ceremonies and filming or the beautiful palace Troja in Prague with a garden, in Poland - the traditional wooden churches of Malopolska also listed on UNESCO heritage list, the birthplace of Copernicus or houses with beautiful facades in Gdansk. Slovakia was represented by romantic castles and chateaux, from recent history by Štefánik's monument and Hungary by the majestic parliament in Budapest, majestic building in this capital and a Romanesque church in the village of Jak.