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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Clovek a strachCoronavirus is a litmus test of the state and a scalpel of Western civilization. The covid period is a catalyst that mirrors and accelerates the disintegration of the era of separation in absurdities, opposites and conflicts. It is a painful but healing process that exposes old wounds to the light of awareness. Jan Piňos writes in the fourth part of the article for five sequels.

"It's a slide," says teacher Vladimír. "Until we brake until we resist, we will continue on the sloping surface of the adaptation. First the veils, then the tests - and then the vaccinations. Children at school should have both veils and tests, a negative test is not enough. Where will it lead? ”First a compulsory veil in schools, then a respirator, and a test. Will there be compulsory vaccination? Will we rewrite the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and create a dual society - full-fledged vaccinated citizens and second-rate unvaccinated? Nonsense?

Fear and the desire to live "normally" drive people to behave crazy, because the test says nothing about their health. "All testing of healthy people is only good for beef," says Dr. Jan Hnízdil. What do people adapt to their beliefs so that they can live without everyday bullying? It's mostly about vaccinations. Although people have a natural and legitimate distrust of him, they eventually approach them because of traveling or children.

What nonsense will they impose on themselves, and what will people who are immediately sick of the Fearwell voluntarily accept? Probably the most psychologically powerful tightening and loosening of screws awaits us, the Orwellian newspaper of "measures and loosening", where people trampled by pressure are grateful to the oppressors for even a small and short breath (Biderman's table).

Breathless and without spirit

How not to be afraid and not to lose self-confidence, when the vast majority of people can not breathe healthily for more than a year? How can people with insight, critical thinking, let alone civic resistance, have the power to suppress psychosomatic repression? There is no healthy life without healthy breathing. At the same time, only an ordinary veil causes serious breathing problems, let alone a respirator. "Prolonged wearing of a veil makes breathing difficult, can cause hypoventilation, decreased oxygen saturation and increased heart rate, strains the cardiovascular and thermoregulatory systems, and leads to mental stress, fatigue and difficulty concentrating, etc."

There are many examples of unnecessary use of masks and respirators, as well as evidence of the harmfulness of wearing them. The vast majority of people feel breathing or other problems, but they do not protest. Physicians, therapists, and spiritual teachers know the essential importance of breath for physical and mental health. Even other people know that without food they can last for weeks, without drinking for days, without breath for barely a few minutes. Breath is the spirit, the very foundation of life. The breath - the spirit of life, connects us to the network of all living things.

Denying people healthy breath is the most effective way to maim them. It is symptomatic for the state of Western civilization that there are enough regulations and obligations for the obligation to wear muzzles, and people willing to create them, but almost no one can be found to defend the right to healthy breath, so natural and essential that no laws contain it.

Again, there is nothing behind them but fear and comfort, an illusory attempt to displace risk and pain, they did not say death far beyond the horizon. The roots of this approach lie in the separation of instrumental Cartesian civilization from the essence of life, which brings constant change, development, learning and growth. These naturally contain uncertainty, risks and the uncomfortable and painful aspects of existence, which we often learn the most. Behavior resulting from separation from life and from fear cannot lead to a growing positive feedback to anything other than the growth of destructive separation.

The mania of reassurance, security and insurance is closely related to another destructive phenomenon of instrumental technological civilization - with increasing control. However, life cannot be insured against risks, controlled, handcuffed, crammed into a safe box. The growing desire for security and control of all risks indicates that Western civilization has lost confidence in its nature by falling away from the source and network of life.

The more we fight coronavirus, bark beetle or drought, the more isolated we are from nature and each other, the more dependent we are on substitution medicine, artificial sterile environments and technologies, the more separate and unhealthy we will be. Addiction to the synthetic and virtual worlds, laziness, procrastination, obesity, fatigue, loss of meaning, depression, desire for constant entertainment, psychosomatic illnesses, these are all reactions to unhealthy separation and petty rebellions against the Cartesian system that has ceased to serve and to which our subconscious says no.

Like fish in a trawl

"More and more people in the West are losing faith that civilization is basically on the right track. We have lost the vision of the future, most people today have no idea about it at all, "says the American social philosopher Charles Eisenstein in the book A More Beautiful World is Possible, Our Hearts Know. However, global economic development strategists are clear about their vision - pervasive digitization, artificial intelligence, 5G Internet coverage, digital identity - and vaccinations, according to the World Economic Forum in the Great Reset Transformation Plan.

Coronavirus is a litmus test of the state and a scalpel of Western civilization. He cut the wound and a lot of pus came out. The covid period is a catalyst which, in many absurdities, contradictions and conflicts, clearly reflects, strengthens and accelerates the disintegration of the era of separation. It is a painful but healing process that exposes old wounds to the light of awareness. We are cleansed of illusions so that there is hope for what makes sense.

"Who could have predicted that the 21st century would be good for school massacres, rampant obesity, growing indebtedness, pervasive insecurity, escalating concentrations of wealth, endless tensions and wars, at a time when the story of progress was still strong. unrelenting world hunger and the degradation of nature and the environment that threaten civilization? According to our forecasts, the world should have improved and we should have become richer and happier…

As the story of separation draws to a close, it goes through a deadly struggle, exaggerated by the appearance of life. So today we are watching domination, conquest, violence and separation take on absurd extremes. Disasters and conflicts are now coming so fast that the old story does not have enough time to recover and regain power as strongly as it used to,” writes Eisenstein. The pursuit of securing life from all sorts of risks and controls leads to the exponential growth of the paralyzing and pervasive complexity of life in industrial civilization.

It is being forced by an ever-denser system of increasingly absurd, healthy-life regulations, in which we are trapped like fish in a trawl. Coronavirus scalds have densely thickened these malevolent official shrubs, which quickly overgrow the remnants of space for a free and creative life. The tense and pointless complexity of existence is a typical consequence of living in separation, so no or well-intentioned efforts to reduce it (for example by digitizing official procedures) without a paradigm shift lead to the goal, but increase the complexity, chaos and burden on people exponentially.

Tightening the noose

At the same time, the meaning of life is, among other things, simplicity and the resulting minimization of all junk - unnecessary things, regulations, stress, overwhelmed mental programs, everything we drag every day, what sucks us like parasites, what takes our energy and freedom, what pulls us to the bottom. Dealing with soulless necrophilic complexity on a daily basis is extremely exhausting. It is a direct path to the loss of vitality, oversight and distancing the meaning of life. It is no coincidence that this is one of the most powerful ways to control people.

The gravity of the fearful space distances itself from the meaning of life and by how deeply it binds the mental capacity of humanity to a completely fleeting reality. Captivated by the speed and clip-like age of the technological age, we are obsessively attached to everyday data and statistics, the significance of which is insignificant in itself, because in an hour or a minute they will be different.

Covid-19 will pass anyway. Maybe there will be hundreds of mutations - maybe none. But because of the fearfulness, we miss the present attention, the most valuable thing we have, for what really makes sense - inner development, the development of relationships with people and all life, essential timeless questions, not to mention questions of eternity. At the same time, they are crucial for the quality of life.

Strachovir also strengthens anthropocentrism. We are constantly and increasingly concerned with our artificial world, as if we were not surrounded by another, infinitely wider life. Now humanity has become even more self-contained, as if there were no more serious problems that we have caused on Earth. We continue to tighten the noose with this self-centering loop. And in turn, the strachovir immediately issues an account - in our tense anthropocentrism, we have not only become estranged from nature, but we are now also moving away from each other. The coronavirus pushed us into even deeper isolation.

Falling into isolation

The distance and alienation that separates us from birds or trees for centuries has the same inner origin as the distance we recently wanted to keep from refugees for our comfort and now from our fellow citizens and neighbors for fear of their health. we pay for how strongly we have viewed the Earth for centuries as a dead source of raw materials and entertainment or an object of analytical research instead of cultivating healthy relationships, synergies and respect for everything around us.

The American thinker Thomas Berry (1914–2009), who lived throughout his 20th century as his witness, aptly called this attitude autism: “My generation showed no sensitivity to the natural world, no depth of respect that could curb our aggressive attack on nature." As long as we see the Earth only as a passive backdrop, the 'environment' for humanity and its projects separately from the whole natural world, we will continue to close ourselves to the most powerful healthy diet on which we depend.

Perhaps, in mutual fear of other people, we have reached an extreme, still unbearable degree of separation. Perhaps the butterfly will fly out of the pupa, into which it has become so heavily tangled. Perhaps we are approaching the bottom from which we will bounce. For too long, we've been frogs warming themselves in a glass of water. Strachovír (fear virus. JŠ)  increased the chance that we would jump out of an overheated glass with a quantum jump.

Whole Article: https://ceskapozice.lidovky.cz/tema/rok-s-koronavirem-strachem-jsme-se-zdravi-a-zivotu-vzdalili-4-cast.A210710_234515_pozice-tema_lube?


The Conscience of the Nation Endowment Fund: The Story of Scientist MUDr. Soni Pekové, Ph.D.

A year with coronavirus: We are far from health and life in fear (part 2)

An Announcement by Reiner Fuellmich

What is Entropy?


"Decades ago, virtually the entire ancient tradition was pushed out of education, not to mention the Judeo-Christian foundations of our civilization. The unfortunate consequences in the form of our lack of anchorage in cultural, moral and spiritual values, including the so-called social peaks, are becoming increasingly apparent. If we now also lower the level of education in mathematics and science, that is, at least understand the basic principles of the material world, and thus undermine the very foundations of critical thinking, we will remove the basic line of defense of rationality against nonsense elsewhere. In summary, by such a step, in fact - in the future in two to three generations - we will let the thought foundations of our civilization disappear. "

Karel Oliva, Lidové noviny, 1.7.2021, The last word - "Length of school attendance."


J.Š. 18.7.2021

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


0 #1 Jan Šinagl 2021-07-18 16:56
Good day,

Thank you for the great articles, it's nice to read texts that show that some people still perceive the world as a place where we have to respect nature and its laws and not try to change them.

Sincerely and greetings

prof. MUDr. Vladimir Cerny, Ph.D., FCCM

Czech Society of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation
and Intensive Care Medicine

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