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Karel Havlíček Borovský
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KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Many of us have encountered this concept in physics in the science of heat, where this quantity has its roots and over time, in all possible areas. It is not entirely clear to some of us what entropy actually describes, because it is one of the most challenging physical quantities in terms of understanding its content. In addition, it is a very interesting quantity, of a more general nature, which can be described by other laws of nature, the universe and human endeavor.

… Entropy and its growth in nature, in a closed system of our environment, characterizes our path to extinction and self-destruction. From an energy point of view, the use of non-renewable energy sources, nuclear energy and resources that exceed the nature of nature burdens our environment. This load is constantly increasing along with entropy and chaos in the form of hurricanes, excessive heat, drought or rain. Nature itself does not know chaos, it has its fixed order, and only we, together with the increase in entropy, create it, because we use physical laws to the extreme limits that are not needed for life.

… If two bodies come into contact, one hot and the other cold, they transfer heat. The original heat records a decrease in entropy and the original cold records an increase in entropy. However, the total entropy of both bodies increases because energy is degraded and the temperature decreases. It follows that everything in the universe tends to increase entropy, which in a complex sense only grows together with chaos and disorganization. This is an issue that concerns not only technicians, but also philosophers, etc.


Entropy is thus defined, among other things, as a degree of system disorder and can be viewed and measured as chaos, a disorganization of the system. The concept of entropy is not used in everyday life to the same extent as when we talk about energy and its transformation, yet it would be very useful for describing a certain behavior and effort. The use of this term in non-technical areas is nothing new and several articles and even books have been written on this topic. So let's show a few examples from life where entropy and its growth can be more easily understood and also used to describe the story.

… To have a disorganized, highly entropic army means to have no army. The pursuit of unified command is an essential means of waging war. One army composed of ten divisions is ten times stronger than ten armies per division. The European Union, as one state, will be stronger than twenty independent states. Similarly, the United States, like 50 separate countries, would not create such a strong economy. The old cliché of "divide and conquer" can be rewritten as "extra enemy entropy and you can defeat it more easily".

… We know that mechanical friction is always accompanied by the production of entropy and a reduction in power. We can generalize it to daily life. When it "squeaks" or stiffens in personal life or at work, it brings an increase in entropy and, of course, does not bode well. Poor workplace relationships reduce productivity and increase entropy. Hopefully, we will one day be able to discover procedures for quantifying the entropy generated by non-technical processes and perhaps identify its primary sources and value.

We also know of free expansion (or explosion) and uncontrollable chemical reactions, generating entropy, which are highly irreversible. Like the unbridled opening of the mouth and the utterance of a certain, affection-supported, statement accompanied by an increase in entropy and irreparable damage to interpersonal relationships. Once you send your boss somewhere, it's hard to go back with the words I didn't mean it that way, the entropy will increase to the level of your statement.


Entropy and its growth in nature, in a closed system of our environment, characterizes our path to extinction and self-destruction. From an energy point of view, the use of non-renewable energy sources, nuclear energy and resources that exceed the nature of nature burdens our environment. This load is constantly increasing along with entropy and chaos in the form of hurricanes, excessive heat, drought or rain. Nature itself does not know chaos, it has its fixed order, and only we, together with the increase in entropy, create it, because we use physical laws to the extreme limits that are not needed for life.

For example, we generate home heat (20 ° C) in remote power plants using steam at a temperature of several hundred ° C, mine coal (devastate the landscape and set up lives in the mines), burn coal (which is the most primitive use of a unique chemical raw material that is not substitutable), then we heat the steam, spin the expensive turbine, drive the generator and produce electricity. Then follows a long lossy line, and then it is we who heat up badly insulated buildings with that waste of expensive energy, expensive seamstress ... At the same time, there is enough heat energy all around. The only significant primary source of energy on Earth that does not cause an increase in entropy is solar energy. The sun will pay its entropic tax with its extinction over billions of years, and we will be with it if we do not perish much earlier due to our own chaos, disorder, irreversibility and entropy, and not only the energy one.

Date: 21.3.2002

Author: Dalibor Skácel

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