Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


  • 29.06.2024 13:14
    ČLK Seminář info: Moje vystoupení se obešlo s prezentací sotva ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Xaver Vesely IXaver Vesely II"If this member of the Czech Television Council is allowed to do this to a leading lady of Czech culture and Slovak diplomacy (75 years old) and public life and not suffer any consequences for it, the Czech Television Council and all its electors will be laughable. And to be unelected." Miroslav Kalousek


The political parties that, despite the plebeian, primitive behaviour and expressions of CT Council member L. X. Veselý, are defending him, are lowering themselves to this "level". Defending one's own political interests has its own unsurpassable ethical limits. Councillor Veselý is merely an obedient executor of the will of the political parties. He is not to blame for his primitiveness. A society that tolerates the behaviour and manners of a pig risks having more and more of such "representatives". If Councilman Vesely were not removed, I would resign as a councilman immediately. Will the House allow this further disgrace to our country and not remove him from office? If they don't and approve an increase in CT viewing fees, that is also a "cesspool". This is what happens when the House of Commons elects a CT councillor in contravention of the CT Act when, despite the ban, he is doing business in both private and public media. A culturally and morally advanced country can grow and maintain an elite. We are far from being one of those countries. They are dangerously increasing.

Vasaryova MagdaVasaryova Magda s manzelem Milanem LasicouIf Magda Vašaryová's husband Milan Lasica were alive, he would surely have entertained a large number of viewers with his timeless humour, wisdom and satire. However, the severely limited mental space of Councillor Veselý would not have been able to comprehend this. An intelligent person can also send others "up the ass" without using that term😊

The Czech Television Act (Act No. 483/1991, Section 5, Paragraph 2). " A member of the Council shall not hold any position in political parties, political movements or civic associations, nor shall he or she, in the performance of his or her duties on the Council, speak or act on their behalf or on behalf of other group interests; furthermore, he or she shall not engage in business in the field of mass media, nor shall he or she represent business interests which might conflict with the performance of his or her duties or might undermine confidence in the independence or impartiality of his or her decision-making on the Council."

Who would voluntarily pay for a bad product, a joke or an (un)dependent public service?! Does it primarily serve a power base that the citizen does not pay for, does not elect, and that fundamentally affects our lives and the future of the country?!


Timothy Snyder: " One source of our disease is the drastic wealth inequality that separates the life experiences of a very small group from everyone else. As Plato realized, this is how democracy becomes an oligarchy, a government of the rich. When money becomes the only goal, values disappear and people begin to imitate the oligarchs. This is how we act now, when we marvel at fantasies of immortality instead of asking the olygarchs why our own lives must be shortened. By tolerating such dreaming by the richest, we create what Plato called a "community of the rich" and a "community of the poor."

Full article in Czech>


MU Caslav IIIn the recent past, we have reported on executions against various state bodies - for example, against the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and also against the Prison Service.

Now, another execution has been ordered, this time against the town of Čáslav, or the Municipal Office of Čáslav.

Pelikanova ArankaIn this case, it is possible to specify who is responsible for the execution - JUDr. Aranka Pelikánová - the office of the secretary of the Čáslav Municipal Office. This official repeatedly issued illegal decisions which were revoked and subsequently did not respect the fully binding, final and enforceable decision of the superior authority. NOTICE OF INITIATION OF EXECUTION

Chladil Lubomir ParisABS Chladil LubomirQuote from my article - Pavel Tigrid died 20 years ago, the media is silent...

ČRoPlus (31.8.2023, 15:50 - from 15:48:25 ) devoted 4 minutes to Pavel Tigrid, but Tigrid is not mentioned in the content of the news block: 15:10 - Listen to these 4 minutes - the testimonies and testimonies of Pavel Tigrid' s children, they tell everything and are worth dozens of articles! I wonder what the name of that StB agent working in a French bank is? He was not ashamed to come, half a year after Tigrid's death, to the Czech embassy in Paris for a memorial service! Who invited him? Pavel Tigrid's son asked him to leave, the agent took offence and threatened to file a complaint. Where did this fool work then, or is he still working today? Probably in the diplomatic service, where such "diplomats" were and still are welcome. Will the ABS release his bundle to me, or will GDPR "work" again and his name remain hidden from the public? Pavel Tigrid died 20 years ago, the media is silent...

Chladil Lubomir Paris EmbassyThank you ABS for releasing the entire volume on the StB agent in France. Senator Pavel Fischer, then ambassador to Paris at the time of the trial, did not respond to my inquiry. He could not have known the name of the agent (now chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security). His name was Lubomír Chladil. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic wrote back to me that he had never been their employee. Given his participation in the 2003 trial, he must have had a certain status if he dared to come. Today he would be, or is, 75 years old. So he could have retired in 2014. Where did he work for those 11 years after the Trial and what is or was his pension?

Below are a few excerpts from the extensive ABS archive of this unprincipled man who may well live among us today as a "venerable man". JŠ

Full Article in Czech>

"Democracy corrupts morals greatly. It habituates the public to blabbering,

namely, to boastfulness and slander."

Jean Dutourd


Two or three years ago, I was firmly convinced that this time the Czech nation, for the first time in modern history, would cross its shadow and be able to maintain one and the same regime for more than twenty to twenty-five years, a feat that has not been accomplished even once since the founding of Czechoslovakia.

After the media hysteria surrounding the arrest of David Rath, I am no longer sure.

Democracy, at least on paper, has the capacity for self-cleaning: like any other system of government, it is prone to crises, but it can resolve them through its own internal strength, through its own regulatory mechanisms. Corrupt and weak politicians are removed by the people in elections and replaced by other, decent ones, and the political parties themselves can clean themselves up. Which is a significant advantage over a dictatorship, because it is entirely dependent on the quality of the dictator, and it crumbles under a bad dictator.

But self-cleaning mechanisms have certain preconditions and limits, and I am beginning to feel that the Czech ones are no longer capable of preventing change that will be systemic, revolutionary, populist and potentially violent. That is to say, the stain on the reputation of the political representation of this country can no longer be cleaned without violating the substance.

Namesti miru 5.7.2024I attended the final performance of the XVII. It was sold out (I was saved by a lady whose friends did not come, she sold it for the original price of 400 kč). I am attaching a PHOTOGALLERY of the songs and a PHOTOGALLERY of the exhibition about the history of the Sokol Slet on the Square of Peace in Prague. It also reminded me of my participation in the All Sokol Sets in Zurich, Toronto, Paris and Prague.

As always, they were great men. For me, the most powerful moment of the falconers' performance was when the falcon idea rang out most eloquently with the final falcon circling, great music and amazing reaction from the audience. A recording of the whole performance in iBroadcast CT. The singing of "Who are God's warriors", plebeically followed by Karel Gott and his "Time of roses". Flight of the falcon, I also did not find in the recording of the live broadcast of CT? I'll ask CT for an explanation. I hope I was wrong.

There were no flagpoles, the mayor of Sokol wore a civilian suit, 12 songs were played as if at a disco, with no introduction or introduction of the songs, the chiefs did not speak, the politicians got the floor, the president did not come, no classical, Sokol marching music was played...