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  • 29.06.2024 13:14
    ČLK Seminář info: Moje vystoupení se obešlo s prezentací sotva ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
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Are we living the last months of Czech democracy?

  • "Chief" and "expert" Colonel MUDr. Jan Velek: If this crazy case remains without further attention, then there is really no point in ...

    Ocni ordinace

    Updated 4.7.2024:Tomáš Pecina "Are we living the last months of Czech democracy?", published on 30 May 2012 on the websitehttp://slepeckahul.pecina.cz

    "The state and state structures were not built according to a solid plan and in respect for the democratic system of values. The police are fatally corrupt, the judicial system is dysfunctional, the country is ruled by a mafia of extortionists, usurers and fraudsters against whom a decent person cannot find a defence and therefore has no reason to identify with the state and defend it if he himself is confronted daily with the indifference of the state."


    To the current article on the expert Velek I add some information that is significant and thanks to which it is possible to look at the matter from a different perspective and show a much bigger problem.

    - The expert Velek is a colonel, i.e. a lieutenant colonel, so he is very close to the police, as he is either a (former) soldier or a policeman, which is probably why he is so popular with the police

    - Expert Velek has been stating for decades that he is a chief medical officer, but he is not a chief medical officer and never has been, according to the statement of the Czech Medical Chamber

    - all of his opinions, which are the subject of both decisions of the Ministry of Justice, are unreviewable because they contain only the terms of reference and a categorical conclusion, but it is not clear how expert Velek arrived at these conclusions. For this reason, the opinions are completely unusable and cannot serve as evidence; even so, when a party to the proceedings did not object, these opinions were routinely accepted by the courts and judgments were issued, including in criminal cases

    - most of Velek's assessments are made for public authorities, especially the police, i.e. they are paid from public money, therefore, when it turned out that the assessments are useless due to irremovable defects, logically everyone would expect that at least what he got for Velek he should return, but he didn't, as it is evident from the attached communication from the Policeof the Hradec Králové Region, so there can be no question of any return

    If even this crazy case remains without further attention, then there is really no point in...

    Full article in Czech>


    The forensic expert "chief" Colonel MUDr. Jan Velek - so protects MsP fraudsters in the "public interest" - the innocent end up in jails !

  • 30 May 2012: Are we living the last months of Czech democracy?

    "Democracy corrupts morals greatly. It habituates the public to blabbering,

    namely, to boastfulness and slander."

    Jean Dutourd


    Two or three years ago, I was firmly convinced that this time the Czech nation, for the first time in modern history, would cross its shadow and be able to maintain one and the same regime for more than twenty to twenty-five years, a feat that has not been accomplished even once since the founding of Czechoslovakia.

    After the media hysteria surrounding the arrest of David Rath, I am no longer sure.

    Democracy, at least on paper, has the capacity for self-cleaning: like any other system of government, it is prone to crises, but it can resolve them through its own internal strength, through its own regulatory mechanisms. Corrupt and weak politicians are removed by the people in elections and replaced by other, decent ones, and the political parties themselves can clean themselves up. Which is a significant advantage over a dictatorship, because it is entirely dependent on the quality of the dictator, and it crumbles under a bad dictator.

    But self-cleaning mechanisms have certain preconditions and limits, and I am beginning to feel that the Czech ones are no longer capable of preventing change that will be systemic, revolutionary, populist and potentially violent. That is to say, the stain on the reputation of the political representation of this country can no longer be cleaned without violating the substance.

  • Former chief prosecutor Grygárek sued former police officer Šlachta. He didn't dare to attack Šinágl, he just "enjoyed" him...

    Grygarek Slachta 2024Grygarek Janousek Mysak Galery

    Updated 4.7.2024:Tomáš Pecina "Are we living the last months of Czech democracy?", published on 30 May 2012 on the websitehttp://slepeckahul.pecina.cz

    "The state and state structures were not built according to a solid plan and in respect for the democratic system of values. The police are fatally corrupt, the judicial system is dysfunctional, the country is ruled by a mafia of extortionists, usurers and fraudsters against whom a decent person cannot find a defence and therefore has no reason to identify with the state and defend it if he himself is confronted daily with the indifference of the state."


    "I won't apologize to the devil who wants to be an angel." Ex-plaintiff Grygárek won against Šlachta, he wants to appeal. Šárka Malíková Petříková, President of the Trial Chamber. She also mentioned that "the defendant's statements were false and there is no need to prove their truth, as they are generally prejudicial." Therefore, Šlachta must apologize to Grygárek in his letter and partially compensate him financially. Grygárek's family bought an apartment in Prague's Myšák gallery, where controversial political businessman Roman Janoušek also lived.


    I recommend listening to my INTERVIEW with Grygárek, respectively „self-talk“ (16.7.2019). Below is a selection of my articles on the topic from 2012 to 2023. JŠ

    Full article in Czech>

  • Ponomarenko: Human hyena

    Tornado HruskyPonomarenko Maxim

    Updated 4.7.2024:Tomáš Pecina "Are we living the last months of Czech democracy?", published on 30 May 2012 on the websitehttp://slepeckahul.pecina.cz

    "The state and state structures were not built according to a solid plan and in respect for the democratic system of values. The police are fatally corrupt, the judicial system is dysfunctional, the country is ruled by a mafia of extortionists, usurers and fraudsters against whom a decent person cannot find a defence and therefore has no reason to identify with the state and defend it if he himself is confronted daily with the indifference of the state."


    The courts were dealing with a lawsuit brought by MI Estate, which was bothered by the criticism that had been levelled at it for its behaviour after the tornado. But in the end it failed.

    ... Just a few days after a devastating tornado ripped through several villages in southern Moravia three years ago, letters arrived in the mailboxes of selected residents of the village of Hrušky with an unexpected message: the company MI Estate, backed by businessman Maxim Ponomarenko, was offering to buy their shares in real estate. This caused a lot of outrage, with the law firm Hladky.Legal even commenting on Facebook that the tragedy had attracted human hyenas. She later had to testify in court about it - successfully.

    When Hladky.Legal attorneys pointed out their behavior, they sent them - as is their favorite practice, as evidenced by the experience of financier Petr Borkovec - a pre-suit notice. They said they had damaged their reputation....

    A tornado destroyed people's houses, the king of flippers sent them flyers to buy their shares. In court with critics, he burned


    The rampage of one crook (quite possibly a psychopath), reveals the pervasive conditions in our country more than we know. The criminals dictate, the institutions do not solve and they just helplessly, idly watch this rampage. Figuratively speaking, they only dare to "steal chickens". JŠ

    Full Article in Czech>

  • Regional Court Zlín 24.6.2024 Slopné: Will the trial be resumed, apparently threatening the unfair practices of the police and armourers?!

    KS Zlin Simon Stranak 24.6.2024

    Updated 4.7.2024: Tomáš Pecina "Are we living the last months of Czech democracy?", published on 30 May 2012 on the websitehttp://slepeckahul.pecina.cz

    "The state and state structures were not built according to a solid plan and in respect for the democratic system of values. The police are fatally corrupt, the judicial system is dysfunctional, the country is ruled by a mafia of extortionists, usurers and fraudsters against whom a decent person cannot find a defence and therefore has no reason to identify with the state and defend it if he himself is confronted daily with the indifference of the state."


    IN DUBIO PRO REO - in case of doubt in favour of the accused. This old legal principle is flagrantly violated in this trial! All indications are that Miroslav Sedlář was not murdered because of the jewel robbery, but because of the weapons and his illegal work for the Slovak police and armourers - he broke the rules and paid with death... And now reopen the trial, against such a financial, power and corruption force?

    In history, situations often arise that decide a new direction thanks to an individual. Let's hope that the Senate of the Regional Court Zlín 15.7.2024 will decide on the right one, in the interest of today and the future. Fighting for the truth is more important than achieving it. JŠ

    Full article in Czech>

  • Scary, the officer was investigating in his spare time, breaking laws, FRF, found nothing – he was decorated!

    Rakusan VitRakusan Vit minulost

    Updated 4.7.2024:Tomáš Pecina "Are we living the last months of Czech democracy?", published on 30 May 2012 on the websitehttp://slepeckahul.pecina.cz

    "The state and state structures were not built according to a solid plan and in respect for the democratic system of values. The police are fatally corrupt, the judicial system is dysfunctional, the country is ruled by a mafia of extortionists, usurers and fraudsters against whom a decent person cannot find a defence and therefore has no reason to identify with the state and defend it if he himself is confronted daily with the indifference of the state."


    A police officer was investigating someone, sort of "privately", in violation of the Criminal Procedure Code, in violation of the Police Act, in violation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.

    He was subsequently decorated for it! No suspicion of wrongdoing arose from the illegal search, but the policeman was decorated anyway, and it is still being written about! Then you want the police to investigate something at the FFUC, let alone be able to prevent the killing when they themselves are flagrantly breaking the law! Do you have a contact for him? I'd also need to have a few people privately investigated. 

    The Czech Republic probably has the most different kinds of generals in the world - in the police, army, prison service and fire service. With the exception of firefighters (they have the fewest), they just make the job of subordinates more difficult. They're just victims of poor leadership. JŠ

    Full Article in Czech>

  • The public authority refuses to respect the law and the calls of the superior authority

    Updated 4.7.2024: Tomáš Pecina "Are we living the last months of Czech democracy?", published on 30 May 2012 on the websitehttp://slepeckahul.pecina.cz

    "The state and state structures were not built according to a solid plan and in respect for the democratic system of values. The police are fatally corrupt, the judicial system is dysfunctional, the country is ruled by a mafia of extortionists, usurers and fraudsters against whom a decent person cannot find a defence and therefore has no reason to identify with the state and defend it if he himself is confronted daily with the indifference of the state."


    This is already leading to a total degradation of the exercise of public authority. The superior authority, the Office for Personal Data Protection, has to fine the subordinate authority 30 000 CZK to hand over the file to it. In this case, according to the law, the file must be forwarded to the superior authority within 15 days and the latter must make a decision within another 15 days. The appeal was filed 3 years ago and due to the arbitrary and illegal procedure of the Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture of the Czech Republic, it could not and cannot be settled.

    The State is ceasing to be what it should be and is gradually failing. How many more illegal decisions will come to light? How many are still hidden from the public? Do we have a state for the citizens, or corrupt, criminal structures that will not leave the 'lick' on their own? What else will the citizens of the Czech Republic let themselves get away with? He has different ideas about the use of his taxes. Will he be obedient until the inevitable misery, or will he be able to bring about change? There is not much time left. JŠ

  • XIV. DÍL Czech-Marocco Gate – jak probíhá kárné řízení na MZV ČR a jak diskreditovat oznamovatele

    Prelovsek Damjan

    Aktualizováno 14.7.2024: MZV ČR: Strašidelná kárná komise. „Pornoherec“ Čistecký velvyslancem ČR ve SRN ?!

    Aktualizováno 4.7.2024: Tomáš Pecina „Prožíváme poslední měsíce české demokracie?“, uveřejněném již dne 30. 5. 2012 na webu http://slepeckahul.pecina.cz

    „Stát a státní struktury nebyly budovány podle pevného plánu a v úctě k demokratickému systému hodnot. Policie je fatálně zkorumpovaná, justiční systém je dysfunkční, zemi ovládají mafie exekutorů, lichvářů a podvodníků, proti nimž slušný člověk nenajde zastání a nemá proto důvod se státem se identifikovat a hájit jej, je-li sám denně konfrontován s tím, jak je státu lhostejný on.“


    Aktualizováno 23.6.2024: Dnešního dne slavíme Mezinárodní den whistleblowingu – ochrany oznamovatelů -  Značení včelích matek v oplodňáčku. Letos frčí zelená - Takové starosti mají ministři Lipavský a Šalamoun...


    Aktualizováno 20.6.2024: Redakční radě časopisu ministerstva zahraničí šéfoval ruský špion


    Dr. Damjan Prelovšek – historik umění a odborník na moderní architekturu, odborník na dílo architekta Jože Plečnika, velvyslanec Slovinska v ČR 1998-2002, člen Evropské akademie věd a umění, spisovatel a fotograf.


    AUDIOZÁZNAM výslechu svědka Damjana Prelovšeka (1.4.2022)


    Česká televize nedávno odvysílala francouzský film Atentát v Paříži z roku 1972 inspirovaný skutečnou událostí. Příběh bývalého marockého ministra Sadiela (ve skutečnosti politika Mehdi Ben Barka, mimochodem spolupracovníka československé STB). Byl přítelem vylákán ze svého švýcarského exilu do Paříže pod záminkou mediálního interview. Trochu připomíná i naši story. Sadiel byl unesen na Bulváru St. Germain francouzskou tajnou policií, přepraven do vily gsngstera, který za války spolupracoval s gestapem a v jejím sklepení nelidsky mučen svým bývalým přítelem a kolegou, rovněž marockým ministrem, ovšem stále ještě ve funkci. Sadiel náležel k levicovým politikům, přemýšlel nad zlepšením životní úrovně chudého marockého lidu, který dle jeho kata „ještě nedospěl tak daleko, aby si ji zasloužil“. Do Maroka se vrátil Sadiel v dřevěné bedně a byl kdesi pohřben pod nánosem písku.  Přítel v uvozovkách, kterého hraje mistr Trintignan, zalitoval svého pochybení, k němuž ho tajná služba donutila výhrůžkami a nutno dodat, že zřejmě netušil, že konečným cílem je Sadielova smrt a vynucení jmen jeho spolupracovníků v Maroku středověkými metodami. Trintignan tedy vše nahrál na magnetofonovou pásku a kontaktoval své mediální kolegy, aby došlo ke zveřejnění kauzy, doufal i v záchranu Sadielova života. To se mu bohužel nepovedlo. Vtipná byla scéna řady mužů sedících na sluchátkách a odposlouchávajících konverzace. Samozřejmě se takto ihned dozvěděli, kde je Trintignanova kancelář a zneškodnili ho. Zemřel nakonec rukou onoho novinářského kolegy, který také pracoval pro tajňáky. Trintignan ale přece jen nějaké slušné přátele měl a ti oznámili policii, že je ve sklepení vily Sadiel držen i ohrožení Trintignanova života. Komisař byl aktivní a snažil se vše vyšetřit. Jeho pátrání se tajné službě nelíbilo, a tak se ho jejich pracovník snažil přimět, aby všeho nechal. Policista byl ale čestný a nedal se zastrašit. Bohužel na zkorumpované tajňáky byl krátký. Patří mu alespoň obdiv za statečnost a odvahu a snahu, což české Národní centrále pro boj s organizovaným zločinem chybí. Ta, když jí někdo naznačí, že šetřit nemá, vzdá vše.

    Film nicméně připomenul prostředí politických machinací, v nichž často služby hrají větší či menší roli

    I Trintinagnova přítelkyně ve snímku nejprve nevěří, co jí vypráví a říká: „to je jako detektivka“. Ano, tak je to bohužel i s naším příběhem. Jen my jsme ještě naštěstí naživu, přestože nám bylo opakovaně vyhrožováno. Tajné služby se každopádně aktivizovaly i zde. Ne únosem, nýbrž sledováním české ambasády, jejích pracovníků a snahou překazit podvody s vízy, případně později přispět k jejich prošetření. Jenže to nebylo možné bez spolupráce české strany a ta zájem na boji s korupcí neměla.

  • XIV. PART XIV of Czech-Marocco Gate - how to conduct disciplinary proceedings at the MFA and how to discredit whistleblowers

    Prelovsek Damjan

    Updated 4.7.2024:Tomáš Pecina "Are we living the last months of Czech democracy?", published on 30 May 2012 on the websitehttp://slepeckahul.pecina.cz

    "The state and state structures were not built according to a solid plan and in respect for the democratic system of values. The police are fatally corrupt, the judicial system is dysfunctional, the country is ruled by a mafia of extortionists, usurers and fraudsters against whom a decent person cannot find a defence and therefore has no reason to identify with the state and defend it if he himself is confronted daily with the indifference of the state."


    Dr. Damjan Prelovšek - art historian and expert on modern architecture, expert on the work of architect Jože Plečnik, Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic 1998-2002, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, writer and photographer.


    ... So it was clear that he was involved in the process of visa trafficking and that he should stand before the disciplinary committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, not Jana Chaloupková. She refused visa applications to keep dangerous people out of Europe. But then State Secretary Miloslav Stašek was rooting for Lorenc and also hoped that Lorenc's close friend Miloš Zeman would appoint him as ambassador to the US (he is today). The consul had nothing to offer against this. Only honest service to the country and the EU, which was not important. So the Secretary of State imposed disciplinary proceedings on the whistleblower. This, along with further action against the Consulate, confirmed that not only was she not interested in dealing with visa fraud correctly, but that she was encouraging it and possibly orchestrating the destruction of a whistleblower and exemplary public servant. Everything has been turned on its head. Yet the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive literally prohibits the imposition or use of disciplinary measures, reprimands and other sanctions....

    Full article in Czech>