Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


  • 29.06.2024 13:14
    ČLK Seminář info: Moje vystoupení se obešlo s prezentací sotva ...


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Czech Republic


    Bahdou Ahmed 2Une série d'articles et de commentaires sur ce qui se passe à l'Ambassade tchèque au Maroc soulève un certain nombre de questions auxquelles il faut réfléchir. Surtout où va l'argent des Hladik Jancontribuables et comment fonctionne (ne fonctionne pas) l'administration de l'État et la protection de notre sécurité, de notre nation, de notre culture, de notre État et de toute l'UE.

    Je n'ai passé que peu de temps au Maroc, mais c'était suffisant pour créer une certaine image. Bien que je sois venu à cause de la culture, je suis technicien et homme d'affaires de profession, donc j'étais également intéressé par les opportunités de commerce. Il y a beaucoup de main-d'œuvre bon marché au Maroc, qui peut être mise à profit en combinaison avec notre qualité. Cependant, j'ai été frappé par l'approche de l'ambassadeur Lorenc, qui était plus souriant à nos activités - petites et moyennes entreprises. Un type particulier de «soutien» que le Ministère des Affaires étrangères tchèque nous promet tant à nous entrepreneurs.

    Quand je pense aux articles sur les sites Web et à ce qui se passe à l'Ambassade de République tchèque au Maroc, je pense que tout doit avoir un contexte plus large. Il est clair qu'il y a un chaos dans cette ambassade. Le Ministère des Affaires étrangères  pour une raison quelconque, le couvre. Il n'y a pas que deux personnes qui s'activisent dans les visas. Quelqu'un doit gagner quelque chose des deux côtés - tchèque et marocaine et peut-être même française, puisque ces gens étaient censés rester en France. En général, sous la responsabilité du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, une grosse monnaie noire est probablement en rotation. Voyez les articles du journal E15 La mafia traite des visas... Ukraine, Vietnam, Russie, Iran... Est-il possible de le faire sans engagement des gens des ambassades? À l'insu du ministère des Affaires étrangères? C'est une pratique appelée l' usine de visas.

  • Maxim Ponomarenko, the (un)wealthy billionaire, a picture of (un)possibilities in the Czech Republic

    Ponomarenko Unterwasserman IIHe poses as a billionaire, yet he has been insolvent 2 times. He transferred his assets to his wife in the insolvency and acted as a non-wealthy. Where did his gigantic fortune come from? He's been in jail. If you steal a lot, you can feel pretty safe in the Czech Republic. That's why the world takes us less and less seriously. JŠ 

    Full Article in Czech>



    Testimonials with Maxim Ponomarenko: Who is Maxim Ponomarenko

  • MFA: Scary disciplinary committee. "Porn actor" Čistecký as Czech Ambassador to Germany ?!

    Prelovsek DamjanLorenc ViktorI would like to remind you of the audio recording of the interrogation of the witness Damjan Prelovšek (1.4.2022). Was the investigating official also so "impartial" in questioning the corrupt ambassador Viktor Lorenc, if he was questioned at all, and other accomplices? Of course, I would also publish the audio recording, if it was made at all, including the transcript?

    Unlike the former brilliant diplomat and Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic , Damjan Prelovšek, Viktor Lorenc has something to hide. In a developed country, he could never become an ambassador, or he would be immediately indicted and convicted.

    Cistecky Jiri uprava 12.1.2024The"porn actor" Jiří Čistecký (who ended up as chargé de faire at the Czech embassy in Moscow) will be ambassador to Germany from autumn. Is he said to have a reputation as a good diplomat? He may be, but if he spreads his photo "as God created him" of his own volition, he is no longer one. Nor can he be excused if he has been on a "high", alcoholic or otherwise. Nor can he be excused for the fact that being a diplomat in Moscow endangers everyone's state of mind, especially if he is not a strong personality who is able to resist various pressures and offers. I have already informed the top officials of Germany and will do so if the proposal to appoint Chistyetsky as ambassador is not cancelled. JŠ

    Full Article in Czech>


    XIV. PART XIV of Czech-Marocco Gate - how to conduct disciplinary proceedings at the MFA and how to discredit whistleblowers

  • Regional Court Ostrava 26.9.2023: The 50s are back!

    20230926 083308Mgr. Straka: ... In view of what I have said, I have no choice but to express my astonishment that these relatively clear conclusions, whose legal analysis could be mastered by a third-year law student, are not reflected in a completely clear acquittal four years later. Even if perhaps the court still thought that the defendant had actually done something to the victim, it could not be battery within the meaning of the Criminal Code. At most, it might be a misdemeanor of some sort, but not one that could be resolved in a criminal court....


    From an ordinary misdemeanor to a criminal proceeding that has been going on for 7 years! Legal costs ing. Mark Gába's legal costs have already reached half a million crowns (his relatives are also paying for them). The names of the judges are not mentioned on the agenda (we will know them only when the verdict is published).

  • Remembering Ján Langoš, today he would have been 76 years old...

    USTR Langos Benda foto Sinagl 2014"God asks me to forgive my guilty ones. But I cannot forgive the guilty of others." - "We must find the courage to expose the truth, documented by personal lives, the courage to take responsibility for our own destiny."

    Ján Langoš and I knew each other personally, and I appreciated our mutual appreciation of each other's work. Others resented his work and activities, just as many resent his work today. His tragic death may not have been an accident at all. It is an honour for me, in the name of his lasting legacy, to build on his work and activities. The ÚSTR (Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes) remembered his memory on its Facebook page and by remembering Jan Ruml on its website.

    I took the photo of Ján Langoš and Václav Benda at the ÚSTR in 2014 before the ÚSTR Council meeting - he is no longer in the room today? Who removed it and at whose instigation? Let's keep our fingers crossed that the new leadership of the ÚSTR will herald a return to its roots and that both photographs will soon return to their rightful place - as a symbol of the ÚSTR's return to the necessary work, educational mission and for which it was founded.

    I have been asked by the USTR for permission to publish the photograph above. The content of this website is available to all media, organizations and individuals free of charge, provided the source is acknowledged. Full Arcicle in Czech> J.Š.

  • Silence about the health of the President of the Czech Republic is no longer sustainable - even with regard to a dying man

    Zeman 10.10.2021The President has been unable to fully perform his duties for months now, and has not played a key role at all in recent weeks and days. This is clear to the whole country, including the children. The castle gang, or rather the thugs who occupied it, continue to act shamefully. It is not its shame, but that of the citizens and their political representation. It has not been able to act rationally for weeks, only to theorize about all the possible and impossible, not to act rationally, timely and effectively. We are once again a laughing stock to the world. Let us not be surprised that even the German public broadcaster ARD did not find it worth mentioning on the main evening news programme  Tagesschau 18.10.2021.

    Nobody wants to say it out loud, that the life of the President is very likely to be coming to an end. Even if he leaves the hospital, he will certainly not be able to hold the office of President of the country. In the coming crisis and in the future, the country will need a president with full physical and mental fitness.

  • Strange, identical presidential election results in the Czech Republic, France and Slovakia?

    Zvlastni vysledky presidentskych voleb CR F SLKThese are the official election results. They are facts, no disinformation, but what can one be sure of today? Coincidences exist, but in this case the coincidence is incredible if we exclude the idea that coincidences do not exist and that information on Wikipedia is never misinformation. We live in a strange world where our thinking and behavior is increasingly dependent on other "reason" than our own. JŠ




  • Testimonials with Maxim Ponomarenko: Who is Maxim Ponomarenko

    Ponomarenko MaximUpdated 29.5.2024: 

    Updated 22.5.2024: 


    Read what real people have to say about their experience with Maxim Ponomarenko and see if he's the right choice for you. Our site is dedicated to providing objective and accurate information so you can feel confident in your choice.


    The property speculator is taking advantage of a new legislative change that has removed the obligation for sellers to offer to buy out shares preferentially to existing co-owners - https://www.maximponomarenko.com/tag/maxim-ponomarenko/


    Full Article in Czech>

  • The Bečva River case - a half-life of three years?

    Becva kaprikThe idea that state institutions cooperated to such an extent that the result may have been a purposeful indictment of Energoaqua is absolutely appalling in a state governed by the rule of law.


    In a few weeks' time (20 September 2023) it will be three years since the ecological accident on the Bečva River, in which at least 40 tonnes of fish died along some 40 kilometres of the river. The real culprit of the disaster has not yet been convicted and may not even be revealed. However, the law enforcement authorities, with the help of the state apparatus, managed to put the company Energoaqua from Roznov and its managing director Ing. Oldřich Havelka.The public should have been reassured and the "guilty" should have been punished as deserved. The rule of law was to confirm to the citizens its reliability, the equality of all before the law and the enforceability of the law. Here the initial idyll ends.

    Original article>

  • The continuation of the crime against our 1949 World Ice Hockey Champions

    CR Mistri sveta v hokeji 1949I remind you of myarticle (30.5.2024). I wrote toCzech TV (1.6) - reply(14.6). Followed by a communicationwith the Office of Internal Affairs ( 22.6) - reply (8.7.)

    As long as the document was made with public funds, including archival documents, there is no reason that would prevent the possibility of its permanent placement in CT's iBroadcast. Neither is the possibility of purchasing it on DVD in the CT shop. To make an appalling documentary with public money and at the same time keep it as secret as possible from the public is just a continuation of the crime against our great hockey players. In a normal country, the documentary would have been broadcast before the recent opening of the World Cup in the Czech Republic. As common sense dictates and the courts have ruled, "The documentary was produced with public money and it is not the purpose of the fees charged for its provision to cover the cost of its production".

    The answer of the Office of the Public Prosecutorends with the words: "The document cannot be ordered, but it can be viewed as part of the exhibition of the same name. For information on when and where this exhibition will be presented, we recommend that you monitor our website'. It doesn't say which one, so citizens, watch it once a week for years so you don't miss the next screening!

    Forgive the 1949 World Champions. Your country, which you made famous, fought and died for, is still not worthy of you! All we can do is cheer in pubs and decorate our cars with flags...

    Full article in Czech>

  • The most horrific abuse of justice, the holocaust of a peasant family has been going on for 50 years?!

    Vyhnanci akce kulakUpdated 13.5.2024: We can't see into a person. I can understand that he may no longer trust anyone and is determined to rely on himself. Nevertheless, I have reached out to Mr. Toman. So far, he hasn't responded. JŠ


    The single judge of the District Court of Sokolov Mgr. Martina Barachovičová (former member of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia), the participants in the court proceedings were for her "cows and fools"


    ... May I write to you? I don't know how much longer my mother and I can take it. We are witnessing not only total lawlessness, but crime and the cover-up of it. As a result, we are facing further abuses in the form of further attacks by the state power that is devastating our health, property, rights and other values. For a long time, that is why I put "persecution" in the subject line, perhaps it cannot be expressed more succinctly. I don't know if you (including the Sodales Solonis Society) can be of any help here, but by all means get in touch....

    I have opposed lawlessness for over 50 years, with unacknowledged PTSD, at the expense of this illness and its neglect in the toddler years of the last regime, and now face persecution lasting 33 years. I was deprived of my health when I resisted (under the protection of Article 23 of the Constitution) in 1997, received a soldatte from the guards, had my hair cut (against human dignity) and found myself in the hole at Bory, among other things for being wrongly convicted. The result? - permanent consequences and restrictions on movement. The loss of billions in profits. Deprived of my ancestors (through medical neglect, both grandparents were caused to die in hospital). And now they are depriving me (our family) of the roof over my head and the home they built - the property and farm (worth approx. 12 million?) for a wrongfully enforced debt from the VZP (in the amount of 300k) and auctioned off the "family property" based on a rigged procedure and now a speculator buyer is throwing us out of our home. Eviction notice. 

  • The naked man of Europe

    The German media have been talking for months about a €10bn cost-cutting program at Volkswagen that includes layoffs, and Czech labor leader Jaroslav Povšík of Škoda Auto started warning in Sept. that it could affect Czech jobs too. One of the main issues is lower-thanexpected sales of e-vehicles (EVs), and that was even before the generous EV subsidies in Germany ended this week. While the Czech cabinet was putting all its effort into attracting a VW gigafactory, VW was already making plans to downsize its EV output. The CR is now in the position of losing production of regular Superbs and Octavias to Bratislava - to make room for EVs that might not be produced in the expected numbers. Didn't Petr Fiala and Jozef Síkela get wind of this when they met in Prague on Oct. 30 with VW Chair Oliver Blume? Investor Warren Buffett famously said that, "You don't find out who's been swimming naked until the tide goes out."We'll soon find out if the CR is the naked man of Europe.


  • The public authority refuses to respect the law and the calls of the superior authority

    Updated 4.7.2024: Tomáš Pecina "Are we living the last months of Czech democracy?", published on 30 May 2012 on the websitehttp://slepeckahul.pecina.cz

    "The state and state structures were not built according to a solid plan and in respect for the democratic system of values. The police are fatally corrupt, the judicial system is dysfunctional, the country is ruled by a mafia of extortionists, usurers and fraudsters against whom a decent person cannot find a defence and therefore has no reason to identify with the state and defend it if he himself is confronted daily with the indifference of the state."


    This is already leading to a total degradation of the exercise of public authority. The superior authority, the Office for Personal Data Protection, has to fine the subordinate authority 30 000 CZK to hand over the file to it. In this case, according to the law, the file must be forwarded to the superior authority within 15 days and the latter must make a decision within another 15 days. The appeal was filed 3 years ago and due to the arbitrary and illegal procedure of the Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture of the Czech Republic, it could not and cannot be settled.

    The State is ceasing to be what it should be and is gradually failing. How many more illegal decisions will come to light? How many are still hidden from the public? Do we have a state for the citizens, or corrupt, criminal structures that will not leave the 'lick' on their own? What else will the citizens of the Czech Republic let themselves get away with? He has different ideas about the use of his taxes. Will he be obedient until the inevitable misery, or will he be able to bring about change? There is not much time left. JŠ

  • Who has control over the water business, price and cash flows and profits from water in the Czech Republic?

    Water is a strategic raw material and therefore a good business. Various multinationals knew this when they came up with an irresistible offer 15 years ago: They promised town halls that they would pay them millions of crowns for operating water and sewage systems. The manipulated and often deceived municipal leaders, overwhelmed by the immediate return, did not hesitate to hand over the water monopoly to the conceners under strange conditions. Yet the millions paid out do not even come close to outweighing the value of what they lose. Who is in control of the water business, the price and cash flows and profits from water in the Czech Republic? The struggle for water in the Czech Republic has already started, and it started after 2000, but people are unaware of it. The consequences ARE affecting the citizens of the Czech Republic FIRST, BUT NOT ONLY, IN THE EXPENSIVE PRICE OF WATER.


  • Why are politicians afraid of the postal vote?

    Korespondencni volby v EUCorrespondence voting is common in developed countries(I vote myself, as a Swiss citizen, several times a year, I do not have to register, I receive the documents automatically by post and send them by post). In the Czech Republic, politicians are afraid of not being able to manipulate voters abroad. That's also why they won't adopt proven laws from abroad on the postal vote and make it yet another pasquil. Compatriots abroad are not as easily manipulated by the media as most voters in the Czech Republic. We are rightly one of the least media-savvy countries in the EU. It is enough to appeal to instincts, emotions, to arouse hatred, common sense is neglected - and the voter often votes against himself. 

    By the way, foreign Swiss see Switzerland as their fifth canton, which they value and the country benefits from. For Czech politicians, it is as if foreign Czechs are enemies. Some prefer to serve the country, others prefer to serve themselves, threatened by nothing and no one...

    To quote from the article: It will be a postal vote. A small step into the 21st century - To hold elections in a modern and democratic way, including those who are far from the polls, is an infinitely higher concern.

    Article in Czech>


    Ponomarenko Unterwasserman IIUpdated 29.5.2024: 


    "People do not differ altogether in what they regard as evil; they differ very much, however, in what they regard as pardonable."



    "If you want to make billions then be like me, live life like me". - "I'm finally gonna start living like a proper Jew." It's not just about money, it's about MINDSET! It's always good to be rewarded for hard work!


    How sick society must be to allow this. That's why it is starting to collapse, more every day. They are psychopaths, victims without knowing it. JŠ



    Testimonials with Maxim Ponomarenko: Who is Maxim Ponomarenko

    Full Article in Czech>