Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Ricar a JourovaWhen I read some articles by miss-informed journalists or similar others (even such as Ricar Marekpriests), my first reaction is – this man for sure is a hoodlum belonging to prison… The unbreakable faith into mighty Democracy and misguided believe to official statements, for sure prevents normal people to closely look into this case. So, here I present few intimate comments:

At first, Marek Ricar was placed, with his whole family, into witness protection program. In newspapers then appeared stories that he, under a changed name, is hiding in unknown place (!). He was placed in the witness protection program along with his five children; all of them had their names, places and data of birth officially changed – to such absurd places and different faraway states, that one simple phone call to such a local town’s office would trash this ridiculous phony! For the children, a new life began – full eight long years of pretends, learning their new so call identities, including confusing biographies, the constant change of place of address, the new friends, and perplexed feelings how to react to normal, everyday innocent questions asked by their school teachers…

In the meantime, Marek Ricar himself was squeezed by bureaucratic octopus - under one of its tentacle he was under full confidential silence, and at the same time, rest of the tentacles merrily spread around falsehoods: from a witness he became a suspect, then new trials, which he couldn’t attend were set and conducted, and important documents went missing and false police reports appeared… Manipulation with official information began, statements taken out of contents; the whole case grew out like a cancer tumor. And on top of all of that, the real aggressive cancer tumor appeared in one of his daughters – clear psychosomatic case; doctors said that anything like this, in such young person, is very rare. What’s happening here is not some silly, teary, sentimental and/or dramatic Hollywood made-up story, but a raw, Czech-made reality.

When Marek Ricar was arrested, he was led away in a group of fully armed police squad, he in a simple T-shirt and under the aim of machineguns, like some dangerous enemy; in reality he was a crushed and totally helpless man who had nothing to lose, because he had already lost everything. And then, in evening TV news, angel-like looking then Minister Vera Jourova spoke about some charitable grants to God-known-what or whom. If some film-maker wants some really crazy story, he doesn’t need to go too far, here is a story even better than the famous “Wag the dog” ones was. Here is the real case, dark one, full of intricate tentacles, under-the-belt-hits, desperate and seemingly hopeless.

For all above mentioned reasons, I do thank to everyone, who had courage to sign the petition.


Jana Ricarova,

May 11th 2014. Liberec

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Czech Republic 2015: The wife and daughter thank the signers of the petition of support of her husband ing. arch. Marek Řičář - today Josef Marek, prisoner of conscience

Open letter to the members of the European Parliament by the Citizen of the EU,

Letter by wife of ing. arch. Marek Ricar


Jan Šinágl, 7.1.2016

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2016-01-14 15:11

I knew quite well the main figure Petia, he was one of the most sadists one can imagine. His great hobby was to stir-up Ukrainians and sent them against business guys and entrepreneurs. And, it would be better not waste our time with this Euro-slut. 


2016-01-15 14:27

We shouldn’t forget one thing, we are still (obviously) a totalitarian, in fact a criminal, state, where the leading force are still Communists. Yes, the Communists, who spread out to otherpolitical parties and there they do as much as possible harm to other people. It really is an ingrained malice, the fact that till this very day, nobody, not a single one of them, was taken to task for crimes against humanity committed during the rule of Communist regime. Nobody should be surprised then that justice doesn’t exists here, and most likely, never will.  

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#126 - 2016-01-14 15:11

I knew quite well the main figure Petia, he was one of the most sadists one can imagine. His great hobby was to stir-up Ukrainians and sent them against business guys and entrepreneurs. And, it would be better not waste our time with this Euro-slut. 

#127 - 2016-01-15 14:27

We shouldn’t forget one thing, we are still (obviously) a totalitarian, in fact a criminal, state, where the leading force are still Communists. Yes, the Communists, who spread out to other political parties and there they do as much as possible harm to other people. It really is an ingrained malice, the fact that till this very day, nobody, not a single one of them, was taken to task for crimes against humanity committed during the rule of Communist regime. Nobody should be surprised then that justice doesn’t exists here, and most likely, never will.

* * *

European Commissioner for Justice Vera Jourova was indicted in the Budisov cause. For the insufficient evidence, she was acquitted, but the acquittal did not mean her offence did not happen. The fact is, the original investigators to whom she confessed and testified under oath, were recalled from the case and the evidence destroyed.

* * *

Cousin of ing. Arch. Marek Řičař was appointed by Pope as a new Bishop of Pilsen

Tomáš Holub was by Pope appointed as the new Bishop of Pilsen. He is a cousin of ing. Arch. Mark Řičař. The Mills of God are working slowly, but surely.

J.Š. 23.2.2016



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