Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Sinagl_Sokol_Mnichov_17.1.2008... According to §175 sec. 1 Criminal Code provision, I am giving you this notice: Today I filed criminal charges against you with the District court in Beroun, the charge being Denial, Questioning, Endorsing and Justifying Genocide according to §405 Penal Code. ...


District Attorney’s Office in Beroun

Wagnerovo nám. 1249/2, 26601 Beroun

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Jan Šinágl, born December 09, 1952

Bratří Nejedlých 335

267 53 Žebrák


Notice of prosecution

According to §175 sec. 1 Criminal Code provision, I am giving you this notice: Today I filed criminal charges against you with the District court in Beroun, the charge being Denial, Questioning, Endorsing and Justifying Genocide according to §405 Penal Code.


JUDr. Josef Šebek

District Attorney of DAO Beroun


* * *

This article is the cause of action - CORPUS DELICTI...?!

From blog of Tomáš Pecina


Police of the Czech Rep. and “chief-censor” of The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes Jaroslav Cvancara warn: Read at own peril. You may be prosecuted for quoting or referencing this blog. 28.3.2011


I’d like to say that I don’t find the idea that the son of Reinhard Heydrich should secure the means for restoration of the Castle in Panenske Brezany (where his father as an acting Reichsprotektor lived with his family) very fortunate. No matter how is Haider Heydrich responsible for the actions of his father – war criminal, this idea seems to me little tasteful and insensitive.

This controversy has, however, uncovered that Czechs have some kind of a problem with Heydrich to this day. The way I see it:

What happened with the Czech nation under the outside pressure of occupation and Protectorate – equally, 25 years later under the pressure of normalization – is what happens to seemingly homogenous mixture if put in a centrifuge. It divides into fractions. Small part of the nation openly collaborated with the enemy and started to praise the occupiers. In an attempt to please them it went so far that the Germans actually interned some of them – in a curious position of honorable prisoners. On the other end there was a (equally small) part of citizens, who stood up to the enemy and fought it, acting naïve perhaps, which, however, doesn’t make their acts and courage less important and relevant.

The biggest fraction was represented by them, who learned to live with the occupation and who conformed quite comfortably in the Protectorate. These were the people who Heydrich managed to gain, similarly to how Husak gained their descendants with his goulash version of socialism. Calmness, contentment, a bit of stink, but warmness, don’t stick out, don’t rise up, have your opinion but be quiet and wait until the wheel of history revolves again and a Czech will be presented with something else to adapt to. We have been and we will be.

It is not known very well that after the assassination of Heydrich (which was realized against the will of domestic resistance) a wave of nationwide opposition surged. The assassins’ image in eyes of an average Czech was similar to today’s image of brothers Masins, so the image of them, who irresponsibly disturbed our comfy collaboration and who forced us to decide uncomfortable and difficult moral dilemmas. There were hundreds or perhaps thousands of rats (informers) in Prague and the two-million reward for help with locating the murderers was at the end divided into so many parts that in order to mask this fact it was necessary to come up with a main traitor Karel Curda.

Heydrich knew how to deal with Czechs. Immediately after he took the office he abolished unevenness in food rations and also with other measures he could get a heart of an average, slightly coward and very conformist Czech, who understood that if he was going to dutifully work for the Reich, the Reich would take care of him and he wouldn’t lack anything: on the contrary if he was going to make troubles, he would be doomed. Heydrich was so sure about his policy that he dared ride in Protectorate in an open vehicle and with no security, which was unthinkable anywhere else in occupied Europe. Protectorate was simply a kind of small paradise on earth.

Heydrich’s policy was working and that’s the problem the Czechs have with him until today. For that matter, fully objectively, if we compare the acting Reichsprotektor with the heads of state that came after him, we have to acknowledge, in order to be fair, that Heydrich is not the worst among them. Number of victims of his administration is merely a fraction of the victims of the post-war genocide. By no means can it be compared to how the communists ruled in the 50s.

I am asking, should be Heydrich honored with a Merit Act as well, or should there at least be held a reverential gathering as large as this year’s gathering by the tomb of criminal and mass murderer Klement Gottwald?



Jan Šinágl, 3.2.2013

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


0 #1 biustonosze 2016-06-07 18:26
Thanks very interesting blog!

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