Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Klaus_a_pivoThis obviously mentally ill, unhinged old man behaves like a crazy person. He has pardoned primarily stolen billions, friends, buddies and his criminal past. He‘s been covering up his trail. He‘s a disgrace to our country. Even bigger disgrace will be if the citizens cannot remove him from public life as quickly as possible. For sure our politicians will not do it for them! He insulted not only decent citizens, but honest judges, prosecutors and police officers. Klaus has pardoned himself above anyone and logical consequences of his criminal politics! We can’t rule out extortion, where he might have been forced to do so by threatened powerful. Prime Minister Necas holds full responsibility for this criminal pardon. He has lost his moral credit, if he‘d even had one before.

Picture on the left: It’s not a photomontage. Vaclav Klaus wore this Napoleon costume for real when visiting a historic cannon manufacturer. Such clown and buffoon and also a criminal is our president. Are we clowns ourselves when we allow such a dangerous, incapable clown to be our president?! In the past clowns used to be in castles (Prague castle – seat of Czech president) entertaining their monarchs. We have come further – like good Švejks – we have made a clown and criminal our president! No wonder we are where we are. Clowns, buffoons and criminals are almost everywhere, we feed them well and they are making fun of us. We deserve that! My fellow citizens, do you want to keep being useful clowns and buffoons...?! Else we are facing a threat that millions of more and more unsatisfied citizens will be harmed more and more by the mentally ill old man from the Castle with his bunch of equally disabled and capable of anything, including their knaves under Prague Castle! His sick brain may want to cause an unclear situation and use it to his own benefit...?!

Klaus has once again confirmed, what he has been, is and will be: big time thief in „white gloves“, who has always watched, is watching and will watch his own private interests and goals! How typical, in his New Year’s speech he did not mention corruption – main issue of our country!

New Spring must come, it won’t be velvet, but necessary, if we are not to definitely end up on the level of the East and a lot of us perhaps somewhere else. Please follow and spread the information from this web!

Re the pardon:

Jiří Přibáň: „President is not responsible for a pardon according to the Constitution. It was contra signed by the Prime Minister, whose government had made fighting the corruption one of their main political goals. The pardon of 2013 will go down in constitutional history primarily as a manifestation of hypocrisy, cynicism and power of those, who have never come to terms with the idea of independent justice and have never accepted equality before the law – the main pillar of the state of law.“

Petr Zemánek: „When law overtakes morality, it will start by itself to create its own morality so that it will preferentially start serving personal interests. Let’s not talk about totality of state, but about totality of law as a part of elitary principle.

Citizens would like to know how many persons and how big damage was done by billion thieves and how big damage by small-time thieves. It would come to light that Klaus pardoned thousands of small-time criminals responsible for damages in millions and few individuals responsible for billions. That is a crime on our nation, on its soul, for which he should be prosecuted right away. That is the reason behind this pardon, to pardon friends – big time criminals, witnesses of his criminal politics, cover up the trails, as he had done before. Of course, the big majority will return to prison burdening the police and the courts and jeopardizing decent citizens. Klaus has basically pardoned the majority of small time criminals, who were allowed (sometimes forced) to commit crimes by the Klaus’s policy of immorality and daylight robbery. Klaus has supported gigantic embezzlement of state owned assets. Big time criminals have not been prosecuted, yet their victims have been even more! His policy has taken and still takes the material and spiritual power from our country, strengthens economic decline, disintegration of families, culture, traditions and good manners.

We are feeding fatter and fatter godfathers up and citizens are lacking more and more. In my opinion with his pardon he has committed treason, erasing the trail of his dirty immoral politics! Why aren’t presidential candidates, MPs, senators and well-known personalities sounding any alarms?! Are they all afraid, incompetent or maybe hypocritical and coward...?! We have a madman and criminal in the Castle, who is endangering our country and its future. In fact he pardoned stolen billions, which our country desperately needs, for example for prison service!!!

I’d like to remind that by law sole tradesman are liable with all of their property (including personal), whereas limited liability companies and joint-stock companies only with their business property. The law is so „democratic“ that it enables the owners to declare bankruptcy, create a new company and get rid of responsibility. The government cannot take their private property, often huge and acquired illegally. Do you get it now why lots of rich and big companies do not pay any or small taxes and why e.g. in Switzerland there’s a property tax!

Czech prison system generates socially disintegrated individuals, over indebted, psychologically disturbed – the future „forced recidivists“. Estimated 40% of inmates are mentally ill and belong to a mental institution! How many of them are going to be released among 8 000 pardoned...?! What are they to do when they cannot get a job and any support from the government? They will start stealing again, because it’s the only thing left and often the only thing they „well“ know. The problem with inmates has not been solved yet, they just released some pressure on a one time basis, the pressure will build up again and the explosion will be massive. By the way do not forget that Mr. Necas also bears responsibility for this immoral and scandalous pardon. He co-signed it, so he has no moral right to remain our Prime Minister!

We couldn’t manage our economic growth, so we started the growth of crime. That‘s what our country renowned for fraud and crime has been good at and still is... While „lower“ stopped stealing, „upper“ started stealing even more than they used to under communists, in addition publicly, without punishment and with a smile on criminals‘ faces from TV screens in the form of politicians and honorable personalities.

* * *

In the time when Vaclav Havel was incarcerated, Jan Fischer joined Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSC)! Can you imagine that a former NSDAP (Nazi Party) member would become a president in Germany? In current situation to keep my conscience clear I can only vote for European MP Ms. Zuzana Roithova!


Jan Šinágl, 3.1.2013


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


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