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Klaus_jako_Napoleon… The behavior of Mr. Klaus, the office-holder of our highest Constitutional post, is not just his own dishonor (obviously, he is not able to realize it himself) but it is a shame of our country, our peoples and all political representatives of our Republic who are not able to, or do not want to, do anything to stop him; instead all of are pretending to be innocent bystanders, powerless to put an end to his scandalous behavior that is reaching way behind our borders. Outside world stopped to take our country seriously quite some time ago. We are now considered, more or less, a laughing stock, an example of "banana republic" in the heart of Europe. …



SOLDATE SOLONIS o.s., Nejedlých 335, 267 53 Žebrák



Milan Štech

Předseda Senátu České republiky

Valdštejnské náměstí 17/4

18 01  Praha 1


Re: Resignation of President of the Czech Republic Václav Klaus


Žebrák, February 28th 2012



Dear Mr. Chairman.


As a Chairman of the Civic Association (Občanske sdružení) SOLDATES SOLONIS o.s. I am asking you to initiate actions that should lead to the resignation of Mr. Václav Klaus on the Presidency of the Czech Republic. The office you hold, the Chairman of the Senate, and the Senate itself, are most likely the only institutions in the Czech jurisdiction able to proceed in this manner. For this reason, I am asking you to expedite as fast as possible steps needed to the said end.

Reasons for this drastic measure are numerous and you himself has to be aware of them, too - such as infamous so called "Chilean pen", embarrassing phrase repetitions, presidential pardons to Zdeněk Kratochvíl, Karel Steininger, Tomáš Sláma (the chum of murdered mafia Chief František Mrázek), Anna Benešová – it is scandalous to grant clemency to Anna Benešová under the false pretence to take care of person (husband) under her care - actually, she could have taken care of her so called "sick" husband even without that clemency, so the excuse of the President for his action is totally ridiculous - when the real reason was to keep her court records clean needed to keep her public office; any independent court would for proven frauds and corruption send her to prison - or renewed attempt to nominate, after the refusal by the Senate, Jan Sváček to the post of the Associate Judge of the Constitution Court. Also, the recent attempt by the Mr. and Mrs. Klaus to acquire for themselves the Kč. 65.000.000 luxury mansion, not to mention annual grant of Kč. 100.000.000 to the private school owned by their son, attended by the children of the upper affluent, organized by Martin Roman - in effect sponsorship of the private enterprise by the Czech taxpayers. From this point of view, the behavior by the Presidential couple is scandalous, unacceptable and absolute antithesis of the highest Office of our Republic.

The behavior of Mr. Klaus, the office-holder of our highest Constitutional post, is not just his own dishonor (obviously, he is not able to realize it himself) but it is a shame of our country, our peoples and all political representatives of our Republic who are not able to, or do not want to, do anything to stop him; instead all of are pretending to be innocent bystanders, powerless to put an end to his scandalous behavior that is reaching way behind our borders. Outside world stopped to take our country seriously quite some time ago. We are now considered, more or less, a laughing stock, an example of "banana republic" in the heart of Europe.

I would like to believe, that the Senate, under your leadership, will speedily take steps that described situation requires. The Constitution of the Czech Republic not only requires, but demands, that this honorable body, the Senate, under circumstances like this, has to initiate actions to rectify this shameful situation. This sitting President of the Czech Republic already lost any support and trust of all honest and informed citizens and for sure would most likely do the same rest of citizens if they were informed objectively and honestly about his behavior by our media. By his conduct, Mr. Vaclav Klaus is not worthy of the highest office he is presently holding. He is not serving the country, or its citizens, but only himself and his selfish interests that are in total contradiction to the spirit of the Presidential post, to our society, to our country, and all our citizens. It makes no different if his conduct is in itself objectively immoral, or the result of the mental decease.

If our present laws do not allow remove obviously mentally unstable person from the highest office of our land, the person who is the danger not to the country but to himself (or herself), you should take it on yourself to speedily initiate and lead an effort to rectify this quite inadequate oversight.

I am looking ahead to your expected reply, especially what position, if any, the Senate, and you personally, will undertake toward this urgent appeal. About your reply, I shall inform public media in the Czech Republic and also abroad, in German and English speaking world.


I wish you all the best and courage to this worthwhile undertaking.




Jan Šinágl



Copies to:

Attorney General JUDr. Pavel Zeman

Prime Minister Petr Nečas

Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Pavel Rychetský

Chairwoman of the Parliament Miroslava Němcová

Justice Minister JUDr. Jiří Pospíšil

Minister of Interior Jan Kubice



Mr. Martin Roman is former CEO (Chief Executing Officer) of the largest Czech State Company ČEZ who not long ago resigned on this post to take position as the Chairman of the Control Commission of ČEZ. On this post he practically holds the same power, only difference is that he is not so exposed as before. Negative information about him and ČEZ are still surfacing. If all of his income in his post as CEO is put together, the daily sum was Kč. 1.000.000


Czech Version: Výzva k odstoupení Václava Klause z funkce presidenta České republiky!

German Version: Aufruf zum Rücktritt von Václav Klaus vom Amt des Präsidenten der Tschechischen Republik


The Answer of Chairman of Parliament of the Czech Republic


Parliament of the Czech Republic


Milan Stech



Prague, March 9th 2012

a.n. 2525/2012/S


Dear Mr. Sinagl.


With a great interest I read your letter. In it you are asking the Senate of the Czech Republic to initiate action against the President Vaclav Klaus that would lead to his resignation.

This request of yours is supported by the list of public misdeeds that from your point of view are sufficient enough to request "speedy resignation of Vaclav Klaus".

However, the situation is not that simple. The Constitution of the Czech Republic knows only two specific requirements that lead to the removal of the President from the post.

The first one specifies situation when the head of the State cannot "by the grave reasons fulfill the duties of the Presidency".

The second requirement, specifically spelled in the Article 65 of the Constitution, says: "The President of the Republic can be impeached by the Senate for High Treason and be judged by the Constitutional Court. The sentence in this case could lead to the removal from the Presidential post and lost of ability to gain the office of the Presidency again."

Even if the present President, who is nearing the end of his second term, on numerous occasions in public exhibits quite problematic behavior, in no way can be his conduct qualified as High Treason, nor any other requirement necessary for impeachment. This is general view by all Senators from all political Parties.




(signature) Stech



Mr. Jan Sinagl




I did expect from the Chairman of the Senate Mr. Stech this kind of reply. The Senate is not in this case, the removal of Mr. Vaclav Klaus from the Presidency, fully independent. To initiate action to remove the President from his post, or legal action for his quite obvious law-breaking and anti-Constitutional conduct that goes against common sense, and Constitution of the Czech Republic alike, would surely threaten itself as a body and also numerous other its own members. Mr. Klaus knows a lot about the past of many of the Senators, so as a master power broker, he sure knows how to use this information. In private, Senators behave one way, but in public, it is another story - in the name of self interest, they would rather play the role of a servant, or a coward. I quote Senator Petr Pithart in LN, The President did not follow the Constitution: "The Prime Minister, instead to resign, bowed down when he was not able name members his own Cabinet (when President refused to sign P.M. demanded resignation of the Minister of Education, J.S.) The Senators are only in private asking themselves if betrayal to uphold Constitution is treason high, or low. So, I am himself asking , shouldn't we now ask Constitutional Court to answer this question?" Of course, no one will ask, and the "boat shall rock slowly on and on". To follow the example of the German public, media and police as in the case of their President Christian Wulff, is so far in the Czech Republic an unfulfilled dream. The question now is - how long can we keep this immoral and unbearable state of affairs to last?


Jan Šinágl

March 15th 2012




1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


0 #1 www.cnw.vcn.com 2015-07-19 18:46
What's up, just wanted to mention, I loved this article.
It was inspiring. Keep on posting!

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