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Peter de Vriese kvetiny 7 2021This organization is the main suspect in the shooting of journalist Peter R. de Vries

The Dutch journalist Peter R. de Vries has been in a struggle between life-and-death since he was shot five times, including once in the head, on a street in central Amsterdam on Tuesday afternoon. Police are holding two suspects (including the perpetrator of the attack), but have not yet released their identities. In any case, all eyes are on the Mocro Maffia, a group of criminal organizations that base their business on drug trafficking (especially cocaine) and that in recent years had been the target of De Vries' journalistic investigations. These gangs, mainly made up of people of Moroccan origin, have their epicentre in the port of Rotterdam (through which they import the substances that they then distribute in Europe) and operate above all in the Netherlands and Belgium, but their tentacles reach Latin America and also the Costa del Sol, one of the traditional entry points for drugs in Europe.

At the head of the main Mocro Maffia clan, known as the Angels of Death is Ridouan Taghi, a man with dual Dutch and Moroccan nationality who, before his arrest in Dubai in 2019, was considered the most wanted criminal in the Netherlands. Taghi is on trial for his alleged involvement in 11 murders, including that of lawyer Derk Wiersum, who was shot in September 2019 as he was leaving his home in Amsterdam. Wiersum was the legal representative of Nabil B., a repentant member of the Mocro Maffia who had agreed to testify against Taghi and had thus become a key player in the trial. Two years earlier, Nabil B.'s brother, who had no links to organised crime, had also been shot in the head and killed.

De Vries also has a very close relationship with Nabil B.: he was his "person of trust", a legal figure aimed at advising a person during a judicial process and making him a spokesperson. In 2019, the journalist had revealed that his name appeared on Taghi's blacklist as a person to be eliminated, even though the alleged criminal denied it. "I am not afraid, but Nabil's brother and his former lawyer were killed, so it is better not to get hysterical thinking that something could happen. It's part of the job", De Vries told the Dutch magazine Vrij Nederland.

More than one hundred victims

The Mocro Maffia (named by Dutch writer Marijn Schrijver in a book of the same name about these gangs published in 2014) began operating during the 1990s, but it was from 2012 that it consolidated its power. That year, the theft of a shipment of 200 kilos of cocaine in the Belgian port of Antwerp was the origin of a confrontation between gangs that spilt blood in Amsterdam and other Dutch cities and did not decrease in intensity until 2017, when the Taghi's rise began. The death toll of this war (which crossed borders and even reached Barcelona, where there was a murder linked to the Mocro Maffia in July 2018) exceeds one hundred, and includes some innocent people who were killed by mistake. One of the most gruesome episodes of this battle was the appearance of a decapitated head outside a bar in central Amsterdam.



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J.Š. 18.7.2021

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