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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Tempel Robert a policieOn June 17, 2021, MP Pavel Jelínek gave an oral interpellation to the Minister of Justice JUDr. Maria Benešová, how is it possible that after the judgment of the ECtHR (June 25, 2020), Robert Tempel was not released immediately and is still in prison in Mírov? "Is the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic resolving this," should the Minister answer? (The wall record is not yet on the Chamber's website)…

The two correspondents of the Constitutional Court allegedly are working intensively on the case, saying that it was too complicated? Judge of the High Court in Prague JUDr. Jiří Lněnička, nicknamed the "Pankrác executioner" by the prisoner, should even have refused to send all the documents to the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic ?! A total of 45 pages, testifying to Templar's innocence, should have disappeared from the file ?! Appeal of the Czech Republic, resp. The MsP to the ECtHR was purely purposeful. He knew he had no chance. He just wanted to buy time. The ECtHR also returned it very quickly (in 6 weeks). The Constitutional Court has annulled its findings twice already! In fact, Robert Tempel is not at all convicted. By the way, the constitutional judge JUDr. Tomáš Lichovník is one of the judges who refused to acknowledge the delays in Robert Templ's proceedings, so he is certainly "impartial". He will certainly be "motivated" to correct his professional and moral failure "as quickly as possible". He once said, "We do not compensate criminals, mobsters and assassins." Indeed, the Constitutional Judge-Rapporteur is in the right place! Doesn't it hate, when, according to the possible character or membership in a group, he anticipates and condemns in advance without evidence ?! Where did the equality of all citizens remain before the law, when constitutional judges are to be unquestionable and exemplary personalities in all respects ?!

Strange that President Zeman pardoned the assassin Milan Kájínek on the condition that he not commit further crimes. He has no right to impose conditions on this as if he were a judge. It is a gross violation of the law and the Constitution of the Czech Republic by the President of the Republic himself. All constitutional judges agreed that the president cannot impose a suspended sentence on anyone, resp. grace. He did not pardon Robert Tempel, who was unknown to the media. Perhaps the president will still be surprised who he pardons if Tempel speaks? Kájínek can rightly fear his testimony…

Information is already leaking that President Zeman will be removed after the autumn elections. Even the judiciary ceases to be tolerant of the president's behavior and manners, which do not belong to his office, but rather to pubs and mafia associations. Most citizens will certainly join them. It is also a disgrace to them and to the whole country.

The language used by the President and the Minister of Justice is an insult to sophistication. When asked by the editor whether the president is not interfering in her decision-making, TV PRIMA replied: "The castle gave me a free hand in choosing the highest public prosecutor." So sometimes he doesn't get her free hand either ?! Castle obedience to the minister live. The news faded, no journalist caught it? The media is again silent where it should scream, but only if it is truly independent.

Of course, deputies and senators were also addressed. Everyone answers according to the template: "We cannot do anything, we do not have such powers." Sure, but nothing prevents them from speaking publicly when the media are constantly silent - they have full authority from the citizens. That is why the citizens elected them not only to work, but also to hear their voice when the citizens' voice is kept secret. Do they consult their parliamentary groups on how to vote ?! Have they made a citizen's promise to the legislature of the party's nominee? Let us not be surprised then that the Communist Criminal Code of 1961 still applies in our country and that the diploma thesis of the President of the Constitutional Court JUDr. Pavel Rychetský is deposited in the archives of the Senate. It is open to the public only with the consent of the author. He was me not given consent. The dissertation should be on the topic "Building socialism in Italy" or something similar…

Albert Žirovnický was finally accepted to study at the Faculty of Law in Pilsen. The document was signed by Rector Stanislav Balík, a former judge of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and now also the Dean of the Faculty of Law, famous in the past for his scandals. As a constitutional judge, he was also the cause of the "flushing" of Robert Templ's constitutional complaint - in three months! It was written by Albert Žirovnický without the constitutional judges having the entire court file at their disposal. They didn't discuss it at all and ruined Robert Temple's life!

The General Directorate of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic suggested to Robert Templ, when he suffers from the "post-traumatic innocent syndrome", a stay at the prison service psychiatry in Brno. Of course, he refused with thanks (we know what psychologists and psychiatrists can do in the "higher interest"). This syndrome of innocence tends to suffer from judges, who should rather be interned there and treated for such unintentional injustice!

The Nobel Prize for Agriculture should be awarded to the Czech Republic: It has managed to grow a "Banana Republic" in the middle of Europe. She should receive the prize for building democracy from Prince Potemkin…

Minister of Justice JUDr. Marie Benešová proposes to the government as the new Supreme State Attorney JUDr. Igor Stříž. He was a pre-November military prosecutor and a member of the Communist Party. Between 1987 and 1989, he sued hundreds of convicts or conscripts and proposed their sentencing to unconditional draconian punishments. He earned the nickname - the Red Death from Olomouc. What the European Union will say or remain again silent?


Entropy and its growth in nature, in the closed system of our environment, characterizes the path to extinction and self-destruction. It can't be otherwise with our lives, we are part of it. To have something completely disorganized, highly entropic means to have nothing.

The question of why this is the case must be answered by everyone.


Jan Šinágl, 23.6.2021


The ECtHR acknowledged the complaint of the convicted Robert Tempel, Czech courts violated his rights

Ostrava's judicial Palermo in full force: The incredible trampling of law and justice on the example of a fraudulent forensic expert MUDr. Igor Dvořáček

Nationwide radio and internet television slander me, spread lies, of course they don't give me space to express myself

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