Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 29.06.2024 13:14
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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Michal Martin cernyIt concerns Radio Frekvence 1, belonging to Daniel Křetínský (also owned by the renowned French daily Le Monde) and Xaver TV by the owner Luboš Xaver Veselý, a corrupt servant of power structures and a current member of the Council of Czech Public Television. He was also invited to the recent celebration of the 80th birthday of President Václav Klaus at Prague Castle…

I will not discuss this purposefulness and confusion of the public for the purpose of my property and professional liquidation. I will just remind the person of Martin Michal, who illegally uses the legal title, standing in the background of everything. He has good contacts with the tabloid media, politicians and the Czech judiciary, which he uses for my liquidation as property and professional. He is a convicted multiple liar, fraud, fornicator, international criminal and psychopath. He embezzled hundreds of millions of crowns, he is in execution about 20 million crowns, no one solves it. His son was involved in billions in tax fraud in fuel stores. He was sentenced to 8 years unconditionally (I helped the police with the investigation). The court did not decide at all, where did the billions go ?! He confiscated from the offenders only a negligible part of their property. Money has once again shown its unlimited power. Convicts will serve a few years, will be released prematurely for good behavior and enjoy stolen money…

Jaroslav Tvrdík has been one of Martin Michal's good acquaintances since the military service, where he was also punished for violating regulations. Jaroslav Tvrdík later became the Minister of Defense of the Czech Republic, subsequently the director of Czech Airlines (he brought them to ruin). Today he is the chairman of the board of directors of the best Czech football club Slavia Prague with good contacts with China, which financially supported the football club.

Martin Michal's wife, the well-known singer Helena Vondráčková, was honored by President Miloš Zeman. She made her career mainly under totalitarianism. Her friend, the famous singer, Marta Kubišová, was banned from performing from 1968 until 1989. Singer Marta Kubišová was also sued by these naughty people. She won at the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, after many years. At that time, I organized a fundraiser to cover its high legal costs (approximately 60,000 crowns were collected) and became interested in the MM Agency. That's how it all started.

It is very bad that such a sick person can use the judicial system of a democratic country to deprive me of all my property, the opportunity to work for my home country for free and to pay him and others hundreds of thousands of crowns for freedom of speech and the public's right to information. The whole country knows this, including journalists and their organizations - everyone is silent about my case and no one has the courage to speak out in my support.

Real freedom of speech has long since left the Czech Republic.

According to foreign, independent experts, the Czech Republic is considered the country with the most widespread corruption of various forms from the former Eastern Bloc countries. It is covered by the formal fulfillment of the law, without the fulfillment of its spirit and the search for justice - just as it was in the 1950s. At that time, people lost all their property and ended up in prison or at the execution site. Today, they are silenced by confiscation of property and financial liquidation. No one is personally responsible for anything then, as it is today. It is all the more dangerous because it is not as visible as in other corrupt countries. Corruption is practically not investigated at all when it comes to large sums of money or various interest groups connected to corrupt political parties. Fight alone against such backgrounds and structures? As a law-abiding citizen, you have no chance of success. This invisible force controlling the whole country understands and respects only the force.

That is why I support Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, who is basically also alone in the fight against invisible corruption. For years, the "right-wing" opposition has been trying to destroy him. He knows the system is not buyable, so as the only really corrupt structure threatens.

I fight against an invisible enemy who physically avoids me. Prosecutors do not have the courage to appear in court. You get punches under the belt from all sides and then defend yourself.

I have already published over 11,000 articles, and if I made an unwanted mistake, a correction and an apology followed immediately. Only the MM Music Agency always sends pre-litigation summons with a request for an immediate apology, its publication, removal of the "defective" text and payment of hundreds of thousands of amounts. Money is always "in the first place" and then don't judge… I would also help to file lawsuits against these villains for millions in damages, justified, but judge for years with an uncertain result and a loss of irreversible time for the necessary work.

Bailiffs work within the "limits of the law", like a well-oiled machine. The question is how much longer can a country afford it, such an incredible rampage of private individuals. They have greater powers than the courts and the police combined over the lives of citizens, without any responsibility. They are safely protected by laws that help them liquidate decent citizens!

Fear rules the earth again. There is absolute media silence about the media, including politicians and celebrities with whom I have personally known and met for years, including well-known journalists from respected media. None of them has yet found the courage to write about my case or to speak in public. They just appreciate my work and keep my fingers crossed when we have fun in private…

They have their limits of independence limited by their own fear, whether justified, or by a simple weakness of character, when they can write and speak well about moral values, but also act personally in their sense, they do not find enough courage. So I will speak, write and continue to be active on their behalf. Freedom of the press and the public's right to information have never been free. Whoever was not willing to fight, risk and sacrifice for them lost everything. Life without fulfilling a moral command and striving for the truth is not a life, only a soulless, empty existence.

Founded in 2004, millions of Internet users have already visited the site. Its content is watched all over the world, no doubt by my enemies. I am pleased and strengthened that more and more unknown people greet me on the streets across the country, supporting my publishing and civic activities.

Honest journalism is not a crime, in the Czech Republic it is. I am currently the most punished journalist in the countries of the European Union for freedom of speech and the public's right to information, with absolute violation of the limits of proportionality of error and punishment. I have informed all MEPs, the management of the European Parliament, the relevant commissions and their responsible representatives, including the Parliament of the Czech Republic - all are still silent. They are controlled by fear, they do not want to incite anyone and risk their positions and the lucrative benefits associated with them. They play for democracy and democrats, instead of defending and fulfilling its values. The state is unsustainable permanently and without serious consequences!

We cannot evaluate immoral and morally corrupt people only by moral reason. They always look, like any evil, for the shortest path to the goal, without obstacles. Destroying decency and decency is the "joy" of their perverted moral distortion. They are sick people who need help. An advanced society helps them by defending them and showing unsurpassable moral standards. If she is not able to do so and is threatened by them without resistance, she is dangerous to herself and seriously ill. Any society that commits and allows the government of moral, moral and moral waste of society without resistance will do badly. Ultimately, this will affect the moral decay of society, which may be irreversible. We will pay for it all, the whole country and, above all, future generations, if we, as citizens of this moral and material devastation, continue to watch idly and helplessly. No one changes the world alone, only ourselves and our surroundings, we change the world. It's a challenge for each of us!

I will continue to fight for freedom of speech as long as my health and finances allow. Efforts for my property and professional liquidation and silencing of this website are for me only a confirmation of my well-done work and its constant need! Let's keep our fingers crossed - we're on the same boat!


Jan Šinágl, 24.6.2021


Briefing on Implementation of Civil Service Act, Czech Republic

The Czech Republic must take significant steps to enforce its foreign bribery laws, but demonstrates commitment to improve

Czech Republic 2021: My house auctioned for 4,900,000 CZK - for freedom of speech!


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