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Sikorski MateuszRussian KGB and Nazi in Polish Parliament

Mateusz Piskorski, the former politician from Szczecin, who heads the ‘international observers’ supposedly responsible for overseeing ‘fair play’ in the Crimea referendum, has been unmasked by the Polish mainstream media as a ‘known fascist and antisemite’. The TVP (Polish television) website quotes the Russian politician Vladimir Karza Murza who claims: “the chief of the international observers mission. Mateusz Piskorski, is a well-known Polish fascist and antisemite.” He continues: “He is an open proponent of Nazism, a holocaust denier, and the author of articles in the portals ‘Biały świat’ (white world) and ‘Ja, Rosjanin’ (I, a Russian), he was the leading light of the Polish skinhead newspaper ‘Odala’, where he praised the Aryan race and Adolf Hitler.”


The newspaper, ‘Odala’, in which Piskorski played a leading role, described itself as battling against, “doctrines foreign to our race such as Christianity, Liberalism and Marxism.” Piskorski has also been associated with the neo-pagan organization ‘Niklot’.

Piskorski is currently director of the ‘European Center for Geopolitical Analysis’, which, according to the Polish edition of ‘Newsweek’, is funded by Russian money. He is described by the Russian media as a Polish MP, when, in fact, he does not currently hold any elected office.

Between 2005-2007, Piskorski represented Szczecin in the Polish Sejm on behalf of the fringe populist ‘Samoobrona’ (Self-defence) party.

The Polish media has commented on the contradiction between the Russian condemnation of Ukranian ‘fascism’ and its use of a known fascist to head its ‘international observers’ in the Crimea referendum.

On Sunday, 16 March, 2014, the Russian press agency ITAR TASS quoted the head of the mission of international observers, Mateusz Piskorski, Poland, as stating: “the referendum in Crimea conformed to international norms, and followed democratic procedures completely.” See video below:


* * *

Russian KGB and Nazi in Polish Parliament

This photo is absolutely real. The person on photo is the deputy of the Polish Sejm (national parliament) from populist Self-Defense (Samoobrona) party Mr. Mateusz Piskorski. He is known as editor-in-chief of nazi-rasist magazine “Odala”, as leader of Polish skinhead’s movement and radical anti-semite who has been elected in parliament in 2005.

In “Odala” Mateusz Piskorski sang the praises of the “Aryan Race”, Hitler, SS, Gestapo with their struggle against “world Jewish plot” and ideologies “foreign to our race, like Christianity, Liberalism, and Marxism” publishing interviews with Holocaust deniers. Except for that, he and the leader of parliamentary fraction of populist Self-Defense party Andrzej Lepper are the big fans of Russian president Vladimir Putin and of Belarus dictator Alexander Lukashenko.

Last five years skinhead Mateusz Piskorsky some times visited Russia where he has old friends among Russian Nazis. Many of them are connected with former KGB which has now renamed in “Federal Security Service of Russia” (FSB in Russian).

Vladimir Putin and Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs have accepted the special political program concerning Eastern Europe. So, in 2005 agent of FSB and well known Russian Nazi Alexei Kochetkov has organized the official visit of his friend Mateusz Piskorski to small, but very criminal “state” Transdniestria (rebel part of Moldova) with the purpose of political support of local dictatorship. Heads of Transdniestria are searched by the Interpol for the illegal traffic in arms and weapons, the murders, money-laundering, terrorism, genocide and drug traffic. But they have the Russian citizenship personally and use Russian support in their policy. Actually FSB supervises a situation in this rebel region and colleagues of Vladimir Putin receive a lot of money from Transdniestrian criminal business.

During his visit to Transdniestria thedeputy of Polish parliament Mateusz Piskorski on behalf of Poland, on behalf of Self-Defense party and its leader Andrzej Lepper confirm “legality and correctness” of not free and completely forged parliamentary elections in this rebel region. After that Russia has started to provide nonofficial financial support of Piskorski’s and Lepper’s activity. So, now Self-Defense party (one of the most influential Polish political parties) is financed by Russians through the Polish Nazi and known agents of FSB-KGB.

Deputies of Polish parliament receive some of Russian money, as fees for the participation in election monitoring in the countries of former Soviet Union (Belarus dictator Alexander Lukashenko, dictator of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, former Ukraine Prime Minister Victor Yanukovich and others) in their struggle against the democratic oppositions during the elections.. In 2005 Mateusz Piskorski has been registered, as the observer from CIS Election Monitoring Organization (CIS EMO) on elections of Transdniestrian parliament. This Russian nongovernmental organization has been created by agent of FSB Alexei Kochetkov under direction of FSB. CIS EMO purpose consists in public support of the proRussian state leaders.

Now Russian KGB-Nazi Alexei Kochetkov, racist Polish deputy Mateusz Piskorski and another members of Self-Defense party are registered on elections of the Ukrainian Parliament, as the observer from CIS EMO. According to Ukrainian mass-media, FSB (through CIS EMO) has already transferred money to Andrzej Lepper and soon Mateusz Piskorski will arrive to Ukraine with his colleagues from Polish parliament. Their purpose consists in support of the proRussian political parties on Ukrainian elections.

In more detail about relations of Polish parliament, Self-Defense party, the Polish Nazi and Russian KGB look in clause published in Ukrainian magazine "Tribuna", informational agency “Maidan”, Polish newspaperGazeta Wyborcza”, “Searchlight” and others media.

It is possible to receive comments from the Poland also:

Self-Defense (Samoobrona) party and parliamentary fraction:

Phones: +48 (22) 6942583 (parliamentary fraction), +48 (22) 6250472 (party office)

Faxes: +48 (22) 6250477 (party office), +48 (22) 6942606 (parliamentary fraction),

e-mail: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.

Deputy of Polish parliament Mr. Mateusz Piskorski:

phones: +48 (22) 6942583, +48 (91) 8122658, e-mail: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.

Chairman of Polish parliament Mr. Marek Jurek:

Fax: + 48 (22) 694 22 13, e-mail: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.

(more in Ukrainian agensy MAIDAN)


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