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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Fortyn Karel

When will Wenceslas Square in Prague fill people with cancer? Will they  protest and demand the permission of a proven method by MUDr. Karel Fortýn? It will ensure them safely and CHEAP full of health and return to thein life. Billions will be saved to research new treatment methods and treatment itself. The farm industry can earn its billions differently - cure, not heal and earn money as much as possible. Healthcare cannot be just business! Everyone will have benefit! J.Š.

A long-ignored biological principle in the field of molecular immunology on which reposes Dr Charles Fortyn’s method, known to the public as „devitalization“, remains a squandered opportunity for the founding of a new discipline in cancer therapy.  

Many specialists that I have met outside of the Czech Republic have shown astonishment and incomprehension over the contradiction that a method which has a unique potential to cure cancer, that has been demonstrated clinically with all evidence and its safety unambiguously verified in the laboratories of the Czech Academy of Sciences, has not found any support in the Czech medical sphere by which it was even rejected  as inefficient.  This is one of the main reasons why now, when the biological basis of the given therapy was newly described in specialized medical journals (Medical Hypotheses, 2016, Molecular and Clinical Oncology, 2016), no medical institution has any interest to start a new investigation of the curative possibilities of a simple surgical method while paradoxically fearing for its scientific reputation upon considering that the given therapy was once discredited and banished by official institutions as inefficient. Especially today, when billions are being spent on an apparently more interesting research of sophisticated approaches where miraculous results are expected, but which, as we know from practice do not seem to appear.

As a result of this situation, many patients are dying unnecesarily, even though there exists a safe, easily accessible method, that can be applied almost immediately without the use of any dangerous drugs on the basis of strictly observed and controlled clinical protocols.

The whole concept of Dr Charles Fortyn’s method, which concerns history, basis of cancerogenesis and the cause of the tolerance of cancer by the immune system, theoretical basis, verification of biological safety, surgical techniques, clinical experience, curative potential, developmental possibilities, the drawbacks of existing and newly developed methods in comparison with the banished approach and the possibility of conjointly applying safe synergetic methods in the case of very malignant rapidly growing tmours, is also  described in my book „The Conquest of Cancer a Long-Ignored Breakthrough – Autologous Tissue Anti-Cancer Immunization Therapy“. 

The book is mainly intended for specialists, but certain parts dealing with the conditions for  the application of the method can be of interest to a larger public. The separate chapters describe the cancer challenge from a different view point then the one which is now defined by contemporary science. The latter is now exclusively focussed on specific targeted approaches which are mostly based on only one immunogenic factor of a tumour and therefore cannot evoke a long-lasting generalized systemic immune response. Newly tested and developed procedures do actually produce a very strong initial therapeutic effect which however tends to fade away very quickly and is actually suppressed by the immune system itself after repeated application of the targeted drug. Thus with the incomplete elimination of cancer loci already in the first phase of the application of the drug, there is recurrence, and the therapy becomes inefficient. In contrast to this situation, specialists continue to ignore the exceptional circumstancial fact that Dr Fortyn’s method reposes on a generalized immune response which is mobilized by the totality of a complex array of immunogenic factors that characterize the tumour and is therefore more efficient than targeted procedures especially when the method is applied correctly following the latest findings and observations. For this reason one of the main aims of my book is to draw the attention of specialists to the complex multimodal  systemic activation of immune functions against all malignant cells in the organism. Under such conditions. tumour cells cannot develop resistence against the generalized immune response by selective adaptation, because the number of immunogenic factors that are the cause of the immune response is overwhelmingly too large.

We can only hope there are specialists who will abandon there scepticism and will find the interest to verify scientifically the arguments I present in my book on the basis of the latest findings in the field of molecular biology and immunotherapy. It is also very important that surgeons and oncologists recognize that the efficacy of Dr Fortyn’s method largely depends on how it is applied in regard to the clinical status of the patient. Very unfortrunately this circumstance was underestimated in the official clinical trials conducted in 2001 and the interpretation of the results by specialists was therefore erroneous and misleading.  

The present challenge is the scientific and clinical revision of a banished therapeutic method which offers a revolutionary approach to the treatment of cancer in all its forms. We may fear that this task will be taken up by some foreign institution to the loss in prestige of Czech medical science. In the meantime, the latter continues to ignore the big oppotunity for primacy in such an important field,  notwithstanding, that nothing stands in the way of applying Dr Charles Fortyn’s method almost immediately in the interest of patients with a late diagnosis of the disease and condemned to palliative care only.


Dr. Ing. Vladimir Kalina

Scientific consultant, biotechnology.


* * *

Just published a book on the successful cancer treatment Metod by Dr.Karel Fortýn!

Autologous tumor immunizing devascularization of an invasive colorectal cancer: A case report and literature review


J.Š. 23.5.2019

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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