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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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HrbataNote: Proper institutions confirmed to me the initiation of investigation (of Mr. Hrbata). Public media, informed about the case by myself, are silent. Here I do point out that ing. Michal Hrbata was previously investigated in the connection with the thefts of motor vehicles, but not a single case was proven. He passed the official security screening for contact with the secret information concerning the Czech Republic and organization NATO ..?!


Jan SINAGL, March 12th 2011


Sender: SODALES SOLONIS o.s., Bratri Nejedlych Street 335, 267 53, Zebrak


Recipient: OSZ Beroun, Wagnerovo nam., 124/3, 266 01 Beroun-Mesto.

Matter: Instigation for initiation of investigation.


Zebrak, January 10th 2011, Czech Republic


To whom it may concern.

As a chairman of the SODALES SOLONIS o.s. here I convey to the State Procurator Office seriously relevant information pointing to the possible braking of the Czech laws and regulations by 1st deputy of the Minister of Defense of the Czech Republic ing. Michal Hrbata. The following information clearly points to the abuse of power and trust of the public official and misuse of taxpayer's money.

On December 21st 2010 I requested from the office of Minister of Defense Alexander Vondra any information concerning this case – see Attach.

Mgr. Jan Pejsek of the ministry of the Defense replied to this request with a letter dated on December 31st 2010 – see Attach.

It really is a sorry state of affairs when a private citizen contacts proper officials, here Ministry of Defense, to point out possible breaking of the laws by a public official, and instead of thanks, such citizen (in this case myself) is told to do whatever is required to correct alleged abuse all by himself. I do not want to judge if this kind of conduct is an action of a single incompetent or lazy official, or institutional desire to avoid uncomfortable situation, but such an answer clearly more or less points out to confirmation of raised allegations.


Here I point out more additional information:

1) Deputy ing. Michal Hrbata is also a high official of the firm PAREA.

2) Allegedly, the cost of the construction of gas distribution at the Viskov military barracks was set at 120 – 150 million Kc.

3) Final cost of the mentioned gas distribution was double of the estimate – 300 million Kc.

4) Main contractor of this gas distribution job was firm STAEG, whose subcontractor was the mentioned firm PAREA.

5) In the past several years, the firm STAEG is a main staple as far as the jobs performed for the Ministry of Defense, and as such was awarded dozens of jobs worth hundreds of millions Kc., see iDnes, December 12th 2010: Audit of Minister Vondra uncovered work orders overcharged by 100s of millions (Vondruv audit odhalil na obrane zakazky predrazene az o 100 milionu)

6) Deputy Michal Hrbata is named on the web page of the firm PAREA as the firm's high official – see http://parea.sweb.cz . What this web page does not mention is the fact that he is also the government official, the 1st Deputy of the Ministry of Defense, nor is on his official biography noted another fact, that he is also 50% co-owner of the firm PAREA.

7) Named facts clearly points to unlawful conflict of interest – ing. Michal Hrbata is a deputy of Minister of Defense and also a high official and co-owner of the firm PAREA, which is employed as a main contractor for the Ministry of Defense.

8) On the web page – http://www.estav.cz/parea/ is a direct link to ing. Michal Hrbata.

9) Publication Parlamentni listy, December 12th 2010, stays: Audit of Vondra: Dormitory clean-up overcharged by 100 millions (Vondruv audit: Uklid ubytoven predrazen az o 100 milionu)

10) Ministr of Defense Alexander Vondra said: "Ministry of Defense was used as an open coffer for special interest and business groups" . It is more than clear that 1st Deputy Michal Hrbata in his present government position is doing his best to make sure that this "open coffer" will stay "fully open" to provide the most not to the citizens of the Republic, but mainly to him personally and to his private firm PAREA.


I sure do expect that the State Procurator Office with the co-operation of the Police of the Czech Republic shall initiate investigation based on stated information. Correctness of the stated information can be easily verified by contacting proper institutions and firms, and also logging on the Internet. I do believe that stated information is sufficient enough to initiate investigation and that the State Procurator Office will not again demand from me additional information as happened in the past. As a private citizen I do not have at hand means and devises available to the police or procurators to conduct any such investigation. In a civilize society it is a duty of proper institutions such as police to investigate corruption and violation of laws and regulations.

I am looking forward to receive your reply with information how the State Procurator Office judged my proposal and what action, if any, shall plan to do. Since I do deem my proposal to be very serious, I am sending copy of this proposal to Prosecutor General (nejvyssi statni zastupce??) JUDr. Pavel Zeman and other high officials. At the same time, I will inform about this case public media in the Czech Republic and abroad, including organs of the E.U.



Chairman of the SODALES SOLONIS o.s.

Jan Sinagl



Request for Information, December 12th 2010, to Minister of Defense Alexander Vondra
Reply to Request for Information, December 31st 2010, from Mgr. Jan Pejska, Deputy Chief M.oD.



Former Minister of Agriculture, Petr Gandalovic, was recently appointed as the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in the USA. It is evidentiary that he was in cohort with the concurs mafia located at the North Bohemia, specifically the cause RYBENOR, when Norway businessman Edward Stole was swindled of his new fish processing plant worth 300.000 Kc. American side did raise concern about this appointment. Informed about this concern were Minister of Foreign Affairs Karel Schwancerberg and also President of the Republic Vaclav Klaus. It is inconceivable that both did not know about Mr. Gandalovic's past. In another words, both of them knowingly supported appointment of known criminal and thug to high and prestigious position abroad.
More on: www.sinagl.cz


Copy to:

Premier Petr Necas, Minister of Defense Alexander Vondra, Minister of Justice Jiri Pospisil, Minister of Interior Radek John, Minister of Treasury Miroslav Kalousek, Minister of Transportation Vit Barta, Attorney General Pavel Zeman, Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Pavel Rychetsky, Chairwoman of the Parliament Miroslava Nemcova, Chairman of the Senat Milan Stech, President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus, UOOZ, UOHS, UOKFK, Czech and Foreign mass media, public.


English translation James V. Jakoubek
March 30th 2011

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