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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Melichov Vladimir PetrovicWe are approaching the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Putsch. The resulting bloodshed occurred not only Russia, but caused the export of a totalitarianLienz Obraz masakr 1945 ideology, evil, and hatred around the globe, with the subsequent victimization of millions of people.

Our fathers and grandfathers tried to defend freedom and democracy within the territory held by the Don Cossack Host. After finding Bolshevism’s ideology and practice unacceptable, they established The Rescue Circle of Don. Having freed their historical lands from the Communists, they formed an independent and free Democraftic Don Republic. For two years, the cossacks were able to defend their freedom and human dignity against the forces of evil, that outnumbered them. In 1920, the forces of evil were victorious, and that was the beginning of mass terror, firing squad executions, exile into concentration camps, the burning of villages and settlements, demolition of churches, and even destruction of cemeteries. More than half of the population was destroyed. This genocide of Cossacks has been formally acknowledged by the Russian Federation government, but for all intents, this genocide is continuing to this day. Only instead of firing squads and concentration camps, it was decided to replace the Cossacks with odious persons of various nationalities dressed in imitation Cossack uniforms. These individuals behave in an offensive and rude fashion and insult respectable people, and they sully the memory of a free people that been almost exterminated. The true history of the Cossack genocide is concealed and distorted.

Lienz hrbitov Казачье кладбище в ЛиенцеThe heirs of these criminals and killers are demanding the closure in Elanskaya Stanitsa and in Podolsk, of the two museums for anti-Communist resistance. These museums were estabalished by Vladimir Petrovich Melikhov, who has collected unique documents that illustrate the history and tragedy of Cossacks in the 20th century.

From the moment that the first Memorial was opened in Elanskaya Stanitsa in 2007, Vladimir Petrovich Melikhov has withstood an endless persecution coming from the illegal participation of the local government’s security organs. Melikhov has spent many months in prison without any reason. As of today, there have been over 400 (!) court sessions concerning various entirely fabricated incidents.

Two years ago, Melikhov was not allowed to leave the country, and his passport was mutilated at passport control. This was done so he would be unable to take part in the consecration of the Chapel located at the Cossack Cemetery in Austria. Literally a week later, in order to cover up this defilement, authorities performed a search of Melikhov’s house and planted boxes with bullets in the children’s rooms. Over the last ten years, Russian authorities and local government officials have been doing all this in order to destroy Melikhov’s efforts of many years, and also to destroy his ability to financially support these unique museums and archives.

Lienz pomnik napis grave 4In addition, Russia’s central television mass media has been trying to demonize V. P. Melikhov, alleging in their reports that he’s either an extremist, or a person who wants to reinstitute Fascism, both of which are complete and utter lies.

V. P. Melikhov’s Memorials that document the Anti-Communist struggle have been seen by over 350,000 people. Their whose touching comments include thanks for being able to see this information, This is the only place in Russia where this information is open and available, and clearly shows Russia’s tragic history in the 20th century.

The dread and fear of facing this historical truth by the authorities has also resulted in the closure of access to historical government archives. Specifically, to those historical archives that document the high crimes of the Bolshevik regime of nearly one hundred years ago. All this makes it possible to falsify history further, and prevents the ability to clear this burden from society, and to make Russia a democratic country that would stand as a partner with all the other democratic countries.

We, the undersigned, are descendants of Don Cossacks who have struggled with the forces of evil that had taken over Russia almost one hundred years ago. We are addressing this open letter to the President of the Russian Federation, with the demand that he use all of the capabilities that his office gives him, in order to

  • Stop the illegal persecution of Vladimir Petrovich Melikhov, and to thank him for his labors of many years to reestablish Russian statehood, and to eliminate from Russian society both lies and hatred;
  • Permit free access to all of the archives of Cheka, KGB, and other enforcement agencies, going back to the first half of the last century, minimum;
  • Remove from the entire territory of the Don Republic Great Host, where the genocide occurred, all forms of memorials that honor the criminals who committed these high crimes, and in addition, to remove the names of these same criminals that have been given to towns, stanitsas, hamlets, streets, and squares, and to return to them their own historical names.

At the same time time, we are also addressing the presidents and governments of all democratic countries, and all honorable people, with the request to use their influences and abilities to stand against this attempted genocide of the Cossacks. We also request that a historical injustice be corrected in way to make sure that these crimes against humanity will never happen again. We also hope this will mean that a future Russia will at last become a member of the family of democratic and civilized countries.

On behalf of the Don Cossacks in exile and all participants of the meeting held on 27.5.2017 in Lienz, Austria

Yaropolk Leonidovich Micheyev,  Ataman of the Don Cossacks in Exile, California, USA

Yevgeny Nikolayevich Martyniuk, representative of the Ataman of the Don Cossacks in exile for Germany and Austria,  Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany

Alexej N. Kelin, deputy of Ataman of the Don Cossacks in exile, Czech Republic

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