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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Diky Ameriko YESThe first deputy of the Mayor of Plzen claimed: “It is just a question of only few months.” ButDiky Ameriko uriznut now, he is quiet, not only him, but his whole Cabinet, too. All corrupt circles associated with City Hall knew very well way ahead of time that it shall be years, because they need to drive the final price as high as possible, only for a single reason - so that everyone involved in this venture can usurp a piece as big as possible of this juicy quarry, when the final price will far exceeds the original price of the needed stone. They see the monument “Thanks America” as nothing more than the possibility of an indecent means for personal enrichment. Obviously, the Plzen’s City Hall doesn’t thank Americans at all. To take down existing pylons that were not a threat to anyone, only a week before the planed celebrations, is not just a quite a dirty deed, but a clear statement of the today’s situation that rules the City Hall. The present and former Diky Ameriko DVDCommunists presented their new power – the monuments to the former Border Guards are taken care of without any problems under the now ruling Communists.

The film document of Hana Borikova, “Thanks America – the Story of Plzen’s monument” was shown in Plzen on May 3rd 2016 in “Depo 2015” - invitation (I ordered a copy. Part of preview is enclosed, lest we forget!!!). So, in an official program Celebration of Freedom, there was not a place for it? I recommend buying a DVD copy, just 28 minutes of an excellent document! The speech of Col. Charles Noble should never be forgotten. His final words should be chiseled in stone!




On the chat with the makers of all three films, there erupted quite a passionate debate. Deputy Martin Baxa tried to calm the debaters with a promise: “New monument SHALL be presented on May 2017 with the veterans present”. The City Hall promised to budget extra money for the project?! Among the sharp critiques of totally not-to-call-for removal of the standing monument was also Zdenek Prosek – former Mayor who unveiled the original monument, and many others, too.

Is the City Hall afraid of the truths about itself? Will the documents be shown on the national TV? Or just on this web page just like many other similar documents that the national media are afraid to present? Did our Government appropriate any funds for the making of this document when it donated big money for others, far less important ones?

Diky Ameriko sbirka 1945In the 1947, for the monument Thanks America, citizens collected 5 million Kcs. Communists then stole this money and gave them to the “people of North Korea”!!!

Remembrances of the liberation by Red Army, and the destruction of Lidice, are done every year from 1945. Will we ever continue to celebrate the liberation of the Western part of Bohemia by American Army that we finally started in 1990?!

It’s not a wonder that American veterans are interested in what is going on the City Hall, stuff that is totally incomprehensible to them. They ask for an explanation of the situation and political goings on over there, in the rest of the nation, the next election, the Celebration of Freedom, and such. For the values that now represent the today’s City Hall of Plzen, they for sure did either fight, nor their brothers-in-arms died.

Pylons are not going return to the American Avenue any time soon.

Plzen – Next Celebrations of Freedom shall be without memorial Thank America!

It should have been a question of few months. Now, it is clear we are talking about a year, more likely longer, before the pylons of the monument Thanks America returns back to the crossroad of Klatovska and American Avenues. It looks that the new pylons, that should replace damaged ones the just removed, won’t be ready to the next May’s celebration. “It’s clear to me, now. The bidding process and delivery times will take at least a year” commented technical deputy of the Mayor Pavel Sindelar (ODS). City Hall still did not selected suit-able type of stone, nor announced the bidding process. “We can star this process only after we appropriate the money” added Sindelar. He estimates that the final price will fit into 10 million crowns, and the decision should be done by the City management sometimes in September. Only after that the whole process can start. “Unveiling of the new monument, I estimate to be at about October 2017, or the spring of 2018”.

Source: http://plzensky.denik.cz/zpravy_region/pylony-se-na-americkou-tridu-jen-tak-nevrati-20160722.html

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Translation by James Jakoubek, Ohio, USA

Jan Šinágl, 31.7.2016

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