Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Login Form

H-21 Association of Political Refugees and Political Prisoners from CSSR.

H-21 was established on August 1993 on the soil of the Communist Concentration camp “Bytiz” in the Czech Rep.

Contact: V. Sroub, Black point, C-127, Powell River, B.C. V8A 4Z2   CANADA

To the Office of the Prosecutor.


PO BOX 19519

2500 CM, HAGUE

The NETHERLANDS                                                     August 21. 2009



Dear Sir,

Last month the last member of the EU, the Czech Republic, signed the agreement accepting the dominion of the ICC over the territory of the Czech Republic.

As it is impossible to be appropriately protected, as we should be according to the Treaty of the Protection of Human Rights, we are seeking the protection of the ICC. We need your help.

A. We are announcing to you that the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic ( CSSR ) has been ,from  1945 to 1989, according  to evidence and law 198/1993 Sb, under the government of the Communist Party responsible:

“…. for conscious violations of human rights and freedoms, for judicial crimes and terror against people of different opinions, for destruction of principles of ownership, for misuse  of education of citizens …”

Proof :Preamble of Law 198/1993 Sb of July 9,1993 – Czech Parliament

. B. This Communist system used all its power for the persecution of its citizens, especially :

1. executing innocents

2. murdering and jailing them in prisons and forced labor camps

3. using physical and psychological torturing

4. exposing its victims to inhuman suffering

5. depriving citizens of their possessions and violating their ownership rights

Proof : par.1 (d) Law 198/ 1993 Sb and evidence.

Attachments No ….

C. This Communist Party and the Communist regime colluded with an outside power in order to be able to commit these crimes. They maintained this system by employing the occupation of their illegal and criminal army.

Proof : Well known treaties between the CSSR and the SSSR about co-operation and invasion of allied armies on August 21, 1968 

1. This Communist party and the Communist regime were training terrorists in its’ facilities and performed and supported terrorist actions around the world (1948-1990).

2. This Communist regime expelled (1945-50) 2.3 million of its own German speaking Czech citizens. Approximately twenty-fife thousand of these innocent citizens were murdered during this action. Those citizens who were illegally expelled from their own homes had to leave all their properties and were allowed just 30 kg to take with them.

Present regime, never apologized to its victims and not a single individual accepted criminal responsibility.

D. This Communist regime ( 1948-1989 ) through its’ brutality, forced other 450 000 of its citizens to abandon their homes and their country and robbed them of all their property. Additionally more than 250 000 innocent citizens were sentenced to long prison sentences and confiscation court orders were issued.

In 1990 the Parliament of the CSFR ( Ceskoslovenska Federativni Republika ) orders in Law 119 /1990 Sb nullified these sentences and declared these behaviors were judicial crimes and terrorism against this victims. These sentences were nullified “ex-tunc” which means, that these confiscation court decisions were deemed to have NEVER been pronounced. That time all 250 000 victims of this Communist terror obtained certificates of rehabilitation .

Proof : Law  119/90 Sb and evidence.

In next year 1991, under pressure of the former and present Communist and the judicial mafia , new laws 87/1991 Sb and 229/1991 Sb were adopted. These new laws, render null and void  the above mentioned law 119/1990 Sb and effect “ex-tunc” and renewed the legal validity of  formerly canceled decision , which means that it practically confiscated the victims properties again. Just a portion of victims could make use of the restitution law 119/1990 /Sb

As of today , there are more than 200 000 rejected restitution claims of farmers , business people, churches, patrimony, exiles etc. These actual and declared victims have no possibility of achieving justice in the Czech Republic. In some cases presently Czech authorities renewing the legal power from Communist cancelled court decisions see Attachment No …

Judicial Mafia and post-communist nomenclature, which carries the responsibility for this situation is still in power, is represented in all institution and its promoters are continuing , unpunished and without any obstacles, in the criminality of the previous Communist regime.

The factual statements of cruel psychological torture and inhumane and degrading handling of those victims is real and continues to this very moment.

It also is a fact  that the perpetrator exercises all powers attached to the guaranteed right of ownership that should really be in the hands of the citizens and victims and that this state of criminality continues up to this day.

Attaching documents of the Czech Coordinating Office and the H-21. Also the responses of the European institutions.


Yours faithfully

Vaclav Sroub

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