Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



„Lepší je být zbytečně vyzbrojen než beze zbraní bezmocný.“

Díky za dosavadní finanční podporu mé činnosti.

Po založení SODALES SOLONIS o.s., uvítáme podporu na číslo konta:
Raiffeisen Bank - 68689/5500
IBAN CZ 6555 0000000000000 68689
Jan Šinágl,
předseda SODALES SOLONIS o.s.

Login Form

Václav Havel a Jan ŠináglCivic Association



Jan Šinágl

ulice bratří Nejedlých 335,

267 53 Žebrák

Czech Republic



E-mail:  Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.

Mobile phone :+420 775 239 148



Žebrák, 26.May 2013


Request for financial donation


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen.


Today, after the twenty years since the “Velvet Revolution” in Czechoslovakia in 1989, the Czech public institutions are still far from understanding the responsibility of the Government to its peoples and the meaning of democracy how it is understand in other European nations.

The public and the justice institutions still conduct normal business under the close watch of politicians with connection to the totalitarian past. The corruption still plays important role in all level of our society.

The Civil Association SODALES SOLONIS o.s. was founded specifically to watch and counteract this undesirable conducts of public servants. We are pointing out specific cases and we publicize abuses of public trusts and distortions of our totalitarian past when we see it, and praising positive deeds supporting democratic principles in our society. I myself monitor trials that are still conducted on regular basis with serious violations of our laws. For example, at the present, I am keeping an eye on the case of a man with dual British-US citizenship who in our court was sentenced to 16 years of prison with no direct proof of any guilt what so ever. As a rule I am interested in cases pointed to me by other citizens, or those who themselves were the victims of injustice, the cases the other media do not want to touch. I view this as a general trust in out activity.

For this reason, I as a Chairman of Civic Association SODALES SOLONIS o.s., do turn to you with a request for financial donation to help further the activity of our group.

Here is my short biography:

I am a citizen of the Czech Republic and Switzerland. Till my 30 years of age I lived in what was then the Czechoslovakia, then the next 20 years in Switzerland. Over 11 years ago I returned back to the Czech Republic where my prime activity is being an engaged citizen and an independent journalist.

My web pages are unique in our country – www.sinagl.cz – as far as independent sources of publishing society ills and need to fix them are concerned. My weekly bulletins in the Czech, German, and English languages gained world wide attention – since May 2010 experienced over 6 million hits from 247 countries. All cost with this activity I finance myself from my sources. To fully legalize my activity, in 2010 I founded Civic Association SODALES SOLONIS o.s.. Its aim and all activity are in full agreement with article 2 of statute (printed on the end).

Eleven years ago I returned back to the Czech Republic to represent the middle generation. After the fall of Iron curtain, my age group is for the further political evolution of our country very important and my life experience in the free West is now quite helpful. Younger generation has creative power, but has very little knowledge and experience. During totalitarian regime our older generation mostly lost the conception of democracy or for health or other reasons an interest and ability for political activity. I myself do have life experience from East, and West alike. I am one of very few people who returned back from exile and actively are helping develop democracy in our land. In the last 11 years I monitored hundreds of judicial proceedings in the Czech Republic and as a consequence was several times unjustly and purposefully indicted and persecuted. So far, thanks only to my Swiss citizenship, I am still able to survive without arrest and/or incarceration in some Czech prison. This is a fact, without any doubt. Still, on the basis of my independent reporting, I am constantly intimidated and terrorized – broken windows, damaged car, and such, are constants. It is really a shame when some journalists inform me that they do follow my reports, but are unable to support me or do the same, because for them there is a constant threat of being fired.   

My work is enabled by my experience in democratic Switzerland and my Swiss citizenship. Today, I am doing my best to use this experience to help, through our Association, to build democracy and civic society by my personal example and by full information not only about the present, but also about the past. Hope to great future is not possible without full knowledge of the past.                

Unfortunately, my personal finances are not unlimited, and under all time threats, the uncalled for circumstances could cause them to be depleted in a moment. Old and corrupt structures in the Czech Republic are still in place and are fully aware about my situation - and they for sure would welcome such an end to all my activities. I would hate to end my work in middle of way, especially since in our country some radical changes that may not be quite positive, are still possible.

Our young people do not want to be looked down on all the time. For this very reason, to better understand political decisions, the alternative sources of information are important. Judged by many letters I receive, it is more then clear that my work is succeeding, opens eyes to many people and give them motive for their own activism to build civil society. Since judges and workers of state institutions are steady visitors on my web pages, the lack of finances could mean an end to my work and end to our Civic Association, too.

This, to keep my independent activity in motion, is the main reason that I am turning to your foundation for financial help.  

Raiffeisen Bank - 68689/5500

IBAN CZ 6555 0000000000000 68689


I am not taking any salary. Under normal circumstances, the high visitation on my web pages could easily cover expenses of my activity, but firms and other would-be sponsors stay away from advertising on my web pages because they fear that they may become the target of abuse from the establishment. It will still take some time to free the Czech society from totalitarian past, behavior, and thought.

At the present, minimum monthly toll of my activity is around 20.000 Czech korunas, that is about 1.000 US dollars.

I do believe that my request fully agree with the requirement and aims of your Foundation, and hope that your response shall be for the activity of our Civic Association positive.

I am ready and glad immediately submit any additional information concerning my request,



                                                                                                SODALES SOLONIS o.s.

                                                                                                         Jan Šinágl


Biography: Jan Šinágl



Article 2, statue of C.A. SODALES SOLONIS:

Association, named after Greek philosopher Solon, groups together citizens who care and aim for betterment of the Czech justice system by watching and monitoring its activity, publishing cases and offering advice to responsible institutions. Association is voluntary, independent, and non-profit. Also publishes report s of our activities and actions concerning our work, supports growths and development of civic society as the important pillar of democracy, publishes its findings and if asked offers specific proposals/suggestions. Supports development and spread of free, democratic and tolerant thoughts as specified in the Constitution of the Czech Republic. The Association is ready for any cooperation with others, national or international, like-minded organizations, with the same or similar aims, or schools, or interested public.    

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