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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Haag_logoThose who have been damaged former Czechoslovak Republic on their human rights and fundamental freedoms, in person, or as heirs and relatives of those injured and who have a legal interest in the fair compensation of victims. ICC Information to prosecute crimes against humanity committed on the territory of the Czech Republic - letter to the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague, dated 2.1.2013. ICC Form v CZ/E/D. From ICC information to prosecute crimes against humanity committed on the territory of the Czech Republic:

77. One can, therefore, adopt the conclusion that in view of the Article 1 § 2 of the Constitution which has the character of a special law with regards to the rest of the Constitutional provisions, consequently even in relation to articles of the Constitution that safeguard the immunity of Czech government officials, the Constitution provides no protection against the application of the Roman Statute on persons that have committed crimes against humanity, and therefore these persons can be tried by the International Criminal Court.

92. On October 23rd 2010, Mgr. Jaroslav Čapek received the answer from JUDr. Vit A. Schorm declaring that the Government has no intention of accepting the views of the Committee, simultaneously appealing to an aged standing of the Czech Government of May 22nd 2002 number 527. For all those reasons, the Czech Republic cannot be considered as an entity which honestly observes its covenants.

104. JUDr. Pavel Rychetský, the incumbent president of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, acknowledged his role which he played in the infringement of basic human rights and infliction of mental anguish to hundreds or thousands of people and openly boasted about it in public media (see Attachment No.14).

106. It applies in particular to those justices of the Constitutional Court who pushed through, together with JUDr. Pavel Rychetský, the adoption of the Opinion of the Constitutional Court, File No. Pl.ÚS–st.21/05 (without begard to a warning presented by their colleagues, JUDr. Eliška Wagnerová and JUDr. Miloslav Výborný, who considered the character of the adopted Opinion as an unconstitutional measure expropriating affected property without compensation and hence gong completely beyond the framework of the legal order of the Czech Republic - see Attachment No.13). In their dissenting opinion, the Constitutional Court justices JUDr. Eliška Wagnerová and JUDr. Miloslav Výborný warned implicitly of the fact that the Constitutional Court acceded, by adopting the above mentioned Opinion, to wilful and grave deprivation of basic rights, contrary to the International Law, for reasons of the identity of affected group of persons. It relates in particular to those persons who were unlawfully dispossessed by the former Czechoslovak Republic without any justifiable acquisition title [i.e. by means of usurpation], or on the basis of specific measures which can be designated as the crimes of communism perpetrated on the territory of the present Czech Republic after 1945 (see Attachment No.13).

107. The following justices of the Constitutional Court abused their positions in the attack on basic human rights of persons affected by the Opinion of the Constitutional Court, File No. Pl.ÚS–st.21/05:

JUDr. Stanislav Balík

JUDr. František Duchoň

JUDr. Vlasta Formánková

JUDr. Vojen Güttler

JUDr. Pavol Holländer

JUDr. Dagmar Lastovecká

JUDr. Jiří Mucha

JUDr. Jan Musil

JUDr. Jiří Nykodým

JUDr. Michaela Židlická

126. The signatories of this Information inform the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, that the conducts which the persons indicated in Article 119. of this Information find to be a breach of International law, has been and is being participated by the Czech Republic.

127. The participation of the Czech Republic is viewed in such a manner, that this entity of International Law is still seizing, over twenty years after the fall of the Communist regime, a vast amount of property value, to which the victims of the above mentioned Crimes Against Humanity are claiming their rights, on the basis of ownership rights or heritage rights.

128. The Czech Republic is managing the property of the victims, is generating profits from these properties and even actually selling them to third parties.

131. The Czech Republic has failed to implement its obligations to respect and secure the respect of International Human Rights, having their basis in International Agreements, in which it is a contracting party. The same applies for International Customs law even though the Czech Republic refers to these customs in Article 1 of its Constitution and finally also in its legislation.

137. We, the signatories of this Information re of the opinion, that this presented initiating and general Information, submitted to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, presents a tolerable basis for a decision to proceed with a thorough investigation of the issue.


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Jan Šinágl, 15.2.2013


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