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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Sinagl_Sokol_Mnichov_17.1.2008K.H.Borovský: „A flock is merely for convenience and for benefit of shepherd, however a community is supposed to be for convenience and for benefit of all. “ – „General monstrosity would rise up, if communists were to rule over just one generation. “ Fr. Palacký in 1857, 10 years after K.Marx composed the Communist Manifesto.

Prof. František Koukolík is talking about socially agile psychopaths: „Deprivants features: creative cooperation inability, parasitism, they are extremely dangerous if they gain uncontrollable power especially over the military, education, police, politics and over corporations. The biggest danger of deprivants rebellion is to make everything what they touch primitive – artistic, philosophical, literary, legal, scientific life of the society, just as thinking, emotional life and ability to distinguish between the good and evil. Their targets are not what they claim. They promise what we want to hear. As a consequence higher values are destroyed in the name of maintaining their power. They are dangerous parasites and they perish with their hosts. Current crisis is not financial but crisis of values and manners. According to findings of American psychologist Paul Boticek and psychiatrist Robert Hare there are more psychopaths among politicians and managers than among incarcerated.

Journalist: “Proffesor what would you suggest to our viewers, who are angry at the politicians and would like to improve our current state?“

Prof. František Koukolík: "To strain themselves mentally. To get enough relevant information, weigh them, compare them and somehow decide. Presumably, it’ll be appropriate to establish brand new political powers, which will have better supervision system of power mechanisms and somewhat clearer mind about what they do and don’t want.“

I concur with Mr. Peter Havlik in the assessment of current situation in our country, which he expressed on December 21st 2012. He as an excellent analyst is anticipating this real scenario, which a creator of Czech „politics“ has known since November 1989. He helped to found ODS, which he left the instant Mr.Klaus favored Mr. Čermák: “The three-coalition of ODS, TOP 09 and LIDEM without Mr. Necas will remain, Mr.Klaus will remain the main player appointing his Mr. Kuba. Ms. Peake will return, the Ministry of Defense will go to independent Mr. Picek and we will go on. Klaus will be the state-forming savior. He swiftly signed the tax package for them. It was another deal. Early election is a big scarecrow to everyone. It is necessary to guard the series of affairs and properly use the information against others. It hasn’t been about anything else for a long time. Then they can maintain their high life standard. It’s hard to say what Prime Minister Kuba would be like. It’s a political child of south-bohemian godfather Dlouhy. We can say for sure he would serve Klaus and Kellner – it’s going to be worse. Clan of Klaus, Kellner, Kuba, Slouf and comp. will easily push Zeman to the Castle (Prague Castle as a seat of Czech president) and full steam ahead to the East!!!

Karolína Peake is taking back what she has already taken back; she is promising what she has already promised. She is another awkward comedian of Czech politic scene. Of course, she is not able to clearly explain the circumstances around the sale of her villa residence in Prague district of Troja for 57 million CZK, two-million gift from her sponsor Dalibor Tesař, to who two billion CZK flew in from the department controlled by Peake’s party. Another government psychopath who doesn’t know shame and honor. She seems pure on the outside, underneath she is just filthy and stinky.

I fear our country is already ravaged and disturbed morally and culturally so much, that it cannot by itself influence public matters actively, much less change them. It has become an apathetic country, believing in nothing and no one, resignedly waiting for its fate, how it used to be many times in its past. It’s too weakened, it has lost the best it used to have materially and spiritually, it has been missing moral elites. Otherwise she would have acted long time ago. Our country has always had enough masters of word, but unfortunately not those who could accomplish them with their lives and sacrifices like philosopher Jan Hus. There is a hope that evil will start to destroy itself giving a chance to our weakened country. It will then need the best, who will need significant authority and who will start solving the disastrous condition of our country.

It’s our country’s misfortune that we always criticize something or someone, we blame the others, and we don’t admit our own responsibility, incompetence, mistakes and failures. We can only wait, not fight, not solve, everything will solve itself, or someone else does it for us. That is why we have such a history and its present day logical consequences. We adapt the history to our image, so that at least we can be proud of something. Those who are attempting to tell the truth are often persecuted, bullied or even imprisoned.

We can wish but we cannot quickly have what other countries have built in centuries and here had been destroyed within couple of decades and significantly deformed the country and its people. We must rebuild solid foundations, so those who come after us can continue building on them. The country is endangered by self-destructive and moral dementia penetrating the whole society. There is always a hope even though it requires more faith from each of us. Primarily, let’s start doing things to remedy public matters – every one according to his abilities and facilities! It’s about soul, existence (and non-existence) of our nation and thus the responsibility of every one of us. The more we know and can the bigger responsibility we have.

I wish to all decent and honest citizens of the Czech Republic New Year 2013 full of hope!


Jan Šinágl, 1.1.2013

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„We live in a land where nothing is a shame!“

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„Mostly fear him whose brain’s slim!“

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“In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery!”


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„Little would be achieved if one asked beforehand how it comes out. “

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781) německý filosof

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„Let’s vote them who have clean shields. They are plenty. Only those may rule, who has had and still have control over themselves.“


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“Stand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong.”

The moral code words of Abraham Lincoln

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When money speaks, truth keeps silent.“

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“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”

Rabíndranáth Thákur

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We welcome your financial contributions for our citizens association SODALES SOLONIS o.s. Our association sends out independent weekly Newsletters in Czech, German and English, to citizens, politicians and institutions to many countries worldwide. With our independent activities we promote restoration of genuine liberty, democracy and justice in the Czech Republic, which is still strongly affected by its totalitarian legacy. We would like to thank all the donors.


Jan Sinagl


In Zebrak on January 2nd 2013



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Since putting this web into operation (in May 2010) the number of visitors is nearing 5.000.000. I find it the proof of quality of my independent news and appreciation of my work. Thanks. J.S.










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