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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Zirovnicky_chodba_121212The full truth about overcrowded Czech penitentiaries

The question in the title seems very odd, since the answer is so easy and has been pushed outright before the eyes of the Czech society. However, it is all a bit different and we can say it’s a 20 year old lie of our government. Czech penitentiaries, our prison system and the Prison Service of the Czech Republic (abbrev. PSCR) have not served to protect our society or to ensure the correction of convicted criminals. It is rather specific “social service” for government employees (apparently, to lower the unemployment rate artificially).

I recommend reading the PSCR Annual Report 2011. It will help you to understand the current situation. It is a regular “cover story” for a big fraud on the citizens with far reaching consequences for our future.

What are Mr.Necas (Czech Prime Minister) and other politicians crying? Each inmate costs us 800 – 1000 CZK daily (about 50 USD). According to data provided by PSCR it was 758 CZK daily in 2011. By all means it’s a lot. Nevertheless, what expenditures are included in this calculation? The answer is skillfully hidden in the PSCR Annual Report.

The first major interesting thing can be found in chapter 1.8: PSCR pays pensions (old age and for former employees for years served) and thus including criminal red (i.e. communist) guards. It is by far a marginal amount, approximately 1.2 billion CZK annually out of 7.5 billion annual expenditures.

To sum it up, today’s inmate costs “that much” merely because they must cover the comfort cost of “Bolshevik guards” as well as other retired employees of the government.

If this chapter was to be covered by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the politicians couldn’t be crying – what populists – how expensive is one day of imprisonment of one person.

Next interesting item is the salaries of members of so called “Judicial Guard” (abbrev. JGCR). This item for 1055 JGCR members matches about 320 million CZK in 2011. However, JGCR looks after security and order in all court buildings, which is arguably not related to prison inmates. This item also adds to the head of each inmate…

An interesting item, which cannot be specified more closely, coincide with the PSCR providing health care for its employees, effectively substituting activities of Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. Remember the cost of this is charged to each inmate as well.

The whole system of “accounting magic” must be viewed completely different, in order to find out how much in fact one day of a Czech inmate is.

Every PSCR employee is a government employee, just as other “government employees”. Each is more or less necessary, needed and useful for the government operation. The PSCR is an agency of the Ministry of Justice, however it should be rather under the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, if one of the purpose of imprisonment is “social reintegration”, all amployees should be  paid directly by the Ministry of Justice. The “social reintegration” has equally not been implemented (in this place I want to point out that in the near future I am going to prove that “social disintegration” has been implemented instead here in the Czech Republic).

This would crop the expenditures by 4.5 billion out of total expenditures of 7.5 billion (in 2011). Nevertheless, this is politicaly impassable, because then the governments with Mr.Necas couldn’t be crying that one inmate costs us 800 – 1000 CZK daily.

The Annual Report doesn’t read other things though.

In October 2011 the public was presented with the information about exposing a rebellion preparation in Praha – Pankrac penitentiary. This canard was spread by Mr. Tregler, General Director of PSCR. Mr. Pospisil (Minister of Justice) used it immediately to get additional 70 million from Mr.Kalousek (Minister of Finance) for PSCR.

This information quietly faded out. In early March 2012 two press releases were issued:

Police of the Czech Republic put away the “rebellion”, because “the offence had not happened.” Mr.Pospisil suggested to Mr.Klaus (President) to promote Mr.Tregler to the rank of “Brigadier general” for “exposing the rebellion preparation”. (btw. “rebellion” is a felony). In May 2012 Mr.Klaus promoted Mr Tregler to the rank of brigadier general.

All in all, Mr. Pospisil with Mr. Tregler stroke the public with the panic in order to get more money for PSCR in order for Mr.Pospisil to trick Mr. Klaus and help Mr. Tregler to higher pension (both old age and for years served).

The money for Mr. Tregler will be in the (not so far) future charged to each inmate’s head.

What is then the definition of “corruption”?

You read correctly – the pensions are 1.2 billion out of 7.5 billion annual prison service cost!

I promise more facts about what is happening on the “far side of the world” and I’ll try to explain why it’s so. Till next time.


Correspondent from the far side of the world

“Murderer who has never murdered“

Albert Zirovnicky


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