Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



„Lepší je být zbytečně vyzbrojen než beze zbraní bezmocný.“

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Po založení SODALES SOLONIS o.s., uvítáme podporu na číslo konta:
Raiffeisen Bank - 68689/5500
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Jan Šinágl,
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Login Form

Sinagl_EJTo the citizens of the Czech Republic.

When the new law concerning direct election of the President of our Republic was passed, I decided to run for this highest office of our country as an independent candidate. It is normal in all democratic countries that for any office, including the highest one, can run any citizen, even one not facilitated with any political Party. Since we cannot exclude possibility that our next President is already selected, the one that will be acceptable to all political parties that are willing to support this person financially and in all public media, it is more than clear that such a candidate is not, and never can be, fully independent.


The Presidential candidate seeking independent nomination to be accepted has to collect minimum of 50.000 valid signatures of citizens. The checking of the validity of collected signatures, be it on paper or in electronic form, is quite similar, actually the electronic form is quicker and more reliable. The exclusion of electronic petition is clear discrimination of any and all independent candidates. For this reason I am pointing out here this clear violation of right of any citizen of our country to place a free and direct vote for an independent candidate. I see no reason why not to accept an electronic signature on a petition, the same way that the electronic signature is fully accepted for a tax return purpose. Requirement of a direct signature on a paper petition is quite expensive and time consuming. It is almost impossible for an individual to collect 50.000 valid signatures (not to mention total exclusion of all citizens living abroad) without any help from political parties and/or corporations.

Corruption and moral decay, ties of political and economic interests in our country reached a level without comparison with any democratic country. Maybe the only equivalent in our country could be seen in Middle Ages. Here we can quote a moral giant from our own past, the man who had seen decay like this in his own times, Master John Huss:

“Just like a flock of hungry ravens they settle on this country, they devoured every grain of corn, every flake of gold and silver. They know no mercy. Their hearts are hardened by desire for wealth. They shamelessly traffic with anything, buy and sell all they can put their hands on. For such money, gained out of poor people, they beautiful horses rising, and needless servants they keep, they dice gamble and on their whores they put expensive fur coats…”

“Damn be those who for a bit of bread abandon the truth.”

At those long past times, our ancestors were able to stand to such evil. Let us prove, that we are worthy of Master John Huss!

In our time, in our country, the most important qualification of any politician should be his/hers moral integrity. Our country can not afford experiments like V.V. anymore, with candidates without any transparent past; the same has to be said about other candidates nominated by contemporary corrupt interests and associations.

Also, our compatriots living abroad could then add their signature to this petition. For this reason I chose only identification as: Name, Date,  and City. This way even state employee and all others citizens who are dependent on the help from the state have a chance to express their free and independent vote.

The present system of selection and election of our political office holders is only a mild window-dressing conserving old unequal and unjust system. Even now, the only candidates with a real chance to succeed are those associated with economic and political groups and lobbies. Present political system is not able to offer and support a real candidate – political representative of majority as we were able to witness short time ago during the election of Joachim Gauck in SNR. Over there, they were able to nominate and agree upon a candidate with clear past and blameless moral and character integrity. His final victory was a victory of vast majority of citizens of the SNR.

HERE you can download signature form, also for citizens who have no access to Internet, and send it back to my post office address. The new law concerning the election of the President will take effect on October 1st 1012. To achieve my goal, it is necessary to reach in a short time of about 80 days at least 50.000 counts of valid signatures, preferably quite more to cover eventual mistakes and fictitious signatures. Of course, I would like to see more independent candidates being nominated by public at large.

For those reasons I will gratefully accept any voluntary help and possible financial help. The petition forms with actual signatures will be collected, and the names of electronic media signatories will be added to it. This way, the legal and so called "illegal" petition forms will be collected at the same time. I do believe that to collect required number of needed signatures is possible even without millions of koruns, or all kind of silly and undignified actions not worthy of free citizens, that usually accompany such "collection" for others candidates. Here, I offer you a chance to freely decide next election - I do not force nor do compel, just do offer.

I give thanks to all who will sign this Petition. We, as a society of free peoples, have to stand up and face the ills and malice of our present, without worrying if out task can or can not succeed. Reason for living is in actions. “Action is all, fame and glory nothing” comments Goethe in his Faust. This should become a motto for every citizen who cares about, and is not indifferent where our country is heading.  We can hardly expect fix of our sorry state of affairs from those who for last 23 years are creating it. We have heard enough empty speeches and are sick of continuance of the same. I am ready to serve our country with all my heart, with clear conscience and full dedication. With my action, I would like to help bring a real freedom, the real democracy and morality back to our country.

God Bless Our Country.


Zebrak, September 1th 2012


Jan Šinágl

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"Greatness of a man can be judged by what he left behind, if inspired other to think in new ways,

and stimulated movement that outlasted him ... According to this requirements,

Jesus Christ is in the first place."


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"One little word overweights whole world"

Jan Hus

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The Truth always needs just one brave person to revel it.

The Lie thrives from the cowardice of those who do not dare to oppose it.

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