Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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McCrae_obalka_220512U.S. and UK citizen Mr. Gilbert McCrae wrote me another letter, this time already from Valdice prison. I attended most of the court hearings and just like the present public I was not convinced that the murder was proven to him beyond reasonable doubt. As per the legal principle IN DUBIO PRO REO (when in doubt, for the accused) he should have been acquitted and not to be sent to prison for 16 years for unsubstantiated murder. Appeal will be submitted to the Constitutional Court. One paragraph from the letter which relates to very serious facts I cannot afford to make public at this stage. Naturally, I am going to follow-up the case henceforth.



(Prison Number FUM2NY)                Valdice Prison                                            20.5.2012


Dear Mr. Šinágl,

I received a letter from my wife she said that you had telephoned her asking me to write you how I am and what it´s like here in Valdice prison. First of all I would like to thank you for your support and for writing letters on my behalf to both the U.S. Embassy and the Embassy of Great Britain. As far as myself goes I´m ok and in good health and keeping my positive outlook that all the wrong doing in my case will be exposed and hopefully that in the near future I will be released and that desperately needed changes in the so called legal system here will occur from my case. Valdice prison itself is underfunded as with Pankrác and others, I´m sure. It´s an old Monastery that needs Reconstruction. I´m certain the staff is underpaid, like with many jobs here in the Czech McCrae_prichod_191011Republic and Salary increases are needed. I´m told that 40% of people in Czech prisons are there with no Evidence of Crimes and also people with Mental Disabilities that should be in Hospitals not prison and from what I´ve seen and experienced here that certainly is the case. Apart from packaged food items the food served varies from fair to poor. Discrimination is wide and speed here as normal in the Czech Republic. I´ve personally experienced it several times here and have witnessed it with others due to Race and Nationality.

I´m in 73 sqm cell with 8 other men, 1 from Hungary and another from Poland everyone in the cell is here for Murder (vražda). …

… And from looking at the Constitutional Court Appeal it looks like I will be back in Prague/ Pankrác in front of the Legal Human Rights Violator Mgr. Jan Kadlec (that a “katastrofa” DISASTER).

Ballistics is 100% negative, the Police Altered, changed illegally page 13 of ballistics Report KUP-3178/čj-2011-KDO-1BAL as well as photos 26-30 Page 13 is the Firing Mechanism Test of the gun May 10. 2011. Firing Pin, ejector, extractor and Breach face test showed 10% in Resemblance but overall was 90% negative showing clearly my gun was not used in the Crime the police changed this page from my view not the Courts view and Judge Kadlec knew this .

Mr. Šinágl, if there is any way you can get copies of ballistics Report KUP-3178/čj-2011-9KDO-1BAL and KUP-1713/čj-2011-KDO-1BAL from the Court you will see this. The entire case needs to be investigated by Honest Legal Authority Attorney General/Minister of Justice, Anti-Corruption Police BIS Czech FBI. It stinks of Criminality, Corruption, Wrong doing, Legal, Human Rights Violations.

Mr. Šinágl, try to get copies of the ballistics Reports mentioned above KUP-3178, KUP-1713 and you will find that the gun illegally removed from my home was entirely negative in Ballistics and Evidence Switching of the bullet  Cartridge case. That bullet case presented in Court on 14.9.2011 by KUP Ing. David Ryšavý was not the Bullet case found on the Tram No. 22, 5.2.2011.

All the Best

Gilbert McCrae

As per statistics, the Czech Republic there are 230 prisoners per 100.000 inhabitants, whilst in Germany there are only 87. Does it mean that Czech judicial and police apparatus works better than their German counterparts, or that criminality in Germany is so much lower? How many innocent and those who are a thorn in the side of the powerful are sitting in Czech prisons, and how many scoundrels are at large, including those who were granted clemency by President Vaclav Klaus…?!


Jan Šinágl, June 5th, 2012


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