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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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VSP_McCrae_6_080212Right to due process flagrantly, even criminally violated and treaded on.

Court hearing with Gilbert Ferguson McCrae, on February 8, 2012, in front of High Court at Prague Pankrac, the Czech Republic: The voice record was obtained in the courtroom immediately before the start of the hearing, in the presence of the Judge, Associate Justices, the State Attorney, the Defense Attorney, Co-Defendant (McCrae's wife, who can also be heard in the recording), and the attending public.

McCrae: „You are trying to seal evidence switching in this case, bullet and (inaudible) case; I have got a comparison here that it is missing from the (.) report. I want it to be seen by the press what they have done. They are trying to switch evidence in this case! And remove the fact that the gun was not used in the crime! There's evidence here! And I want that to be seen! I want it to be seen what the judge (.) did, with 15-16 years in prison with no evidence that my gun was used in this crime, and evidence switching to the fact! I am tired of that bullshit! And want it to be seen and looked at by this jury how it is in this frikkin' ballistics report. I want evidence switching to be exposed! (Inaudible) I am tired of that bullshit, a photograph removed! I am tired, what a joke! Evidence switching was done in this case! It has got to be exposed! Evidence switching was done I this case! This is a comparison with the other ballistics report. It shows the bullet, it show microphotograph of the cartridge case. Where it is in the report, jury? Where it is in the report? Where is this page number? I am tired of that crap! Evidence switching has got to be exposed here, it has to be exposed! You tell the judge and don't yell here, please (his wife). Evidence switching has got to be exposed here! They removed pages from the ballistics report to conceal the fact that the gun was not used in the crime! They removed photograph! With a page number!“

Here are few examples of procedural violations the defense complained about - yet the Presiding Judge Jiri Lnenicka did not see anything wrong here. According to the defense attorney, number of such violations reached over 50 instances!!
1)    The gun in question - 66 cartridges were test-fired, and each of them showed little different marks, yet for the prosecution and the trial expert, the only one empty      cartridge found was enough as a proof!
2)    Mr. McCrae was for four months deprived of his heart medication prescribed for the daily use by his physician!
3)    The Judge did not allow cross-examination of the chief of police detail investigating the crime scene!
4)    According to the witnesses, the gun was shiny, but in fact, (McCrae's) gun color is flat black!
5)    Despite the McCrae's request that his attorney be present during his interrogations, this was allowed only after several such sessions!
6)    No video of unlawful search of (McCrae's) apartment, done without the presence of McCrae, is available!
7)    The search of the (McCrae's) apartment was done before the indictment!
8)    As per Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 12, protection against the interference of one's privacy, family and home, belongs to the basic rights of every individual!
9)    Only one forensic laboratory was allowed to examine the evidence!
10)  Agent-provocateur was used by the authorities!
11)  The Judge as a rule refused to hear anyone who wanted to testify in favor of the accused, such as policeman and guests from Tavern Jesterka, specifically some deaf-mute ones!
12)  The victim had great conflicts with Bulgarian (Mafia)!
13)  Defense attorney complained about compromised scent evidence from Tavern Jesterka!
14)  The Judge refused to allow any proof that the presented evidence was actually seized during the search of (McCrae's) apartment!
15)  The trial interpreter was not qualified!
16)  Mr. McCrae was taken to all interrogations blindfolded!

How could have two men, strangers to each other, an American who doesn't speak Czech, and a Czech who doesn't speak English, get in few minutes into a deadly argument...?!

Audio recording of Mr. McCrae - before the start of the hearing - speech on February 8, 2012.

Audio recording of Mr. McCrae - hearing - speech on February 8, 2012.

Audio recording of Mgr. Jiri Slovacek´s - Mr. McCrae´s advocate - speech on February 8, 2012.

Audio recording of judge JUDr. Jiří Lněnička – the Judgment - speech on February 8, 2012.

Audio recording of Mgr. Jiri Slovacek – for media in Czech language - speech on February 8, 2012.


The Photo Gallery


Jan Šinágl on February 11, 2012






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