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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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SSSR 100 letOn 30 December 1922, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was established. This is a subject so vast, complex and comprehensive that it would make hundreds of articles or dozens of books. Therefore, today's article will be different from the others. It will be a reflection based on facts.

When Pyotr Struve recalled his first meeting with Lenin, he mentioned that Ilyich had almost no character traits. His only trait was hatred, which literally oozed from him. In Struve's words: "... it was repulsive and terrible, stemming from hard, almost animal emotions and disgust. It was cold, like Lenin himself."

The Great October Socialist Revolution and the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are not only the greatest tragedy of the 20th century, but probably the greatest tragedy in human history. The rise of the Bolsheviks to power in one country condemned a hundred million people to death all over the world.

And virtually everyday terrorism. It was not only Tsar Alexander II, ministers or generals who were killed. According to various estimates, over 20,000 state and provincial officials were murdered by Russian radicals in the twenty years before the Crusades alone. This is an average of almost three murders a day.

Richard Pipes mentions that the most striking feature of Russian society at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries was pervasive hatred. The radicals hated the Tsarist regime. The peasants hated the "renegades" from the communes. Muslims hated Armenians. Kazakhs hated Russians. Russians hated Stolypin. All together they hated the Jews. The intelligentsia hated the conservatives. Liberals hated the security forces of the state. Socialists hated each other. The Russia of this time was full of anger, resentment and hatred. Countless pogroms and pervasive violence.

Attempts at communist revolutions intimidated the public in Central and Western Europe and enabled the rise of fascism and later Nazism. These ideologies proclaimed that only they could protect nations from communism.

The final resolution contained the following: 'Every elected Communist deputy must realise that he was not elected to carry out the will of his constituents, but that he is an agitator of the Party sent to the enemy camp in order to carry out its decisions. He is answerable only to the party."

In other words, Communist MPs were not supposed to defend the interests of their country, but the interests of their party. And their party was to obey and do the bidding of the Russian Communist Party. This principle must be kept in mind to this day: every Communist is a Trojan horse of Russia.

Full article: https://gavinny-pise.blogspot.com/2022/12/sto-let-sovetskeho-svazu.html  

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