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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Benes Stalin Pravda viteziStalin a PutinGen. "Bolshevism is decay, misery and hunger. Democracy creates, is the basis of normal life and well-being." - "Bolshevism is the dazzling flash of treacle; democracy the shining beacon of salvation."-Bolshevism is the enemy of humanity and must be fought."


Classic dictators and tyrants. Even Edvard Benes was a representative of a horror government that did not shy away from anything. "The chief Slavic nationalist and ideological beast", as the writer Géza Dunajszky aptly called him. Genocide is the physical liquidation by another ethnicity or nation, ethnocide is the liquidation of the spirit, and democidum is the liquidation of both by the same nation or ethnicity. Edvard Benes committed the war crime of democide - see Rudolph Rummel. Let us not be surprised that even the Communists supported the "Edvard Benes has contributed to the state" law - yes, to hand it over to the Communists and the Kremlin for gradual liquidation, which is still manifesting itself today! Let us not be surprised that our allies, France, Great Britain and the USA, did not trust this vindictive "backstabber and goblin". They were well informed!

It is time for "TRUTH WINS" to apply, not Truth to the victors! We already have the history, now all that is left is to write the history - the true history, lest we repeat it again!

I bring you the first excerpt from Géza Dunajszsky's book „Zaorané masové hroby“ (Plowed Mass Graves): Václav Bureš, Zbyněk Ludvík: "The Book of the Dark Past", where you can see for yourself - a frightening reading about the Czech character! I have no doubt that Edvard Beneš is responsible for the death of Gen.  M. R. Štefánik and Antonín Švehla. Given his criminal nature, his involvement in the tragic death of Tomáš Bat'a, who would undoubtedly have been elected President of the Czechoslovakia, cannot be ruled out. Jan Masaryk was also a victim of his criminal politics, which always favoured only his personal interests. He called Benes a "leather-skinned backstabber" and a "leather-skinned imp". He also hated Jan Antonin Bata, but he did not refuse money from our greatest patriot to support the government in exile in London. Edvard Beneš should have ended up as a war criminal before the Nuremberg Tribunal, been convicted and executed. I recall below the statements of Gen. M. R. Štefánik about communism and the Bolsheviks - everything came true. When he went to Russia to command the legionaries and eliminate the Bolsheviks, TGM was recalled with the proviso that the Czechoslovakia would not interfere in the affairs of foreign countries. He could do it - the Bolsheviks had neither officers nor weapons. Later they behaved brutally like the Islamic State. The last words of the White Guard Admiral Kolchak before his execution (the legionnaires handed him over to the Bolsheviks so they could return home - and their stolen goods - without any problems) were: "Českije sabakí." (Czechen dogs).

Contrary to the views of Masaryk and Benes advocating neutrality, which was in fact a direct aid to the incipient Bolshevism, General Stefanik made a speech to the legionaries in Siberia in 1918 that also qualifies him as a prescient statesman. Among other things he said:

Bolshevism is the denial of democracy

Bolshevism shouts and roars; democracy thinks, instructs and persuades

Bolshevism takes the coat off the body of the neighbour; democracy sews a cloak for all, even for the poor

Bolshevism stirs the lowest instincts; democracy appeals to honour and conscience

Bolshevism gives the people the torch and the dagger; democracy the hammer and the plough

Bolshevism throws the adversary into the sea, pulls him out of prison and kills him; democracy cures, or punishes and corrects

Bolshevism buys souls for benefits and forms parties of bandits and sectarians; democracy guarantees the participation of all in benefits and rights

Bolshevism is decay, misery and hunger. Democracy creates, is the basis of normal life and prosperity

Bolshevism is the dazzling glimmer of treacle; democracy the shining beacon of salvation

Bolshevism is the enemy of humanity and must be fought

Benes was only babbling about democracy - Dr. Stefanik wanted to practice it! The developments leading to our national catastrophes proved Dr. Štefánik right.


Jan Šinágl, 17.3.2022


Another legacy of Edvard Beneš's criminal policies: Home Guard and the destruction of the Carpathian Germans

How Kremlin agent Edvard Benes sold out Czechoslovakia to the Soviet Union

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