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ISESCO DG and the keysThis event is part of the preparation of the declaration of Rabat, Islamic cultural capital.

At the head of the ISESCO delegation, Mr. El Malek welcomed, on the occasion, the commitment of His Majesty King Mohammed VI in favor of the protection of the cultural heritage and historical monuments of the Kingdom. 

In a statement to the M24 news channel, the Director General of ISESCO highlighted the symbolism of the heritage of the Kasbah des Oudayas, recalling that Rabat was inscribed in 2012 by the United Nations Organization for the ‘education, science and culture (UNESCO) on the World Heritage List, and in 2019 on the Islamic World Heritage List, during the 11th Congress of Ministers of Culture held in Tunis at the initiative of ISESCO .

→ Read also: The Director General of MAP talks with the DG of ISESCO about ways to strengthen relations between the two institutions

The Foundation for the Safeguarding of the Cultural Heritage of Rabat, chaired by Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa, plays a notorious role in the preservation and protection of the historical monuments of the city of Rabat, as a universal Islamic and human heritage, has he continued.

For his part, the president of the Espace les Oudayas association, Abderrahmane Badraoui declared that the handing over of the keys to the gates of the Kasbah des Oudayas constitutes a long-standing tradition, in recognition of the efforts made by those responsible for the protection. and the preservation of the heritage it shelters.

For his part, the teacher-researcher in archeology and heritage and president of the International Council of Monuments and ICOMOS-Morocco Sites, Abdelati Lahlou stressed that the visit of the ISESCO delegation to the Kasbah des Oudayas illustrates the scope of restoration and maintenance work on this monument, noting that the portals, walls and towers have been restored, like part of the district, the Moorish café, or the Andalusian garden.

Mr. Lahlou added that the Kasbah is one of the first districts of the city of Rabat, built in the 11th century, stressing that given its strategic location, it has always attracted special attention, now redoubled.

(With MAP)


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