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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Clovek a strach… Therefore, it is better not to feed numbing systems with unnecessarily much attention. Not to take precious energy and go your own, creative path, but not to close yourself off from the world. …

So far, civilization perceives only difficulties, not an essential crisis. That is not enough for change. Only the coronavirus forced us to make a decision. Will we remain in soulless separation, illusory control, numbing complexity, belief in technological salvation, and growing unsustainability, or will we work with the Earth? Jan Piňos writes in the fifth, final part of the article.

This text, which is divided into five parts due to its length, the first, second, third and fourth have already been published, has matured for a long time, although a clear view of the importance of fear, the power of manipulation, the nature of the test to which coronavirus exposes us and I have from the beginning when it interfered in our lives. The events of the past year only confirmed my initial intuition. I take the text as a fragment of the effort for a greater overview and a more comprehensive, balanced view of the events that changed the world in a year. My goal is not to gather current facts and comments, summarize professional discussions or show the failure of the state.

Despite the length of the text, it is not possible to cover most aspects related to the crisis. I respect that coronavirus is very dangerous for a very small number of people, and I do not deny this risk. I am based on the situation in our country, which I know not only from available information, but above all from personal experience. However, all fundamental aspects of this crisis are similar in the industrialized countries. It cannot be otherwise when they grow up from the equally inhospitable soil of Western civilization.

Let's not breathe, let's breathe freely!

"He who renounces freedom in the name of security deserves neither freedom nor security," said American statesman Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790). Fortunately, there are people who do not lose their breath, heart or head even under the great pressure of the fearsome. There are probably few of them, but they usually keep it to themselves. I was therefore surprised at how many people reacted in the March period of the greatest darkness to something so extreme in our country, such as civil disobedience.


"We are people who have had enough of the state that this country has gone to, and they are trying to fight not only for the remnants of common sense, but above all for children's rights to education, senseless measures and increasingly trampled freedom."


For example, Mary, 85, says: “Everybody goes to death from birth and it is up to us how we approach it. I want to enjoy the last few years that the Lord God gives me here with my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and I do not want anyone to destroy them again, as under the previous regime.” Jan, 80, writes: “I am just afraid that I he will forbid training even at home and I will be inspected by a happy housekeeper."

"We also take it as a demarcation of borders against state arbitrariness. In Přibyslav, we probably still believe that, in addition to a healthy body, common sense is also important, "commented the mayor of the town, Martin Kamarád. "This measure of the Ministry of Health is unworkable without possible impacts on children's health, it is also disproportionate and legally unenforceable." He also did not want the Czech alley:

"We could go the way of seemingly pretending to accept the ministerial measure, while letting the pupils wear veils pulled under their noses, or referring to their state of health, which does not allow them to wear the veil. We could also risk the health of our children and consistently require the use of veils to suffocate in the veil for seven lessons, to sing the eighth from the top of their throats without veils. ”

He said, "But we don't think that's the way to go about raising our children." We cannot expose our children to the danger of all-day restraint through a veil, even if the ministry is trying to do so. "

However, a child cannot be excluded from full-time education. He has the right to education, which is enshrined in Article 33 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, which is superior to ministerial decrees and pandemic law.

The government did not even justify the interference with constitutional rights, and it is an invasive interference with the organism of children. Official life-restricting measures are by-laws and in conflict with legally superior laws, guaranteed fundamental rights and freedoms. Nevertheless, they have been toxic to life and political manipulation for more than a year, and the majority's fears cover up this illegal situation, against which there is no adequate resistance. A recent poll found surprisingly that respondents fear much more threats to freedom (51 percent) than diseases (27 percent). Less than a third believe that government scaling makes sense.

The law does not stand up for the defense of a principled legal order, but only resolves disputes between individuals who, for various reasons, reject the impact of scalding on their lives or those close to them. It is only with great delay that we learn from the media that the government has broken the law in closing schools, shops and restaurants, as evidenced by recent rulings by the Supreme Administrative Court. Instead of causing a storm of civil protest, reports of it can hardly be found.

Repeated illegal actions of the state are involuntary. Why don't we call to heaven? Did we forget where to call? Or do we no longer believe that there is someone in heaven who still cares? Although people do not have the energy to protest against state malice after a grueling year, they may already be overcoming fear, seeing state demagoguery and raising their heads.

A sustainable future

We can only admire the wisdom and humility of people living in such coexistence with the Earth, as described by the Chief of Seattle in his famous speech: “What afflicts the Earth will also affect the sons of the Earth. When people spit on Earth, they spit on themselves. Because we know that the Earth does not belong to humans, but that humans belong to the Earth - we know that. Everything is connected to each other like blood that unites one family. Everything is connected. What afflicts the Earth will also affect the sons of the Earth… The white man, temporarily holding power, thinks that he is perhaps already the God to whom the Earth belongs. How can a person own his mother? Man did not create the movement of life, he is only a thread in it. What you do to that movement, you do to yourself. This region is valuable to my people, and to hurt the earth is to despise its Creator. Even whites will pass away, perhaps sooner than all other tribes. Keep infesting your bed and one night you will suffocate in your own apostasy. You may think that you rule it, just as you seek to control our country; but you can't. He is the God of men - as red as white. Maybe we're brothers. We'll see. "

Before we get to the edge of such wisdom, we must first create room for change. Put aside values ​​and attitudes that persist persistently, addictions that bind us, old destructive concepts and thought programs that weaken us. We need to move away from various influences that do not support life - from our own bad habits through surviving relationships to unhealthy environments. The more we resist the necessary changes, the more we deplete ourselves and the Earth - and the more difficult further trials will naturally come.

Only when we go through personal and collective lessons, in which we exhaust the possibilities of half-way, ie blind paths, we will perhaps find ourselves on the threshold of health and a sustainable future. The theoretical physicist Albert Einstein (1879–1955) already pointed out that problems cannot be solved by the approach that created them. Therefore, political, economic, technical and official procedures are not enough to get out of the crisis. More and more often we are witnessing their obvious and growing impotence, a complex failure, a chaos in which the initial positive impulse for change is lost or lost altogether.

A new relationship

Favorable changes are hampered by short-sighted and selfish interests from the top levels of world political and economic power, as well as the growing complexity of bureaucratic systems. They even consume an absurd amount of human energy to solve small things. Therefore, it is better not to feed numbing systems unnecessarily much attention. Not to take precious energy and go your own, creative path, but not to close yourself off from the world.

Useful daily actions are no longer enough to return human and planetary health. We need to draw energy for change from a new relationship with the world, from conscious and lived cooperation with all life, from coexistence. The number of people who are already living this new human story is growing unstoppably. Its germ cells appear on many levels all around us in the form of more or less autonomous local communities and activities.

"We are not here to rule the world, but to connect with a larger community of living Earth," said Thomas Berry, an American thinker, cultural historian and cosmologist. If we desire to awaken to the beauties of the living Earth and to our full health, “we will have to give up the distant viewing perspective and illusion of control. For most people, however, this is a frightening step, because it means realizing that we are vulnerable: loss, illness, death - but also miracle and unexpected joy. For all its stunning beauty, the Earth is hardly a safe place to live. That is why civilization seems so frightened by the idea that we will stop looking at reality from the outside and stop believing that we can control and direct the Earth. We cannot control it, we never could and never will. However, we can participate more deeply, respectfully and creatively in the diverse life of which we are a part," wrote the American philosopher and ecologist David Abram.


"When the fires stop and the wind dispels the pungent smoke,

until people leave their hiding places and cells

and breathe to a new beginning, what will they see?

Everything soft that they passed on the way to fulfillment?

Everything in common that remained a vague dream?

And where will their next steps lead?

Up in the sun? Or back in the dark? ”


(Luděk Čertík, collection of poems by the Many River)

Jan Piňos

Whole Article: https://ceskapozice.lidovky.cz/tema/rok-s-koronavirem-strachem-jsme-se-zdravi-a-zivotu-vzdalili-5-cast.A210716_133033_pozice-tema_lube


J.Š. 17.8.2021

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