Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 29.06.2024 13:14
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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Exekucni koncentracni tabor

(On the left - the Execution Concentration Camp of the Czech Republic - over 800,000 people in execution or insolvency. On the right, a meeting with President Václav Havel at the exhibition Chechnya The Final Solution, which I had brought from the EP, where it was banned. J.Š.)


Prime Minister Andrej Babiš Czech Television April 16, 2021: "Execution is one of the largest smelly affairs created for us here by traditional political parties."


Cecna Sinagl HavelAfter 2 years I finally got a video from the executor Mgr. Jan Beneš, when he no longer had to make excuses and lie (I submitted a letter from the Czech Execution Chamber). He also refused to have a look at it. He sent it to me in five parts. What you see in the video, it was not allowed by the Gestapo or the Communists in the 1950s. The state has also transferred its responsibility to the moral mob, which behaves accordingly. Bailiffs have greater powers than the Parliament. For those who cannot withstand these 1,5 lasting attacks on freedom of speech, the following brings the essentials. A mobile home foreclosure took place when the house was mortgaged.

Emergency Financial Support Needed for Sodales Solonis z.s.


Statements of the bailiff Petr Kašník and his unknown escort:

Sudeten German Compatriots Association, you stupid man - I think it's useless to wait for you here for two hours. This will already be done - By law, you have to tolerate the enforcement of a court decision. It's not the 50's, it's the twenty-first century and the law it was written and built - JŠ: Just leave me computers there. PK:  I am afraid it will not be possible. You can pick them up in the office where I will transfer them (they have left computers as the last ones, accidently clear what was their main goal). JŠ: This is against human rights and the Constitution. PK: It is not. We will put on some covers so as not to mess up the master's floor. We'll be done here fast (16 rooms, dozens of cabinets, shelves and boxes, thousands of things, they didn't search the upperground) - When you get somewhere else than me, turn on the camera - Dude, it's a villain (Apparently the reaction to the poster on the door of the exhibition on the crimes of communism, Col. vv Josef Musil) - Does it have any value? - The phone is no miracle, but it will have some value. This is a completely new one (gift by sponsor for children's camp!) - Computers a few. Come on, let's get to it. I'm going for the protocol, we'll write it down and let's do it - There was no other computer here, was there? We didn't find him - Ok there Is a gentleman here and taking pictures?! So let him take pictures - Let's take another look at the garden, the house and let's go… Gentlemen, it was a pleasure, if anything, we would call each other, but probably not by the end of the year.

One pair of skis, two cross-country skis, ice skates, roller skates, a drill, a guitar (they just strummed on it), two music equipment, several laser printers, an older computer, a radio, valuable glass and porcelain, this did not interest them. But about 30 years old tennis rackets. With a maximum executory fine of 6x 100,000 CZK, they confiscated things worth about 10,000 CZK (they could confiscate things for about 100,000 CZK, but that would be a lot of work). Only to show off the house was superficially searched. The main ones were computers! They knew from my website that I was at the meeting of OS Mělník, and that I would never allow them to confiscate my working tools as a civil journalist. They took the computer, even though it had the owner's sticker. They took about 30 years old tennis rackets, on the video they are putting them in the bag, later on they changed their minds. They did not take the bicycle (it cannot be used to write). They didn't  open the heavy suitcases, just to weigh them? They kept moaning, "oh yo," normal people can't do that kind of work. They were interested in the documents and cards, but did not open the wallet with euros. They opened the lockers halfway… What they returned and what they stole, it is not recognizable from the video. I also lost data of incalculable value for 30 years of my work abroad and in the Czech Republic (I have already published over 11,000 articles in Czech, German, English and French). Backup disk with data was taken by my executor Mgr. Jan Beneš, he refused to release it, not even in exchange for a new one. When I came for my work tools the next day, he physically attacked me.

The camera does not capture the other two assistants -  I am missing some things (they are not where they were) - cassettes, flashlight, CDs, etc. They walked around the house without camera surveillance in other areas! What did they do for long minutes in my office full of documents, personal correspondence and without video control? They were interested in gilded watch more than PC. All this happened when the house was blocked, so the financial funds were secured! They were also not interested in PC speakers. They could not have known that I was a journalist and that working tools should not be seized by law. They picked up other things just for the sake of it. Their speech and clothing only complements the character. Václav Havel and the Dalai Lama were looking at it all from a photo above my desk…

Letna KSCM Sinagl 1.5.2005It is symbolic to see in the library on the video a book about Věra Časlavská (we worked together for years), Karel Kryl (we knew each other from exile, today he would certainly write a song about executors), Andrej Hryc (his daughter was liquidated by MM Agency as the director of Nová scéna), we also see my Sokol costume and Sokol boots, a photograph of the Czech Police intervention in Letná on May 1, 2005, when I was arrested for "disrupting" a communist meeting (Grebeníček called me a primitive. I won at the Constitutional Court), Sokol Luzern caps vote for yourself (list of my election meetings, when I ran for Občany.cz in the Chamber of Deputies in 2010, and a book about Andrej Babiš (14 interviews with celebrities).

I remember JUDr. Zdeněk Altner. An acquaintance of mine called me to say that his property was being confiscated from his office. Everything has already been labeled, including computers, the lawyer's working tools. I started taking photos and recording sound. The executors did not like that. I reminded them that they are public officials, that media censorship is forbidden, they are breaking the law and they are involved in this injustice. Dr. Nothing was confiscated from Altner. I felt ashamed and glad they were done. Let us hope that these crimes of the CSSD and the ODS, which bear the main responsibility for the creation of the law of execution in its criminal form, will be counted by voters in the elections. The CSSD will thus also have to go into execution or insolvency, the People's House will be auctioned off and the family of dr. Altner will receive compensation awarded by the court. The CSSD did everything to prevent this from happening.

In Germany, bailiffs are civil servants, professionally and morally at the rate. In our country, they have become private entrepreneurs with the powers of state institutions, without any control of professional, but above all moral qualities. They even have complete banking control. If you are in foreclosure or insolvency, they will block your account. If you create a new one, they are immediately notified. 

By the way, during the voluntary auction of my house in extreme need (debt 750,000 CZK, 850,000 CZK was paid with a reserve), the court did not recognize the auction, the executor did not return the money to the payer. The executor sent the state via OS Beroun 600,000 CZK for fines, which he always purposefully imposed on me in the maximum amount, so that he could stop my house as quickly as possible. Who received the remaining 250,000 CZK?

The state was thus paid for failing to prevent violations of fundamental human rights, to defend freedom of the press, and to give priority to the protection of the well-known privacy of public figures. I only disseminated public information to the general public, supplemented by the truth. Freedom of speech still has a high price in the Czech Republic - and it will have, because the Chamber of Deputies has just approved an amendment to the Enforcement Act, which remains toothless. Does the perpetration of these atrocities and crap on citizens and juveniles continue to be possible unless the Senate rectifies it?

My house is the seat of two associations, so their existence is also endangered. I do not know of anyone who would pay such a price for freedom of speech in the Czech Republic. I see it as an appreciation of my work and its need. Where there are no independent media and courts, we can forget about freedom and democracy.

My current situation: KS Prague approved my insolvency last year, now it has canceled it and ordered the auction of the house. I am preparing an appeal to the Supreme Court. It has no suspensive effect. The executor should wait for his decision to avoid any further damage. It is essential for me that I can continue to work full time in the hope that I will not be silenced in the fight for freedom of speech and my heart will continue to beat reliably after a heart attack and two heart surgeries and allow me to continue to "be and beat".


Today I received the auction notice: The auction of the house will start on June 9, 2021 at 10.00 am This obscene auction can only be attended by an uninformed person, a villain or a criminal. I will use all possibilities to inform the responsible persons and institutions of the country with a request for expedited action.


Jan Šinágl, 19.4.2021


Hong Kong media mogul and opposition activist Jimmi Lai was sentenced to 14 months for organizing pro-democracy protests in 2019. He faces further charges. A handwritten message from prison: "It is our duty as journalists to seek justice. Until an unjust temptation blinds us, until we allow evil to permeate us, we do our duty."


 "If all mankind had the same opinion and only one person disagreed, the majority would not have the slightest right to silence the individual. Like that individual, he would not have the right to silence the majority, even if he had the power to do so. "

John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) in his book "On Freedom."


"The greatest test of human bravery is when one is left alone."

Jules Werne


Seit Jahren helfe ich umsonst Tschechischer Republik hunderte Milionen Kronen zu retten - die „Belohnung“ ist die drohende Obdachlosigkeit!

Der Stand meines Vollstreckungsverfahrens. Die Verantwortungslosigkeit der Verantwortlichen und derer Handlungsunfähigkeit

Unterstützen Sie die Stimme der Freiheit und der Demokratie - in der Tschechischen Republik geht vor sich ein Kampf wie unter der kommunistichen Herrschaft!

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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