Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 19.04.2024 18:09
    Ve Zlínském kraji dnes chybí 3000 míst pro přestárlé lidi.


  • 19.04.2024 16:56
    Spione und Saboteure – Wladimir Putin zeigt, dass er in seinem ...


  • 18.04.2024 14:44
    Ministerstvo zahraničí daruje Ukrajině pět aut. Jedno pancéřované ...


  • 18.04.2024 10:42
    Soukromý vlastník zcizil veškerý svůj majetek. Justice je bez ...


  • 18.04.2024 08:11
    Včera mi jeden pán v Praze, sledující mé zpravodajství ...


  • 17.04.2024 19:23
    Zdravím Vás pane Šinágle, něco se děje. Ministr Blažek podal ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Srdce a penizeSlaughter aversA study published in the American Journal of Transplantation reviewed more than 120,000 Chinese-language publications on organ transplants and identified 71 papers in which doctors removed hearts and lungs from people for transplants without first performing a test to detect brain death. A total of 348 Chinese doctors, including surgeons, nurses and anesthesiologists from 56 Chinese hospitals, co-authored the papers.

In fact, in the Chinese publications highlighted in the study, the doctors claimed that the prisoners whose vital organs they harvested were dead. However, a detailed expert analysis of the information contained in the same publications shows that this could not have been the case.

World Organization to Investigate the Persecition of Falung Gong

HIV AIDS Test KitSome of these people are not experts, but they are awake and watching what's going on. If his assumption is correct, that the Canadian government is promoting and giving away 50,000 HIV tests. My question is why are they doing this? Do they know something? Are they seeing something in the data that is going to affect everyone who has taken the "so called" vaccine? I have watched many videos of doctors who are saying similar things. I would say that this video is a warning that we should pay attention to. If we start seeing experts start talking about this, then it could be a very seriousisme. 


Canada now giving out 50000 free HIV-AIDS tests. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Sky)

Women and young people are more susceptible to experiencing the side effects of the booster shot, a Health Ministry study showed.

Whole Article>

"Hundreds of millions of doses of these vaccines have been [administered], (and yet) we don't yet have a complete set of data on complications. Why? What is the scientific process?"

"Restrictive policies in response to the covid-19 disease pandemic have been largely unsuccessful, and we need to be held accountable for these 'destructive' measures," said Dr. Scott Atlas, former special advisor to former President Donald Trump on the coronavirus pandemic.

"What I heard and saw was the behavior of people who had no scientific papers with them at these meetings, no practical knowledge of the published literature," Atlas said. "It was the sort of behavior of a bureaucrat who was interested in covering for other bureaucrats and manipulating or working with the media to criticize people who had a different opinion - which was me."

Trump ClintonovaUS ex-President Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit against former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Democrats) and the man who compiled the infamous dossier on him. As it turned out during the investigation, the dossier was commissioned by the Clinton campaign to give the impression that Trump was working with Russia. The dossier also led the FBI to wiretap members of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign under Barack Obama (Democrats).

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Florida, alleges that Clinton and former British spy Christopher Steele, along with about 30 others, carried out a conspiracy to "orchestrate a false narrative" that Trump was colluding with Russian actors to undermine his presidential candidacy. (See the article for a large-scale infographic charting the major players in this affair. Whole Arcicle>

Mapa exekuci CR genocidaUpdated 24.3.2022: Reply to the bailiff Mgr. Jan Beneš I feel more and more like a Czech Alexey Navalny... There are 800,000 people in foreclosure in the Czech Republic! Politicians refuse to address this country-threatening problem. This criminal system was created under the ODS government so that politicians and their parties could profit from it!


The writ of execution, I received on 18.3.2022 in my data box. I can object within 8 days. Of the 11 pages of the Order, it is sufficient to read the last two. This is also the kind of "work" that some "people" can do for a living today. Two days after this article I recived Call to Compliance, according to final and enforceable decisions, from Mgr. Jana Gavlasová. Unfortunately, you can only reply to her mailbox for a financial fee. I know that the MM Agency and supporters of Helena Vondráčková diligently monitor this website (they negatively evaluate comments to articles almost constantly). Thus, I reply, "Ms. Gavlas, it is your right to challenge, as it is mine to defend your illegal actions. This is not your first challenge and certainly not your last."

I am afraid that she is the first bailiff who is demanding to pay twice for the same, verifiably settled case. I have already urged the Beroun Execution Court 3 times to resolve this absurd situation urgently. The matter will be decided by the Beroun OS Senate, chaired by Mgr. Markéta Lanzová.

"Taking into account the length of the enforcement order itself, which includes a total of 45 statements, the scope of the obligations imposed by the enforcement order and the amount and volume of individual evidence and internet links that the court will deal with as part of the evidence, it is obvious that the case requires adequate space to prepare for the oral hearing that will be ordered in the case. In view of that fact, it is therefore not possible to set a date for the time being by which the debtor's application for a stay of execution will be decided." Mgr. Markéta Lanzová, 9.3.2022

OSN lidska prava a povinnostiAny EU citizen can vote in the poll at this link. Comment period - 3 February 2022 - 8 April 2022.


My comment:

This is an obscene trade in health, at the expense of citizens, for the benefit of the pharma-industry and the structures connected to them behind the scenes. For example, PFIZER shares have risen by 2000% during the "pandemic" period! That says it all! Digital certificates in any form are losing their meaning. They would only be a continuation of this crime against humanity. The politicians of the various countries, including the leadership of the European Union, are complicit in it. The crimes committed, especially against children, belong to the category of war crimes! The European Commission should therefore urgently take appropriate action within its responsibilities, within its powers, to stop the continuation of this crime and the flagrant violation of the UN Universal Declaration of Fundamental Human Rights.


Jan Šinágl, 23 March 2022

Sodales Solonis, z.s.


McCrae GilbertI enclose herewith a letter from the wife of Mr. Gilbert Mc Cray, an American and a Briton. I have published many articles in his support - in English and German. This one is dated May 20, 2012, when Gilbert wrote to me from Valdice Prison. A shocking letter! It does not hurt to recall its contents, because judicial injustice continues to this day. J.Š.


... I have never wanted to talk much about my husband, so as not to hurt him, because I know the bias against him in the Czech judicial world. But now I am beginning to fight against all the injustices myself, because the injustice that the judicial authorities have used and are still using against him is unprecedented.

Benes Stalin Pravda viteziZaorane masove Hroby Geza Dunajzsky avers 2022Appendices to the human profile of President Edvard Beneš

This INTERVIEW interview with Mr. Geza Dunajzsky was broadcast on Kossuth Rádio on August 2, 2020 on the Sunday program Without Borders on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the publication of the Benes Decrees. The reporter was Mária Haják, radio correspondent in Bratislava - quote:

This aroused my interest in seeking an explanation of how someone could be - I can't find a better word now - such a scoundrel that he deceived all the superpowers, France, England and even the United States. The only one with whom he found great understanding from the beginning was the big Slavic brother, the Soviet Union, but I have the feeling from certain sources that even there they did not trust Benes very much.

It also turned out that the Soviets had reason not to trust him, because Benes was spying on them too. Now it is no secret that Benes was a double agent. He was passing information directly to Stalin in the Soviet Union about the upcoming decisions of the French and English governments, and in the same way he was supplying internal information about Stalin's plans to the French and English governments. Benes was thus a scoundrel of great calibre, who would also surely have won the Nobel Prize for Scoundrels for his diplomatic exploits. But was he really such a great diplomat that he deserved to have a statue of him in Prague's Hradčany? Because the fact is that his statue is there. But at what cost did he achieve it? The Czech people and nation should consider this more carefully, because it is a great shame for the Czech nation to have a statue of such a racist, war criminal as Edvard Beneš in Prague Castle. Full interview in Czech>

Zaorane masove Hroby Geza Dunajzsky avers 2022Benes Stalin Pravda viteziGéza Dunajszky The ploughed mass graves: 'Home defence and the destruction of the Carpathian Germans'- once again a terrifying read about us and our still silenced past...


I would like to remind you that the father of former First Lady Livia Klaus, Štefan Miština, was a member of the secret police of the Slovak state, i.e. the father-in-law of President Václav Klaus. He was personally involved in the confiscation of the property of Slovak Jews who subsequently ended up in Auschwitz. Livia Klaus never answered my questions - not even as the Czech ambassador to Slovakia.

-At the time of the 1930 census, there were 691 923 Hungarians and 3 123 568 Germans living in Czechoslovakia, of whom 155 000 were resident in Slovakia.

-It does not take much mathematical talent to work out why by 1950 only 6,259 of the 155,000 Carpathian Germans remained selected Slovak (Saxon) Germans. If we accept that "only" 32,450 people were displaced to present-day Germany, the number of people executed and killed in the fighting at that time is 116,291!

-If we also know that on 20 February 1946 there were still 62,643 people claiming German nationality in the concentration camps in Slovakia, and in 1950 there were only 6,259, then of the above number of persons (116,291) the number of persons later disappeared is close to 24,000 (23,934). This means that these people did not lose their lives in the fighting, but after the war. It was only in peacetime that they fell victim to the Czech nationalist attitude of President Beneš's government. These Carpathian Germans disappeared between 3 April 1945 and 31 October 1947 in 107 concentration camps in Slovakia!