Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 24.04.2024 10:01
    Odsouzený kriminálník Maxim Ponomarenko opět podniká v ...


  • 24.04.2024 09:00
    Dobrý den vážený pane Šinágle, obracím se na Vás, protože ...


  • 24.04.2024 07:47
    Předpokládám, že paní Gavlasové a jejím klientům bylo zveřejněním ...


  • 20.04.2024 12:42
    Mgr. Jana Gavlasová, advokát, Západní 449, 253 03 Chýně ...


  • 19.04.2024 18:09
    Ve Zlínském kraji dnes chybí 3000 míst pro přestárlé lidi.


  • 19.04.2024 16:56
    Spione und Saboteure – Wladimir Putin zeigt, dass er in seinem ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Navalnyj Alexej IIIRuka a krevDirector Daniel Rother asks Navalny what is his message to his supporters in case he is killed?

"If that happened, it means that we are unusually strong at the moment, since they decided to kill me. We must use that strength. Don't give up, remember that we are a huge force that the bad guys are oppressing just because we fail to realize how strong we really are. The inaction of good people is all it takes to defeat evil. That is why we cannot remain inactive."


Russia's brutal ruler Putin is liquidating his opponents in ways worse than Hitler. What does the West want more!  Will it respond again with innumerable, toothless statements, or will it finally act in a way that will affect Russia perceptibly, not only for the sake of the West, but also for the sake of the people of Russia and Ukraine? This is a clear declaration of implacable war on the West, where Russia is not afraid of it because of its previous toothlessness. Human beasts respect only brute force. Respect for the principles of freedom and democracy does not threaten Russia at all ! JŠ

FF UK strelec a vrah 12 2023Archbishop Graubner of Prague laid a rose at the funeral mass for the innocent victims and the perpetrator. He thought more deeply than most shallow-minded society, including media. No one is born a murderer, society makes him one.

Almost anything can be leaked from police files, but two letters the perpetrator was supposed to have written still can't? The original letter of Jan Palach was also discovered years later? The only thing that has appeared in the media is his sentence, "Nobody likes me." In this sentence is quite possibly hidden the answer to the question WHY? Why didn't his surroundings, institutions, of which we have many, react? What do the police intend to investigate for months? With today's technology and information known before the act, the tragedy could have been prevented with a high probability. I am not surprised that the report of the intervention was blacked out by the MPs in no small part.

The police are full of generals with titles, hundreds of laws, regulations and rules, but without capable leadership it's all useless. An example of its incompetence was the action of two men in front of the Government Office. They arrived calmly with manure, they threw it around with one policeman watching. Only when the mound was empty did an armed police unit arrive. In Switzerland, or in other developed countries, the perpetrators wouldn't even get out of the car. 

On 19.1.2024 I took the midnight train from Prague to Beroun. Suddenly two policemen rushed into the train between the quiet passengers, the second one holding the first one by the collar from behind? I asked what was going on? "I'm giving him cover" was the reply. After a short conversation and my questions "on the body", they shut up and proceeded to "eliminate the terrorist". Apparently a midnight drill on the theme of "eliminating a terrorist on a train". I was surprised they were talking to me during the "intervention"? Police manuals and handbooks will need to be updated...

Capka Vaclav VS OlomoucBochnakova Jana JUDr... Two members of the judicial guard stood outside the entrance to courtroom 207 and refused to allow independent journalist Jan Šinágl and KTV Live representative Ivan Smetana into the courtroom, both of whom have been following the case of Mr Jan Karas for a long time. The argument of the judicial guards present, with regard to not being allowed into the courtroom, was that they should write to the president of the court. ...

The whole SUBJECT of the Solomon Society (23.1.2024). RESPONSE by JUDr. Václav Čapek, President of the High Court in Olomouc (13.2.2024).

A clearer submission could not have been made. The President of the Court did not understand at all that the merits of the case are not the prohibition of making an audio recording, but the non-admission to the courtroom on the assumption that something might happen? Thus, it cannot impose a fine of up to CZK 50,000 for anything. Nevertheless, there is "progress by one step". Under totalitarianism, one was sent to prison for "presumption of criminality". I have not yet received a reply to my SUBMISSION on the matter (29.1.2024) to the hands of the Minister of Justice, JUDr. Pavel Blažek. This is an attack on the media, journalists, freedom of speech, the press and the public's right to information, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Czech Republic!


OS Ostrava 23.1.2024: Judicial injustice against the innocent, the public and journalists

Capi hnizdoThe nephew of his uncle asks a member of parliament, "How does one become a successful politician?" "It takes a lot of self-denial. "What about after those seven years?" "You get used to it." (from the article "Of wolves and howling. Why decent people don't want to go into politics")


In the book "30 Years Under Oath", Robert Šlachta refers to the police officer Nevtípil, nicknamed "Nafta", as a man for dirty work, who also investigated the case of the Stork's Nest. He was subsequently promoted and dismissed.

Full article in Czech>


"God gave us the tongue to cover the thought. It depends on whether we have one. If we have none, or if we have quite another, it doesn't matter. God gave us a tongue." Anonymous


Prof. František Koukolík tells us in an understandable way how sheepish we are and how blatheringis worse than lying. The author agrees with Josef Fousek who says: "If you want to rule (govern) someone, you have to reach out to the stupid, the comfortable, the indulgent, the lazy, the lazy to read and remember - there are more of them!" Such are easy to manipulate and exploit. That's why what happens in our country happens. It all starts with upbringing, education and personal example. JŠ


Ralph Keyes in his book on the post-truth era, the dishonesty of deception in contemporary life has pointed out the blurring of the lines between truth and lies. He speaks of the hyped-up truth, the untruth, the soft truth, the easy truth, the ambiguous statements that are not the truth but not yet a full lie. Deception has become a way of life. D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States said, "An intellectual is a man who makes up more words than are necessary to convey more than he knows."

Robert Schiller, Nobel Laureate in Economics (2013), "One cannot afford too much morality or one will be swept away by the ruthless force of capitalism... Only those who are willing to cheat can survive... Cheaters are not immoral per se, they are merely reacting to reality as it is... They need above all to make a profit, and they face great competition... If someone cheats others, you have to do it too... Capitalism encourages fraud if you don't regulate it."

Scientific fraud is common, some with disastrous consequences. Blabbing in science is common.