Newsletter No. 42/2015

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středa 8. květen 2024 20:53

Prague-Olšany 8.11.2015: Remember Day

RD avers 081115We have come together today to remember those who died in Service of their country. We RD revers 081115remember especially those men from all parts of the Commonwealth - from Australia, Canada, Cyprus, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa and the United Kingdom who are buried here. We remember also those from Poland who rest with them and the many Czechs and Slovaks who were comrades in arms and who died in the common cause of freedom and humanity. Let us remember them before God.

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My starring role in Russian propaganda

Putin propagandaReflections on brush ups with Moscow’s misinformation machine.

By  Elena Servettaz 

PARIS — Early one morning a few weeks ago, my phone started to ring like crazy. Every few minutes, messages from colleagues all over the world flashed on the screen: “Is it true?”; “Did he really say that?”; “Can you confirm?”; “Will you go on air for us?” they asked. I was surprised, and confused — I was on vacation and had not recorded an interview that week at Radio France Internationale (RFI), where I currently work.

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Documentation portal on the Czechoslovak State security

StBThe purpose of this bilingual Czech-English website run by the Platform of European Memory and Conscience is to present the structure and function of the Communist security services to the international public, media and institutions. The example of former Czechoslovakia was chosen, with an emphasis on the period 1969-1989. The security services were an important element of the Communist dictatorships in the Soviet Union and the entire Eastern bloc. After the fall of the Communist regime, their records were gradually de-classified and made accessible for the public to study in most post-Communist countries. It is not possible to gain a complete understanding of the history of the second half of the 20th century without an understanding of the functioning of the totalitarian secret services.

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Double inheritance

Any concession offered to Russia results in more territorial demands. 

Territorial power grasp and forceful spread of influence of Mongolian Empire reached in 12-15 centuries all the way to Russia. Three centuries of Mongolian rule left its mark on the Russian mentality as we can clearly see today. During the rule of the Czars, Russia usurped 17 smaller neighbor states. Its independence lost five bigger states in Central Asia – Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tadzhikistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizstan. In the Kavkaz area, three former independent states – Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia  were usurped. In the west Baltic See area, three other states lost their freedom – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Same fate met states in the Eastern Europe – Byelorussia and Ukraine. On the North, Easter Karelia was usurped at first as a Soviet Republic, and later incorporated as a firm part of the USSR.       

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Eine Fußnote zum Satzungsstreit:

Kurzinfo über Gespräch mit dem deutschen Botschafter in Prag, Dr. Arndt Freiherr Freytag von Loringhoven, am 04.11.2015, 11.00 Uhr, im Kuppelsaal der Botschaft.

Die Teilnehmer an der Besuchsfahrt bildeten einen großen Kreis, am oberen Ende der Botschafter, Lm. Hörtler und Lm. Kipplinger. Zum Schluss gab es noch eine kurze Fragerunde:

Wortmeldung Slezak: „Herr Botschafter, wir Sudetendeutschen sind eine besondere Besuchergruppe, denn wir waren hier zu Hause und wurden vertrieben. Die Vertreibung ist aber immer noch nicht aufgearbeitet, die Dekrete noch in Kraft. Als Bezirksobmann werde ich immer häufiger von jungen Landsleuten wie folgt gefragt: „Mein Opa hatte einen Bauernhof, Brauerei Gasthof usw., deren Erbe ich wäre. Wie und wo kann ich meine Rechte geltend machen.“ Würden Sie, Herr Botschafter, das Anliegen dieser jungen Landsleute unterstützen?“

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Offener Brief an die Kommandeure der Bundeswehr

Von einem Mutbürger

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Deutschland ist sichtlich in einer Notlage und treibt weiter in einen absehbar katastrophalen Zustand hinein. Um zu dieser Ansicht zu gelangen genügt es vollständig, sich der täglichen Lektüre der Tageszeitung zu widmen. Das Volk bittet Sie, nehmen Sie ihren Auftrag der Landesverteidigung ernst!

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Phänomen Bruno Groening

Groening BrunoWir wissen viel über Technik, aber über einen Menschen, weit weniger. Ich habe keinen Zweifel, dass mit der Karft des Geistes kann ein Mensch die Kräfte in dem zweiten Menschen zu wecken, die erfolgreich dort sind, wo die moderne Medizin versagt. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst und sehen Sie die beiden kurzen Video an. J.Š.3.11.2015

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Phenomenon Bruno Groening

Groening BrunoWe know a lot about technology, but about a man far less. I have no doubt that the power of the spirit can awaken the forces of one person in the other person. These forces are heading, where modern medicine fails. Judge for yourself and see the both short videos. J.Š.3.11.2015 

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